Claudia Acquisti - claudia.acquisti@unifi.it

From low complexity sequences to function: a new interpretation of evolutionary dynamics

C. Acquisti , P. Bogani , G. Mersi , L. Fronzoni, M.C. Intrieri ,
G. Boscherini , M. Buiatti

1) Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica "Leo Pardi", Universita' di Firenze, Italy
2) Centro Interdipartimentale per lo Studio dei Sistemi Complessi (C.I.S.S.C), Universita' di Pisa, Italy
3) Dipartimento di Produzioni Vegetali , Universita' della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
4) Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Fermi", Universita' di Pisa, Italy

Since the origin of life coding sequences have been selected according to the functional value of the coded proteins, while the fixation of non random sequences in non coding regions is a consequence of other, still partially unknown features. Deviation from randomness in DNA sequences can be considered as a record of the evolutionary history of organisms. We have been developed an algorithm to measure the low complexity relative weight in a set of genomes from organisms wich are located at different position in the phylogenetic tree of life. We have shown that the weight of low complexity sequences in genomes greatly increases with evolution from Archaea to multicellular eukaryotes. Furthermore non-coding and coding regions show a different evolutionary behaviour: low complexity weight is higher and increases much faster in non-coding than in coding sequences. Low complexity analysis of prokaryotic, eukaryotic and organellar genomes led to a phylogenetic reconstruction generally consistent with known molecular phylogeny. All this prompted us to carry out a series of experiments to test the functional role of these sequences for evolution and variation on Lycopersicon and Nicotiana spp. Low complexity DNA regions were PCR amplified in promoters of hormone related genes such as ACC-synthase, ACC-oxydase involved in ethylene synthesis, and non-coding regions in Nicotiana spp chloroplast genomes. Sequencing of the amplified fragments always uncovered polymorphisms wich are due to rearrangements of low complexity sequences. We found preliminary evidence that this variation is correlated to varying levels of ethylene synthesis and, through it, to the phenotypic variation in tomato. We perfomed cluster analysis of the low complexity regions on the amplified sequences. The detected patterns suggest a role for this class of sequences in the control of gene expression and evolution.

M'barek Adioui - Mbarek.Adioui@bondy.ird.fr

From individual to aggregation:
Mathematical analysis and simulation

M'barek Adioui

Laboratoire d'Informatique Appliquee (L.I.A.). U.R.GEODES
IRD (Institut de recherches pour le developpement, ex-Orstom)
32 avenue H.Varagnat, F-93143 Bondy Cedex

Social organization is one of the fundamental aspects of animal behavior, and has received much attention in mathematical modelling. Examples of social groups appear at every size scale from the macroscopic herds of wildbeast, flocks of birds, and schools of fish.

There are two general frameworks to deal with the problem: the Lagrangian viewpoint and the Eulerian one. In my talk, I will discuss these approaches for a model of animal orientation. The model represents the arrangement of a large group of individuals, a fish school for example, according to a structuring variable which is the angle made by the oriented axis associated to any given individual ( from tail to head), supposedly lying in horizontal position, with a fixed horizontal oriented axis.

Alexander Anderson - anderson@maths.dundee.ac.uk

Modelling solid tumour invasion: The effects of cell mutation

Alexander R. A. Anderson

Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4HN, UK.

The development of a primary solid tumour (e.g., a carcinoma) begins with a single normal cell becoming transformed as a result of mutations in certain key genes (e.g. P53), this leads to uncontrolled proliferation. An individual tumour cell has the potential, over successive divisions, to develop into a cluster (or nodule) of tumour cells consisting of approximately cells. This avascular tumour cannot grow any further, owing to its dependence on diffusion as the only means of receiving nutrients and removing waste products. For any further development to occur the tumour must initiate angiogenesis - the recruitment of blood vessels. After the tumour has become vascularised via the angiogenic network of vessels, it now has the potential to grow further and invade the surrounding tissue. There is now also the possibility of tumour cells finding their way into the circulation and being deposited in distant sites in the body, resulting in metastasis.

