Nanostructures in Photovoltaics

Special issue in Physica E

Guide for authors

Please submit your manuscripts, reporting on original results, not being submitted elsewhwere, and adhering to the scientific standards of Physica E electronically by  September 1st
2001 the latest to

For electronic submissions,
LaTeX manuscripts (using the style and template files available below) are acceptable.
  Especially when using another word processor please follow the guidelines for this special issue of Physica E

Please provide 4 keywords with Your submission which will be used in the subject index of this special issue.

Please send electronic submissions in ascii format, or as a uuencoded, gzipped tar file.  or a .doc file; Please
 submit also one hard copy  by September 1st 2001  to

It will be refereed and You will be informed of its acceptance by October 30th 2001.
  Please adhere to the length restriction given in the letter inviting you to contribute to this special issue ( 4 pages for contributed, 6 pages for invited papers and 8 pages for reviews). Physica E has about 675 words on a printed journal page (figures take about 200 words).
 Please fill out one length estimation form, and send it with Your hard copy if You are not using the latex style file.

When preparing a LaTeX manuscript, please use the style file espcrc2.sty and the template file template.tex. The latter file facilitates preparation of your manuscript and contains more detailed instructions for authors, see also template.dvi or In order to download the style file, you may activate the link espcrc2.sty with the right mouse button and then choose Save Link As ...