Wilhelm Becker, R. Kopold, and D. B. Milosevic
Quantum trajectories in above-threshold ionization and high-harmonic
Thomas Brabec
Attosecond pulse measurement and applications - theory
Paul Corkum
Timed coulomb explosion imaging
Todd Ditmire
Studies of intense laser driven coulomb explosions in large clusters and
applications to deuterium nuclear fusion
Reinhard Dörner
Correlated electron emssion in strong field double ionisation
Farhad Faisal and Andreas Becker
Interplay of intense-field interaction and electron-correlation in
laser induced double and multiple ionization
Berold Feuerstein
Nonsequential multiple ionization in intense laser pulses: Interpretation of
Nen+ ion momentum distributions within a classical ?rescattering model?
Hellmut Haberland
Excitation of sodium clusters in (not so extreme) fs-laser
Hanspeter Helm
Multiphoton Fragmentation of H2+ at 800 nm
Suxing Hu and Christoph Keitel
Multiple charged ions in intense laser fields
Dorin Ionescu
Dynamics of atomic processes in very strong electromagnetic fields
Mikhail Ivanov
Finite-difference calculations for atoms and simple diatomic molecules in strong magnetic and static electric fields
Charles Joachain
Relativistic effects in laser-atom interactions
Niels Kylstra
Stabilization in short, intense, high-frequency laser pulses:
non-adiabatic effects and the breakdown of the dipole approximation
Ken Ledingham
Lasers split the atom
Alfred Maquet
Atomic processes in ultra-intense fields
David Meyerhofer
Physics at extreme laser intensities: nonlinear QED
Paul-Gerhard Reinhard
Cluster dynamics - laser excitation versus ionic collisions
Rüdiger Schmidt and Thomas Kunert
Dynamics of atomic clusters in intense laser fields
Gerhard Soff
Test of QED in the strong electromagnetic fields of highly charged ions
Thomas Stöhlker
Strong field effects on the structure and the dynamics of high-Z ions
Josef Tiggesbäumker
Small metal clusters in intense laser fields
Joachim Ullrich
Multiple ionization dynamics in extreme fields: From Atto- to Femtoseconds