In this talk we present a hybrid discrete/continuum mathematical model which describes the invasion of host tissue by tumour cells and examines how changes in key cell attributes (e.g. P53 mutation, cell-cell adhesion, invasiveness) affect the tumour's growth. In the model, we focus on four key variables implicated in the invasion process, namely, tumour cells, host tissue (extracellular matrix, ECM), matrix-degradative enzymes (MDE) associated with the tumour cells and oxygen supplied by the angiogenic network. The continuous mathematical model consists of a system of partial differential equations describing the production and/or activation of degradative enzymes by the tumour cells, the degradation of the matrix, oxygen consumption and the migratory response of the tumour cells. The hybrid model focuses on the micro-scale (individual cell) level and uses a discrete technique developed in previous models of angiogenesis. This technique enables one to model migration and invasion at the level of discrete cells whilst still allowing the chemicals (e.g. MDE, ECM, oxygen) to remain continuous. Hence it is possible to include micro-scale processes both at the cellular level (such as proliferation, cell/cell adhesion) and at the sub-cellular level (such as cell mutation properties). This in turn allows us to examine the effects of such micro-scale changes upon the overall tumour geometry and subsequently the potential for metastatic spread.

Heike Aßmus - heike.assmus@rz.hu-berlin.de

Network-based selectivity of antiparasitic inhibitors

Heike Aßmus, Edda Klipp

Theoretical Biophysics, Institute of Biology, Humboldt University of Berlin
Invalidenstraße 42, D-10115 Berlin, Germany

Several diseases are caused by eukaryotic parasites, e.g. Malaria or African Sleeping Disease. One possible way to proceed against them is the knockout or an adequate inhibition of the parasite's metabolism by capable drugs, i.e. by inhibitors with a strong effect on the parasitic metabolism and a least possible effect in the host. The development of such drugs is complicated by the substantial problem of the biochemical similarity between the metabolisms of hosts and parasites. Especially in their essential parts, which are the most suited targets for the knockout, both metabolic systems are closely related. Therefore drug research in that field focuses on selectivity, i.e. capacity of an inhibiting drug to differentiate between host and parasite. Structure-based selectivity, which deals with differences in inhibitor binding as a result of the 3D-structure of the inhibited enzymes, dominates the interest of research, whereas network-based selectivity, which comprehends the properties of a metabolic network as they are described in Metabolic Control Theory, is almost neglected.
The study of network-based selectivity should lead to a prediction of promising target enzymes for drugs as well as of the best suited inhibiting mechanism, e.g. competitive, non-competitive or uncompetitive inhibition.By the means of a newly defined term we have compared the selectivity of these different types of inhibitors for the first and the second step of a two-enzyme pathway. We also tried to generalize our findings for a linear pathway of arbitrary length.
The method of comparing the flux control distribution or 'control profile' in a metabolic system of the parasite and the host for prediction of most effective targets for anti-parasitic drugs is called Differential Control Analysis (Bakker et al. 2000). The models of the glycolysis of the human erythrocyte (Schuster & Holzhütter 1995) and of Trypanosoma brucei (Bakker et al. 1997) are looked into in more detail.


Bakker, B.M., Westerhoff, H.V., Opperdoes, F.R., Michels, P.A.M. (2000),
Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 106(1) p.1-10

Schuster,R., Holzhuetter, H.G. (1995), Eur J Biochem. 229(2) p.403-18

Bakker, B.M., Michels, P.A.M., Opperdoes, F.R., Westerhoff, H.V. (1997),
J. Biol. Chem. 272 p.3207-3215

Melania Babincova - babincova@fmph.uniba.sk

Self-organized criticality and cell functioning:
from microtubule assembly to neural computation

Melánia Babincová and Peter Babinec

Department of Biophysics and Chemical Physics, Comenius University
Mlynská dolina F1, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia

In 1987 Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld introduced the notion of self-organized criticality (SOC) in computer simulation of sandpile model. Models that exhibits SOC have also been applied to problems in the biological sciences. The first of these was the Game of Life conceived by John Conway. Our aim in this study is to demonstrate the existence of SOC in the following three levels of cellular organisation.

Dynamic instability of microtubules Individual microtubules reassembled from purified tubulin undergo alternating phases of elongation and rapid shortening. The transition (catastrophe) from elongation to shortening, and the reverse transition (rescue) are abrupt and apparently stochastic. This behaviour known as a dynamical instability was observed also in living cells. The molecular basis of dynamic instability is still an unresolved problem. Using the data obtained from the diffrential-interferometry contrast microscopy (Fygenson, 1994) we have found that microtubule length distribution fuction is given as , which is the signature of SOC. The biological meaning of SOC for the cytoskeleton functions is discussed.

Exitable biomembranes Voltage gated ion channels are proteins responsible for generation of electrical signals in nerve and other excitable cells. During an action potential, the fluorescence patterns exhibits clusters of different sizes corresponding to a non-homogeneous distribution of electric field across the membrane. To gain insight into this problem we have assumed that individual ion channels create a two component spatio-temporal interaction field. Every channel at its current spatial location in membrane contributes permanently to this field with its state (open or closed) and coupling strength to other channels. This field is described by a reaction-diffusion equation, the transition of ion channel from closed to open state (and vice versa) is described by master equation, and migration of channels in membrane is described by set of Langevin equations coupled by the interaction field. In the adiabatic approximation we have found that the distribution of the clusters of activity obey the power law, which indicate that biomembranes operates in a self-organized critical state.

Neural networks The human brain spontaneously generates neural oscillations with a large variability in frequency, amplitude, duration, and recurrence. We have shown that firings in a simple neural system with nonlinear discrete dynamics obey Pareto-Levy distribution law, which indicate that global electric activity is probably result of SOC. J.S. Nicolis proposed that NP-complete problems may be solved by änalog computersüsing physical bodies in the vicinity of the phase transition. SOC such offer natural framework for this mode of brain functioning.

Peter Babinec - babinec@fmph.uniba.sk

Fractal structure of growing tumours:
from experimental observations to theoretical models

Peter Babinec and Melánia Babincová

Department of Biophysics and Chemical Physics, Comenius University
Mlynská dolina F1, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia

Tumours show growth patterns such as expansive (cauliflower-like), radiating infiltrative, polycyclic, and roundish-ovoid figures, which cannot be described graphically by Euclidean geometry. Fractals show promise as useful measures of these complex structures.

For our experiments we have used dissociated C6 glioblastoma cells, cloned originally from rat glioma tumour, which were plated in a 35 mm Petri dishes. After cells attachment 2 l of medium wass added to growing culture, which alloved tumours to grow mainly on the plate surface. In a regular time intervals tumours were photographed under the inverted microscope with a coupled digital photocamera. The photographs were analyzed in a computer and from the tumour images the fractal dimension was calculated using the box-counting method. For the description of the fractal growth of a two-dimensional tumours we have proposed several theoretical models, which described the observed fractal boundaries.

We have further exprimentally studied influence of an alternating magnetic field on the fractal structure of the tumour. As we have found the field with the frequency 50 Hz increased the fractal dimension of a tumour. Due the fact that higher fractal dimension may correlate with the ability of tumours to form metastases, this may explain some observations of the positive effects of electromagnetic fields on cancer development.

Fractal dimension is a holistic parameter which can be applied to evaluate tumour grading in a quantitative manner and which may be used as a sensitive parameter of the influence of external factors on the tumour growth.

Michael J. Barber - mjb@thp.uni-koeln.de

Noise-enhanced signal processing
by ion channels

M.J. Barber     B.K. Dellen

Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln, D-50937 Köln, Germany

Voltage-activated ion channels are essential elements in biological signal transduction, playing important roles in synaptic transmission, the generation of neural action potentials, and other cellular functions. Channels vary randomly between a conducting or open state and a nonconducting or closed state in response to thermal fluctuations, but this variation is influenced by the membrane potential and a broad assortment of other factors. We show that stochastic resonance is present in a simple model of ion channels, so that signal transduction is enhanced by a non-zero level of noise. The enhancement is restricted to a finite class of signals for a population of identical channels, but multiple channel types can be used to overcome this limitation. The diversity of cellular ion channels may thus be present as an information-processing strategy, providing a means to handle a broad class of chemical signals with simple processing elements.

