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International Workshop and Seminar
Dynamics on Complex Networks and Applications

February 06, - March 03, 2006

Scientific coordinators:
Jürgen Kurths (Universität Potsdam, Germany)
Manuel A. Matías (Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Spain)
Adilson E. Motter (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

Marita Schneider (MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)

Complex networks serve as natural models for a variety of systems, with examples ranging from cell biology and epidemiology over earthquakes and climate to the Internet. There is now a rapidly developing science of complex networks that has as an essential underpinning a strong interaction among different disciplines and between theory and applications. Many of these applications, such as to metabolic, social and technological networks, are in the foreground of scientific research. This research has been fueled by the discovery of universal structural properties in real-world networks and the theoretical understanding of evolutionary laws governing the emergence of these properties. Along with the study of purely structural and evolutionary properties, there has been an increasing interest in the interplay between the dynamics and the structure of complex networks. Network problems in traditional areas such as epidemic spreading, traffic congestion, cascading failures, and synchronization of coupled oscillators, are just in the forefront of the current research on network dynamics. Now, the study of dynamical phenomena on complex networks is a fast growing and promising area of interdisciplinary research in both theory and applications. The aim of this meeting is to bring together researchers from the areas of nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, and biological sciences to foster this very interesting area of research. The four-week meeting is centered around a one-week Workshop (February 13 - 17), featuring the latest progresses in network dynamics, preceded by a one-week School with lectures aiming at students and researchers entering the field. The remaining two weeks will focus on specific topics of network dynamics and applications, respectively. Main topics will include the collective dynamics of coupled oscillators, diffusion processes, network synchronization, cascading failures, flows, transport, epidemic spreading, and various other dynamical processes taking place on networked biological, social and technological systems as well as the networks emerging from the dynamics of these systems.

List of invited speakers:
J.S. Bader (USA), A.-L. Barabási* (USA), G. Bianconi (Italy)
B. Blasius (Germany), E.M. Bollt (USA), S. Bornholdt* (Germany)
G. Caldarelli* (Italy), L.F. Costa (Brazil), J. Davidsen (UK)
V.M. Eguíluz (Spain), M. Ghil (France), P. Hänggi (Germany)
M. Hasler (Switzerland), S. Havlin (Israel), J. Jost (Germany)
Y.-C. Lai (USA), J.F.F. Mendes (Portugal), A.P.S. de Moura (Brazil)
T. Nishikawa (USA), E. Ott (USA), M. Paczuski (UK),
L.M. Pecora* (USA), A. Politi* (Italy), S. Redner (USA)
M.S. Miguel (Spain), S.A. Solla (USA), M. Timme* (USA)
Z. Toroczkai (USA), A. Vespignani (USA), D.H. Zanette (Argentina)
M. Zápotocký (Germany), C.S. Zhou (Germany)

* to be confirmed

Applications for participation and poster contributions are welcome and should be made by using the application form on the workshop web page (see web page below). Deadline for applications is October 31, 2005. The number of attendees is limited. The registration fee for the workshop/seminar is 100 Euro. Costs for the accommodation and meals will partially be covered by the Max Planck Institute. In exceptional cases, funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

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