How to reach the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
Nöthnitzer Str. 38
01187 Dresden
Phone: 0351/871-1103
FAX: 0351/871-1199
The guest houses are just behind the institute
and have the same address
Here you will find a more detailed
Here you'll find the
time table
of the stations and the airport and here some informations concerning
How to reach the institute and the guest houses:
- If you arrive at Dresden main train station:
Leave the station in the direction of the
main entrance hall and take tram line 3
in the direction of "Coschütz". For this you will
need a "Kurzstrecke" ticket. Then get off at the
fourth stop (Plauen) and find your way to
the institute as indicated in the drawing above.
It is a huge building painted orange.
- If you arrive at Dresden Airport:
- a) Take the small shuttle bus "Airport City
Liner" (8 DM) to the main train station and
proceed as described above.
- b) Take bus lines 77 until the stop
"Karl-Marx-Str." and change to tram
line 7 or 8. Leave at the stop
"Albertplatz", where you change again
to tram line number 3 (direction of "Coschütz") and exit at
"Plauen". You need a regular one way ticket (2,50DM).
In case you take a tram or bus, please do not forget
to buy a ticket, either at one of the vending machines
or from the driver (which costs a little more).