Seminar: March 13 - April 20, 2000
Workshop: March 23 - 28, 2000
Focus meetings (correlation and relativity): April 6 - 11, 2000
Scientific Coordinators:
Christoph H. Keitel | Peter L. Knight | Jan-Michael Rost |
University of Freiburg | Imperial College |
MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems
Freiburg, Germany | London, United Kingdom | Dresden, Germany |
In recent years laser technology has made tremendous progress and the
interaction of matter with light of extremely short pulse duration and high
intensity has become available. These regimes of radiation are comparable to the electromagnetic
pulse created by a highly charged and fast ion beam.
This workshop/seminar shall bring together specialists from these three areas
in order to assess common interests and phenomena and to provide the
opportunity for a closer contact between the hitherto rather separate
communities of researchers working with (a) short femtosecond laser pulses as
a diagnostic tool for the dynamics of matter, (b) intense laser pulses which
modify the dynamics of matter nonperturbatively, (c) highly charged ions to
probe target properties. The workshop with 60 - 70 participants will be
organized in partnership with the Sonderforschungsbereich 276 at the
University of Freiburg. The talks are planned to cover the status in the three
areas (a - c) mentioned above, theoretically as well as experimentally.
Andreas Becker | Bielefeld, Germany |
Wilhelm Becker | Berlin, Germany |
Ali Belkacem | Berkeley, USA |
Thomas Brabec | Vienna, Austria |
Phil H. Bucksbaum | Ann Arbor, USA |
Paul B. Corkum | Ottawa, Canada |
Todd Ditmire | Livermore, USA |
Reinhard Dörner | Frankfurt/M., Germany |
Martin Dörr | Berlin, Germany |
Jörg Eichler | Berlin, Germany |
Farhad H. M. Faisal | Bielefeld, Germany |
Carla Faria | Dresden, Germany |
Bernold Feuerstein | Freiburg, Germany |
Hartmut Figger | Garching, Germany |
Rainer Grobe | Normal, USA |
Hellmut Haberland | Freiburg, Germany |
Hanspeter Helm | Freiburg, Germany |
Suxing Hu | Berlin, Germany |
Dorin Ionescu | Darmstadt, Germany |
Mikhail Ivanov | Heidelberg, Germany |
Charles J. Joachain | Brussels, Belgium |
Ferenc Krausz | Wien, Austria |
Niels Kylstra | Durham, UK |
Ken W. D. Ledingham | Glasgow, U. K. |
Alfred Maquet | Paris, France |
David D. Meyerhofer | Rochester, USA |
Dejan Milosevic | Berlin, Germany |
Peter A. Norreys | Rutherford Lab, U. K. |
Robert Potvliege | Durham, UK |
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard | Erlangen, Germany |
Howard Reiss | Washington, USA |
Alejandro Saenz | Garching, Germany |
Wolfgang Sandner | MBI Berlin, Germany |
Martin Schmidt | CEA, France |
Rüdiger Schmidt | Dresden, Germany |
Reinhold Schuch | Stockholm, Sweden |
Gerhard Soff | Dresden, Germany |
Thomas Stöhlker | GSI Darmstadt, Germany |
Ken Taylor | Belfast, UK |
Josef Tiggesbäumker | Rostock, Germany |
Joachim Ullrich | Freiburg, Germany |
Markus Walser | Freiburg, Germany |
Applications for participation should be sent to the address
below. Application forms are available upon request or on the conference web
page. The workshop's registration fee is DM 70. Costs for accommodation and
lunch will be covered by the Max Planck Institute. In exceptional cases,
limited funding is available to partly cover travel expenses.