Dynamics and Statistics of Complex Systems
*** International Workshop Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Peter Grassberger ***
Dresden, Germany, May 18 - 19, 2000
Coordinators: Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber
Complex systems research has become a topic of considerable diversity, linking
fields as different as physics and clinical medicine. Celebrating the 60th
Birthday of Peter Grassberger is an excellent opportunity to bring together
representatives of those aspects of the field that he has been active in.
By exploring dynamical as well as statistical aspects, the workshop
is intended to give perspectives for the future development of this branch of
Invited speakers:
Hugues Chaté | Paris |
Predrag Cvitanovic | Chicago |
Barbara Drossel | Tel Aviv |
Christian Elger | Bonn |
Celso Grebogi | Maryland |
Siegfried Grossmann | Marburg |
Karl-Heinz Mütter | Wuppertal |
Arkadi Pikovsky | Potsdam |
Antonio Politi | Firenze |
Itamar Procaccia | Rehovot |
Dietrich Stauffer | Köln |
Angelo Vulpiani | Roma |
Applications for participation can be sent electronically or by mailing an application form to the address below. The number of
participants is limited. The registration fee is DM 100.
Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by
the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.
Deadline for applications is March 31, 2000
For further information please contact:
Visitors Program
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38
D-01187 Dresden
Tel: 0351-871-2105
Fax: 0351-871-2199
conference e-mail: