Final Program

   Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday   

8:00 -   9:00  Registration         
9:00 - 10:00   Plenary Talk
H.D.I. Abarbanel
Plenary Talk
E. Ben-Jacob
Plenary Talk
S. Rahmstorf
MS FRI 1-3
    9:00 - 11:00
10:00 - 10:30   coffee  
10:30 - 12:30   Minisymposia
MS TUE 1-3
MS WED 1-3
Contributed talks
CS THU 1-3
  coffee   11:00 - 11:30
  Contributed talks
CS FRI 1-3
  11:30 - 12:30
12:30 - 14:00   lunch Plenary Talk
F. Varela
  12:30 - 13:30
  lunch   13:30 -
14:00 - 15:00   Plenary Talk
B. Fiedler
Poster Session Plenary Talk
H. Hinrichsen
15:00 - 16:00   Plenary Talk
C. Beenakker
Plenary Talk
J. Keating
16:00 - 16:30   coffee
16:30 - 17:30   Minisymposia
MS TUE 4-6
Plenary Talk
D. Lohse
MS THU 1-3
17:30 - 18:30   Plenary Talk
I. Rehberg
18:30 -   Buffet
Poster Session
Poster Session

Plenary talks

Henry D.I. Abarbanel
(San Diego)

Tuesday, 9-10h
Nonlinear Dynamics of Small Networks of Neurons
Working from observations in our laboratory of the membrane voltage of neurons in a biological control circuit in the digestive system of the lobster, we have determined the number of degrees of freedom of neural oscillations ofr isolated neurons. We have built numerical and analog electronic versions of a neuron model in four dimensions and tested it in various ways using configurations identical to those we can create among biological neurons. Building on these tests of the reality of the model neuron we have now conducted experiments on how information flows in networks (small) built from the electronic neurons. The chaotic behavior observed in biological and in electronic neurons provides interesting new phenomena in neural circuits.
Bernold Fiedler
(FU Berlin)

Tuesday, 14-15h
Dynamics of spirals and scroll waves
Spiral wave patterns arise in such diverse systems as convective fluids, surface catalysis, heart tissue [Wiener], and the Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium. Scroll waves are three-dimensional stacks of rotating spiral waves, with spiral tips aligned along filament curves [Winfree].
Going beyond planar spiral wave motions and kinematic theory, we introduce and explore the crossover collision as the only generic possibility for scroll wave filaments to change their topological knot or linking structure. Our analysis is based on elementary singularity theory, Thom transversality, and mathematical properties of reaction diffusion systems. The approach applies to changes of filament structures in three space dimensions, in general.
The crossover collisions are illustrated by numerical video simulations.
This is joint work with Rolf Mantel.
Carlo W.J. Beenakker

Tuesday, 15-16h
Chaotic wave dynamics
The interplay of chaotic scattering and localization has profound effects on the dynamics of wave propagation. We review recent progress in the theory of this topic, and illustrate it with experimental results from optics, electronics, and seismology. The Laguerre ensemble of random-matrix theory is shown to describe the low-frequency dynamics. A dynamical coherent backscattering effect is predicted theoretically but not yet observed in experiments.
Eshel Ben-Jacob
(Tel Aviv Univ.)

Wednesday, 9-10h
The scaling and chaotic behavior of in vitro neural networks
Cortical neurons are organized into functional sub-units (cortical columns) with characteristic length of 1mm. We study the long-term spontaneous activity of isolated networks below, at and above the 1mm length scale, looking for the function-form relations. A multi-electrode array measured the long-term (days) network activity with different geometries. Here we show that the network activity can be represented by the time sequence of the synchronized bursting events (SBE), in analogy to the use of action potential to describe the individual neurons activity. We find that in-vitro networks functionally self-organize to adapt to imposed geometry: all network types exhibit scale-invariant behavior as the inter-SBE intervals (IEI) obey the Levy distribution. The neurons' inter-spike intervals also obey Levy distribution, but up to 100ms -- the SBE time width. All networks exhibit long-range temporal correlation manifested by power law decay in the power spectrum of the SBE time sequence. The combination of the long term measurements and analysis of the internal structure of the SBE may indicade that in vitro networks exhibit both deterministic and chaotic behavior. Our observation differ from predictions of the current neural networks models which exhibit Gaussian distribution and lack time correlations.
Detlef Lohse

Wednesday, 16:30-17:30h
On the sound of snapping shrimp
Alpheus heterochaelis (``the snaping shrimp'') generates noise so loud that it disturbes submarine communication. It was believed that the noise is generated when the claw rapidly closes and its two sides hit each other. However, in this work we show with the help of high speed video (40000 frames/second) and parallel sound detection with a hydrophone that the origin of the noise in fact is a collapsing cavitation bubble: When rapidly closing the pair of sissors, the shrimp emits a thin water jet so fast that a cavitation bubble develops. This collapses and on collapse, it emits the sound. Our optical and acoustical measurements are supplemented through a simple theoretical model of the proces, based on the Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
Ingo Rehberg

