Recently, the competence network MTBio (Modelling and Theory in
the Biosciences) as a forum for information and communication has been
founded. MTBio is a joint initiative of mathematical and theoretical
biologists, biophysicists, bioengineers, biometricians, biocomputer
scientists and biostatisticians.
This meeting predominantly concerns the MTBio steering
committee that represents experimental and theoretical competences of
the network. In addition, everybody is invited to active
participation, who is interested in the promotion of modelling and
theory in the biosciences.
The main objective of the meeting is an identification of biological
and medical key topics in which modelling, simulation and particularly
joint activities of the MTBio network are most promising. These
activities will involve the organization of workshops and training
programs (e.g. summer schools) but also efforts with respect to an
appropriate bundling and focussing of research activities within and
outside the network.
The number of participants is limited.
The registration fee is DM 50. Costs for accommodation and meals will be
covered by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.
Please suggest topics for discussion in your application form.
Meeting duration: November 9, 2000, approx. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For further information please contact: