Oral presentations of posters are taking place on Monday, September 24

For the poster presentation we have reserved a special plenary session on Monday afternoon, where all posters can be presented/advertised in _very_ short 2-3 minutes mini-talks. Please prepare only one, at most two transparencies. The actual poster session will take place on Monday evening.
For each poster presentation one poster wall will be available.
These poster walls have the following size (don't feel obliged to really fill it):
Width: 97cm
Height: 250cm
Posters can be put up for the full duration of the workshop. Discussions during the breaks are encouraged.

Poster session 
Name Poster title
Nils Becker DNA shape as a Brownian path on the Euclidean group
Rainer BischofQuantum Monte Carlo investigation of quantum phase transitions of mixed Heisenberg spin chains
Viktoria Blavatska Self-avoiding walks on fractals: scaling laws
Igor Bogolubsky Stable extended string-vortex solitons: new results
Juraj Bohacik Gelfand-Yaglom equation for Wiener functional integral with fourth order term
Jürgen BosseDensity excitations of weakly interacting Bose gas
Petr Braun Semiclassical theory of chaotic conductors
Maria Victoria Carpio-Bernido White noise path integrals and some applications
Diego Cirilo-Lombardo Quantum particle on a Mobius strip, coherent states and projection operators
Daniel Cremer Precision results from improved Borel summation of critical exponents and amplitude ratios of the d=3, n=2 universality class
Alain Moise Dikande A dynamic self-consistent mean-field theory for quantum fluctuations based on the functional integral formalism
Stephan Eule A path integral approach to continuous time random walks
Oleksandr FialkoInteracting bosons in an optical lattice: Bose-Einstein condensates and Mott insulator
Christian Hagendorf Field theory of the RNA glass transition
Sigmund HellerStochastic field equations for a finite Bose gas
Ben KlünderCritical temperature of dirty bosons
Aristeu LimaSpinor Fermi Gases
Thomas Neuhaus Monte Carlo determination of the caloric specific~heat in the 2d Potts model
Andreas Nussbaumer Evaporation / condensation of Ising droplets
Jaroslaw Paturej Description of the dynamics of a random chain with rigid constraint in the path integral framework
Lev Prokhorov On the nature of the cosmological constant
Steffen RöthelDensity and stability in ultracold dilute boson-fermion mixtures
Moritz SchütteBECs with 1/r interatomic interaction
Andreas SinnerFunctional renormalization group in the broken symmetry phase
Ivana VidanovicSystematic speedup of many-body path integral calculations
Bartlomiej WaclawMonte Carlo methods for generation of random graphs
Viktor ZharkovPath integral description of metal-insulator phase transition in Hubbard model

For further information please e-mail to: pi07@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de