Tuesday, 17:30-18:30h
Pattern formation in complex fluids
Experimental observations of pattern in 3 different complex fluids, namely nematic liquid crystal, magnetic fluids and sand, are presented. The first ones are used because they have specific advantes, like the direct obervability of hydrodynamic fluctuations in nematic liquid crystals or the excitability of surface waves by magnetic fields in ferrofluids. Sand has the disadvante to be too complex, and pattern formation might be used as a tool for quantitative investigations in order to check our level of understanding of this material.
Stefan Rahmstorf
(PIK Potsdam)

Thursday, 9-10h
Abrupt climate change - a non-linear response of the climate system?
Data from the Greenland ice cores and deep sea sediments reveal that large and abrupt climate changes (within ~10 years) have occurred frequently in the past. In the absence of abrupt climate forcing, this suggests a highly non-linear response of the climate system to gradual forcing. The talk attempts to summarise our current knowledge of the causes and mechanisms of abrupt climate changes. In particular, possible bifurcations and instabilities of the Atlantic ocean circulation will be discussed. The question whether future climate change could involve non-linear "surprises" will also be considered.
Haye Hinrichsen

Thursday, 14-15h
Wetting under non-equilibrium conditions
Wetting phenomena are observed in a large variety of experiments where a gas phase in contact with a surface coexists with a thin layer of a different phase. By changing temperature or chemical potential, such a system may undergo a wetting transition from a non-wet phase, where the thickness of the layer stays finite, to a wet phase, where the layer grows until it reaches a macroscopic size. So far, most theoretical studies were based on interface models at thermal equilbrium. However, in various experimental situations the interface separating layer and gas phase is out of equilibrium. The talk addresses the question how non-equilibrium wetting processes can be described and what kind of new phenomena can be expected.
Jon Keating

Thursday, 15-16h
Periodic orbit bifurcations and quantum fluctuation statistics
Bifurcations of periodic orbits are characteristic of mixed phase space classical dynamics. Several important consequences of the generic bifurcations in two-degree-of-freedom systems for the statistical properties of energy levels and eigenfunctions in the semiclassical limit will be discussed. In particular, the the talk will focus on the emergence of universality from competitions between the various possible bifurcations.
Francisco Varela
(LENA Pris)

Friday, 12:30-13:30h


Tuesday, 10:30 - 12:30
T. Dittrich (Bogotá):
Quantum Chaos
P. Grassberger (Jülich):
Soft Matter
R. Mantegna:
H. Schanz (Göttingen):
Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Ratchets
J. Vollmer (Mainz):
Phase Separation in Amphiphilic Mixtures: Local Equilibrium, Instabilities and Cascade Nucleation
H. Takayasu (Tokyo):
Macroscopic price dynamics derived from microscopic market fluctuations
K. Hornberger (Dresden):
Spectral cross correlations of magnetic edge states
W. Zimmermann (Saarbrücken)
Matteo Marsili (Trieste)
Statistical mechanics of complex adaptive systems
Tomaz Prosen (Ljubljana):
Mixing and Dynamical Localization in Systems without Classical Chaos
L. Schäfer (Essen):
Per Bak (London)
M. Sieber (Bristol):
Correlations between Periodic Orbits and their role in Spectral Statistics
G. Schütz (Jülich):
Nonequilibrium dynamics in dense polymer solutions
Tuesday, 16:30 - 18:30
I. Procaccia (Rehovot):
P. Reimann:
Stochastic Processes
E. Frey:
A. Tilgner (Bayreuth):
The Dynamo experiment
C. Van den Broeck (Limburg):
The adiabatic piston: and yet it moves
Udo Seifert (Potsdam):
Non-equilibrium dynamics of membranes and molecules
A. Celani (Nice):
Statistically Preserved Structures in Turbulence
L. Schimansky-Geier (Berlin):
Stochastic Resonance and Synchronization
Chris Wiggins (New York):
Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiflexible Polymers
E. Bodenschatz (Cornell):
Fluid Particle Accelerations in Fully Developed Turbulence
J. Lehmann (Augsburg):
Surmounting oscillating Barriers
Frank Jülicher (Paris):
Modeling Molecular Motors
Y. Cohen (Rehovot):
Statistically preserved structures
W. Just (London):
Sochastic modeling: Replacing fast degrees of freedom by noise
Ralf Metzler (MIT):
The knot problem: From Alexander the Great to topological enzymes
Wednesday, 10:30 - 12:30
D. Helbing:
Traffic and Granular Flow
B. Mehlig:
J. Kurths:
Neural and Medical Dynamics
H. Herrmann (Stuttgart):
Motion and shape of dunes
M. Wilkinson (Milton Keynes, UK):
Absorption of radiation in small metal particles: a semi-classical RPA approach
J. Kurths (Potsdam):
Phase Synchronization in Coupled Complex Systems: from Neuroscience to Solar Systems
P. Hänggi (Augsburg):
Brownian and molecular engines
Steven L. Tomsovic (Pullman, USA):
Deviations from universality in the spectra of complex quantum systems
M. Rosenblum (Potsdam):
Detecting directionality of coupling of noisy oscillators
M. Treiber (Dresden):
Microscopic modelling of freeway traffic
Th. Guhr (Lund, Sweden):
Acoustic resonances in thin chaotic plates
Aneta Stefanovska (Ljubljana):
Oscillators of the cardiovascular system and their synchronization
Schreckenberg (Duisburg):
Analysis and modelling of microscopic traffic dynamics
P. Tass (Jülich):
3D-localization of synchronization in the human brain by means of the synchronization tomography
Thursday, 16:30 - 18:30
H. Chaté:
Space-time Chaos, Synchronisation
R. Klages:
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
L. Smith:
Time Series Analysis
A. Pikovsky (Potsdam):
Synchronization in complex systems
Pierre Gaspard (Brussels):
Fractals, chaos, and transport properties
Danny Kaplan (St. Paul):
A Bayesian Perspective on Chaotic Models
A. Goryachev (Basel):
Synchronization defects: Novel type of structure in media with complex dynamics
Henk van Beijeren (Utrecht):
Chaotic properties of dilute random Lorentz gases
Lenny A. Smith (Oxford):
Uncertainty from a Time Series: The roles of ignorance and error in empirical models
Martin van Hecke (Leiden):
Building Blocks of Spacetime-Chaos: dynamics of phase gradient blobs in the CGLE
Bob Dorfman (Maryland):
Entropy production in the relaxation to equilibrium for simple systems
Olivier Talagrand:
Realtime time series analysis in operational weather forecasts
A. Torcini (Roma):
Linear and nonlinear information flow in spatially extended systems
Herbert Spohn (München):
The Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem in driven nonequilibrium systems
Friday, 9:00 - 11:00
H. Emmerich:
Complex Growth
C. Grebogi:
Chaotic advection
E. Govekar:
Applications in Engineering
G. Gompper (Jülich):
Lattice-Boltzmann study of spontaneous emulsification in ternary amphiphilic systems
C. Grebogi (Sao Paulo):
Dynamics in open flows
I. Grabec (Ljubljana):
Experimental characterisation of state and dynamics of manufacturing processes
M. Biehl (Würzburg):
Growth and sublimation in the presence of competing surface reconstructions
T. Tel (Budapest):
Active processes in open flows
R. Friedrich (Stuttgart):
Nonlinear modeling of water jet cutting
S. Linz (Augsburg):
Stochastic field equations for amorphous film growth
W. Losert (Maryland):
Experiments with granular flows
Gabor Stepan (Budapest):
Nonlinear regenerative machine tool vibrations
M. Schreiber (Chemnitz):
Application of the Hartree-Fock based diagonalization algorithm to the quantum Coulomb glass and to quantum dots
G. Grégoire, H. Chaté, Y. Tu (Paris):
Active and passive particles: Modelling beads in a bacterial bath
Lehn-Schiøler (Lyngby:)
Stochastic modeling of transonic flutter

