Paul-Gerhard Reinhard | Jan-Michael Rost |
Nürnberg/Erlangen | Dresden |
Advanced experimental techniques, e.g., femtosecond laser pulses and highly
charged ion beams, access new dynamical regimes at the atomic level. As a
consequence, the evolution of transition probabilities in the course of time,
e.g., can be observed directly. New approaches for a thorough dynamical
description of those processes far off equilibrium must be formulated. As the
field is developing rapidly we feel that it is useful to have occasionally
small meetings where the practioners can discuss recent progress (and
The double-workshop on Atoms (December, 4 - 6th) and Clusters
(December 6 - 8th) announced above aims to be such an informal meeting with a
mixture of talks and time for discussions.
G. Alber (Ulm) | U. Becker (Berlin) |
V. Bonacic-Koutecky (Berlin) | J. S. Briggs (Freiburg) |
J. Burgdörfer (Wien) | E. Campbell (Göteborg) |
D. Delande (Dresden) | V. Engel (Würzburg) |
H. Friedrich (München) | M. Garcia (Berlin) |
P. Hammond (Perth) | H. Hotop (Kaiserslautern) |
B. Huber (Grenoble) | B. v. Issendorff (Freiburg) |
G. King (Manchester) | H. Lutz (Bielefeld) |
K.-H. Meiwes-Broer (Rostock) | R. Morgenstern (Groningen) |
G. v. Oppen (Berlin) | W. Pfeiffer (Würzburg) |
J.E. Rubensson (Uppsala) | E. Salzborn (Giessen) |
K.-H. Schartner (Giessen) | T. Schlathoelter (Groningen) |
P. Schmelcher (Heidelberg) | R. Schmidt (Dresden) |
L. Schweikhard (Mainz) | A. Scrinzi (Wien) |
G. Seifert (Halle) | L. Serra (Mallorca) |
E. Sidky (Manhattan, Kansas) | F. Stienkemeier (Bielefeld) |
E. Suraud (Toulouse) | J. Tiggesbäumker (Rostock) |
P. Toennies (Göttingen) | F. Träger (Kassel) |
Participation is mainly by invitation. Registration forms are available on the
workshop webpage.
The registration fee for the workshop is DM 100. Costs for accommodation and
meals will be covered by the Max Planck Insititute for the Physics of Complex
Systems. Limited funding to partially cover travel expenses is also
Jan-Michael Rost
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden
Tel: +49-351-871-2204, Fax: +49-351-871-2299
Workshop e-mail: