International seminar and workshop on
The Physics of Turbulence
Dresden, Germany
Seminar: July 20 - August 1, 1998
Workshop: August 3 - August 7, 1998
Scientific Coordinators:
R. Friedrich and J. Peinke
Turbulence is still one of the major challenges in classical physics. A successful understanding of turbulent flows requires applications of methods of statistical physics, dynamic systems theory, field theory as well as carrying out and interpreting appropriate experiments.
The aim of the seminar is to provide for young scientists a pedagogical introduction into the subject of fully developed turbulence. The following topics will be considered:
Turbulent flows and dynamic systems
Phenomenological theories of the turbulent cascade
Statistical methods.
Lectures will be held during the morning sessions. The
afternoons will be reserved for discussions, seminars as well as own research
activities. Computing facilities and data sets of turbulent flows will
be provided for the participants to gain
immediate experience in the analysis of turbulence.
The subsequent workshop is devoted the presentation of recent progress
in the topics considered during the seminar.
Preliminary List of Seminar and Workshop Speakers:
F.H. Busse (Bayreuth)
B. Castaing (Grenoble)
P. Comte (Grenoble)
Y. Couder (Paris)
S. Ciliberto (Lyon)
F. Chilla (Lyon)
H. Clercx (Eindhoven)
H. Eckelmann (Göttingen)
H.E. Fiedler (Berlin)
R. Grauer (Düsseldorf)
M. Greiner (Dresden)
S. Großmann (Marburg)
H. Haken (Stuttgart)
J. Honerkamp (Freiburg)
F. Kwasniok (Hamburg)
D. Lohse (Marburg)
A. Muramatsu (Stuttgart)
A. Naert (Kyoto)
I. Procaccia (Rehovot)
D. Schertzer (Paris)
A. Tilgner (Bayreuth)
D.J. Tritton (Newcastle)
A. Tsinober (Tel Aviv)
A. M. Yaglom (Princeton)
Deadline for applications is May 15th, 1998