How to reach the hotel Transmar Leonardo
Hotel Transmar Leonardo
Bamberger Strasse 12/14
01187 Dresden
Phone: 0351/46600
FAX: 0351/4660100
Here you'll find the time
table of the stations and the airport.
How to reach the hotel:
If you arrive at Dresden by train, note that Dresden has two train stations:
Dresden Hauptbahnhof and Dresden Neustadt. Get off at Dresden Hauptbahnhof.
Leave the station in the direction of the main entrance hall and take
tram line 3 in the direction of "Coschütz". For this you will need
a "Kurzstrecke" ticket. Then get off at "Muenchner Platz" and keep to the
right. "Bamberger Strasse" starts just to the right hand side of "Muenchner
Platz". You have to walk for approx. 10 minutes to reach the hotel.
If you arrive at Dresden Airport, you may take the small shuttle bus "Airport
City Liner" (8 DM) to the main train station (Dresden Hauptbahnhof) and
proceed as described above.
To get to the institute you just have to walk back to "Muenchner Strasse"
until the end of this street. The institute is to the left in bright orange.
Have a nice trip and see you in Dresden !