Contributed Talks

Thursday, 10:30 - 12:30
D. van der Meer:
Granular Gas Dynamics: Hysteretic Clustering, Anomalous Diffusion, and Biased Flow
M. Stich:
Pattern formation near the onset of birhythmicity
M. Brack:
Bifurcation cascades and self-similarity with analytical scaling properties in Hamiltonian Systems
P.M. Reis:
Coarsening of self-organised clusters due to segregation in a two-component monolayer of particles
D. Topaj:
Transition to coherent state in globally coupled maps: linear response approach
M.A.F. Sanjuan:
Wada basin boundaries in the Henon-Heiles System
M. Ragwitz:
Nonlinear determinism in time series measurements of 2-dimensional turbulence
A. Yochelis:
Labyrinths and phase locking in a spatially extended oscillatory systems
R. Hilfer:
Large Fractional Dynamics
Y. Zarmi:
From the Burgers Equation to a linear delay-differential equation
T. John:
On-off Intermittency in a Stochastically Driven Spatially Extended Dissipative System
R. Friedrichs:
Stretched patterns on ferrofluids
O. Dauchot:
Spiral Turbulence in shear flows: a long wave modulation of the turbulent state
M. Timme:
Unstable attractors in networks of biological oscillators
J. Wiersig:
Devil's Staircase in Magnetoresistance of a Periodic Array of Scatterers
C. Beck:
Generalized statistical mechanics approach to fully developed turbulence
A.M. Albano:
Mutual information in the scalp eeg during the initial sleep cycle
P. Rodin:
Superfast ionization fronts in semiconductors: pattern formation in power electronics
Friday, 11:30 - 12:30
M. Palus:
Beyond cycles: Nonlinearity and prediction of air pollution
C. P. Dettmann:
The Burnett expansion of the periodic Lorentz gas
A. Kittel:
Control of a intracavity frequency doubled solid state laser
H. Lange:
Synchronicity of long-term phenomena in hydrological and meteorological data
F. Grossmann:
Towards a time-dependent semiclassical theory for hard quantum effects
M. Bertram:
Controlling turbulence in the catalytic CO oxidation by global delayed feedback
H. Yizhaq:
Urban Segregation as a Nonlinear Phenomenon
H. Waalkens:
Quantum Monodromy in the H and the HHe system
A. Handel:
New Approaches for Controlling Spiral Defect Chaos in Rayleigh-Benard Experiments