Arnold M. Kosevich | Franz G. Mertens
Institute for Low Temperature Physics | Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bayreuth
Kharkov, Ukraine | Bayreuth, Germany |
Many modern materials used in technological applications
(electronics, optics, magneto-electronics, magneto- switching,
high-Tc superconductors etc.) possess layered or
quasi-two-dimensional structures. These materials exhibit
mechanical, thermodynamical and dynamical properties which
are intrinsic to their low-dimensional structures. Some peculiarities
of the thermodynamics of 2D systems have been studied in detail
theoretically and experimentally and are now well-known as basic
phenomena (for example, the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition).
Many other nonlinear effects in 2D systems are presently studied
and arouse growing interest.
The workshop in the second week will be a conference with invited
lectures and poster presentations. During the seminar in the first
and third week the participants will work in small groups, giving
informal talks, carrying on theoretical research, and discussing
recent experimental results.
The main topics of the workshop are:
I. Barashenkov | (Cape Town) |
H. Benner | (Darmstadt) |
A. R. Bishop | (Los Alamos) |
M. Bogdan | (Kharkov) |
I. Bogolubsky | (Dubna) |
A. B. Borisov | (Ekaterinburg) |
N. Cooper | (Birmingham) |
Y. Gaididei | (Kiev) |
A. Ghazali | (Paris) |
M. E. Gouvêa | (Belo Horizonte) |
B. Ivanov | (Kiev) |
V. V. Kiselev | (Ekaterinburg) |
Y. Kivshar | (Canberra) |
S. Komineas | (Bayreuth) |
Y. A. Kosevich | (Moscow) |
A. S. Kovalev | (Kharkov) |
S. de A. Leonel | (Juiz de Fora) |
I. Mokhun | (Chernivtsy) |
A. O. Omelyanchouk | (Kharkov) |
N. Papanicolaou | (Heraklion) |
J. Richter | (Magdeburg) |
A. Sánchez | (Madrid) |
A. Saxena | (Los Alamos) |
M. S. Soskin | (Kiev) |
J. Tranquada | (Upton) |
C. Weiss | (Braunschweig) |
G. Wysin | (Kansas State) |
H. Zabel | (Bochum) |
W. Zakrzewski | (Durham) |
C. Zaspel | (Montana State) |
Participation is mainly by invitation. Nevertheless, additional applications
will also be considered. Application forms are available upon request or on
the conference web page. The registration fee for the workshop is DM
150. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck
Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems. Limited funding to partially
cover travel expenses is available upon request.