STC'99 Lectures


Speakers please note: invited lectures should last at most 40 minutes,
i.e., please allow at least 5 minutes for discussion !

H1    B. A. Heß, Erlangen (Mon 09:00-09:45)
          Relativistic Electronic Structure Calculations for Molecules

H2    U. Kaldor, Tel Aviv (Mon 09:45-10:30)
          High-Accuracy Calculations for Heavy and Super-Heavy Elements
          (html, ps.gz)

H3    T. Saue, Toulouse (Mon 14:00-14:45)
          Four-component Relativistic Molecular Calculations at Work
          (gif, ps.gz)

H4    L. Visscher, Amsterdam (Mon 14:45-15:30)
          Relativistic Calculation of Magnetic Properties of Molecules
          (html, ps.gz)

H5    E. J. Baerends, Amsterdam (Tue 09:00-09:45)
          The Zero-order Regular Relativistic Approach for Bonding in Heavy-element Compounds
          (html, ps.gz)

H6    N. Rösch, München (Tue 09:45-10:30)
          The Douglas-Kroll-Hess Approach to the Dirac-Kohn-Sham Problem.
          Methodological Aspects and Applications
          (html, ps.gz)

H7    P. Pyykkö, Helsinki (Wed 09:00-09:45)
          Closed-shell Interactions in Heavy-Element Compounds
          (html, ps.gz)

H8    H. Schwarz, Berlin (Wed 09:45-10:30)
          Bond Activation by 'Naked' Transition-Metal Cations:
          Experiment and Theory in Concert
          (gif, ps.gz)

H9    W. H. E. Schwarz, Siegen (Wed 14:00-14:45)
          Theoretical and Interpretative Paradoxa of Different Relativistic Approximations
          (html, ps.gz)

H10  C. Teichteil, Toulouse (Wed 14:45-15:30)
          A New Two-step Uncontracted Determinantal SO-CI Method
          (html, ps.gz)

H11  P. Schwerdtfeger, Auckland (Thu 09:00-09:45)
          The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements
          (html, ps.gz)

H12  W. Kutzelnigg, Bochum (Thu 09:45-10:30)
          Quasidegenerate relativistic direct perturbation theory
          and effective Hamiltonians for electrons
          (html, ps.gz)


Speakers please note: contributed lectures should last at most 25 minutes,
i.e., please allow at least 5 minutes for discussion !

K1    C. M. Marian, Bonn (Mon 11:00-11:30)
          On the Performance of No-pair Ab-initio Model Potentials
          (gif, ps.gz)

K2    M. Reiher, Erlangen (Mon 11:30-12:00)
          Self-consistent Treatment of the Frequency-independent Breit Interaction
          in Atomic Structure Calculations
          (gif, ps.gz)

K3    A.Heidenreich Tel Aviv (Mon 12:00-12:30)
          Pump-probe Simulations of XeArN Clusters 
          (gif, ps.gz)

K4    M. Hanrath, Bonn (Mon 16:00-16:30)
          Individually Selecting MR-CI and MR-Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory:
          Method and Applications
          (gif, ps.gz)

K5    W. Wenzel, Dortmund (Mon 16:30-17:00)
          Massively Parallel Implementation of MRD-CI
          (gif, ps.gz)

K6    R. Gdanitz, Braunschweig (Mon 17:00-17:30)
          Accurately Solving the Electronic Schrödinger Equation of Small Atoms and Molecules
          Using Explicitly Correlated r12-MR-ACPF
          (gif, ps.gz)

K7    H.-J. Flad, Leipzig (Mon 17:30-18:00)
          Quantum Monte Carlo: Solving the Schrödinger Equation by Chance
          (gif, ps.gz)

K8    A. Görling, Garching (Tue 11:00-11:30)
          A New Generation of Kohn-Sham Methods for Molecules
          Based on the Exact Kohn-Sham Exchange Potential
          (gif, ps.gz)

K9    M. Kaupp, Stuttgart (Tue 11:30-12:00)
          DFT Calculations of Magnetic Resonance Parameters for Heavy-Element Compounds
          (gif, ps.gz)

K10  B. Hartke, Stuttgart (Tue 12:00-12:30)
          An Efficient and Reliable Method for Global Geometry Optimization
          of Atomic and Molecular Clusters
          (gif, ps.gz)

K11  V. Kellö, Bratislava (Wed 11:00-11:30)
          Electron Correlation and Relativistic Contributions to Atomic
          and Molecular Electric Properties
          (gif, ps.gz)

K12  N.N. (Wed 12:00-12:30)
          (this talk will be given by the winner of the Hans-Hellmann prize)

K13  M. Lewerenz, Paris (Wed 16:00-16:30)
          Weakly Bound Quantum Many Body Systems:
          3He and Metal Atoms Attached to Clusters of 4He
          (gif, ps.gz)

K14  T. Strassner, Garching (Wed 16:30-17:00)
          Oxidation of Alkenes with Chromylchloride
          (gif, ps.gz)

K15  K. Schmidt, New Orleans (Thu 11:00-11:30)
          Relativistic Effects in Quasi-one-dimensional Systems of Metal Atoms
          (gif, ps.gz)

K16  L. v. Szentpaly, Kingston (Thu 11:30-12:00)
          Valence State Atoms in Molecules and Universal Scaling of RKR Potential Curves
          (gif, ps.gz)

K17  G. Jansen, Düsseldorf (Thu 12:00-12:30)
          Electron Correlation Effects on First-Order Intermolecular Interaction
          Energies from Brueckner Orbitals
          (gif, ps.gz)

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Talks    Posters    Hans Hellmann Preis    Excursion    Travel Information    Freiberg Bus+Taxi   
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Dr. M. Dolg (MPI-PKS Dresden),
Prof. Dr. J. Fabian (TU Dresden),
Prof. Dr. H. Hartmann (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)

STC99, Mrs. K. Lantsch, Visitors Program, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme,
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany


last update 27.08.1999 by fs