Vladimir I. Falko | Alexey Tsvelik |
Lancaster University, UK | Oxford University. UK |
The aim of this seminar is to bring together, on one side, researchers with expertise in disordered systems and, on the other side, specialists in non-perturbative techniques. There are several areas where this collaboration is likely to be fruitful. These ones include applications of conformal field theory to disordered systems in a critical regime (the plateau transitions in quantum Hall effect), the sigma model description of mesoscopic phenomena and correlated electron systems.
I. Aleiner | (SUNY-Stony Brook, USA) | V. Kravtsov | (ICTP-Trieste, Italy) | |
A. Altland | (Bochum, Germany) | I. Lerner | (Brimingham, UK) | |
B. Altshuler | (Princeton, USA) | A. Ludwig | (Santa Barbara, USA) | |
I. Beloborodov | (Bochum, Germany) | J. Meyer | (Bochum, Germany) | |
N. Bhaseen | (Oxford, UK) | Yu. Nazarov | (Delft, Netherlands) | |
J.-S. Caux | (Oxford, UK) | L. Pryadko | (Princeton, USA) | |
N. Cooper | (Birmingham, UK) | M. Pustilnik | (Copenhagen, Denmark) | |
K. Efetov | (Bochum, Germany) | N. Reed | (Yale, USA) | |
H. Frahm | (Hannover, Germany) | B. Simons | (Cambridge, UK) | |
R. Gade | (Augsburg, Germany) | S. Sondhi | (Princeton, USA) | |
Yu. Galperin | (Oslo, Norway) | D. Taras-Semchuk | (Cambridge, UK) | |
L. Glazman | (Minneapolis, USA) | I. Yurkevich | (Birmingham, UK) | |
A. Green | (Cambridge, UK) | M. Zirnbauer | (Köln, Germany) | |
A. Gurarie | (ITP Santa Barbara, USA) | |||
A. Kamenev | (Technion-Haifa, Israel) |
Applications for participation should be sent to the address below. Participation is mainly by invitation. The registration fee is DM 150. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max-Planck-Institute. In exceptional cases, limited funding is available to partly cover travel expenses.
For further information and application forms please contact:
Visitors Program
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme,
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden
Tel.: +49-351-871-2105 / Fax: +49-351-871-2199