Andreas Bausch - abausch@deas.harvard.edu

Probing local properties in complex biomaterials

Andreas R. Bausch

Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Recent advances in biology have resulted in an accumulation of information with an unprecedented complexity, suggesting the need for a fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanisms. An excellent example for the complexity is the dynamic and localized response of the cytoskeleton, which is a cytoplasmic system of polymeric structures. Here we describe the development of new physical techniques and model systems to address the complexity of these collective interactions of the many cytoplasmic constituents, which are critical for many cellular processes such as mechanical stability, cell motility, adhesion and intracellular transport processes. Multi-particle tracking of colloidal probes is used to study the local properties of actin networks, a model system for the cytoskeleton. Transport processes in such networks were characterized. In cellular systems, magnetic colloidal probes were used to quantify the local viscoelastic properties. We observed mechanical heterogeneity in the cytoplasm. It was shown that measurements of viscoelastic properties enable real - time study of the contraction of endothelial cells, yielding important insights into the biochemical regulation.

Ulrich Behn - behn@itp.uni-leipzig.de

Modeling Th1/Th2 Regulation, Allergy
and Venom Immunotherapy

Ulrich Behn, Jan Richter, Gerhard Metzner

Institute for Theoretical Physics and Institute for Clinical Immunology und Transfusion Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany

There exist subpopulations of T-helper lymphocytes, Th1- and Th2-cells, which differ in their pattern of cytokine production. The characteristic cytokines released by Th1- and Th2-cells have autocrine effects on their own phenotype and are inhibitory for the reciprocal phenotype thus providing a balance of both populations.

In several diseases the T-cell response is dominated by either Th1- or Th2-cells. For example, the response to extracellular parasites such as helminths is Th2-dominated, whereas the response to intracellular parasites (e.g. certain protozoans) is Th1-dominated. In allergy a Th2-dominated response to allergen has been found instead of a Th1-dominated pattern characteristic for non-allergic response.

A widespread therapeutic strategy consists in injections of increasing doses of allergen (e.g. hymenoptera venom) following an empirically justified schedule of administration. A successful therapy is associated with a change from a prevalent Th2- to a prevalent Th1-profile of allergen specific T-cells.

We formulate a mathematical model based on a simplified scheme of Th1-Th2 regulation mediated by the cytokine network describing the population dynamics of allergen-specific naive T-cells, Th1 and Th2-cells, autocrine and cross-suppressive cytokines, and allergen. The model provides a theoretical explanation of the Th2-Th1 switch as a transient dynamical phenomenon for different therapeutic protocols (conventional, rush, and ultrarush desensitization).

We hypothesize that immunotherapy can be seen to act in two phases aiming at different types of cells. All therapeutic protocols start with a sequence of very low doses which are supposed to desensitize the effector cells, i.e. mast cells and basophils, of the early reaction. This is modeled by describing the reaction kinetics of IgE/IgE-receptors complexes on these cells which are cross-linked by allergen and the hereby caused increase of the intracellular Ca-concentration. Thus having eliminated the danger of anaphylactic reactions it is possible to administer high doses of allergen which lead eventually to a Th2-Th1 switch which is however -as in practice- of transient nature.

[1] U. Behn, H. Dambeck, G. Metzner, Modeling Th1-Th2 regulation, allergy, and hyposensitization, in: Dynamical Modeling in Biotechnology, F. Bagnoli, S. Ruffo (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2001, pp. 227-243.

[2] J. Richter, G. Metzner, U. Behn, Venom immunotherapy: A mathematical model, submitted.

Y. A. Belov - belov@ukrnet.net

New method of targets search in genes sequences for influence on them by antisemantic oligonucleotides

Alekseenko V.V., Belov Y.A., Brit I.S., Buchatsky L.P., Viscnyakova A.V., Dyma P.K.

Faculty of Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
Glushcov prospect 2, 01327 Kiev, Ukraine

The method and computing algorithm of targets search in genomes is developed with the purpose of study of influence on these targets by antisemantic oligonucleotides. With the purpose of approbation of a prospective new precision method of targets search for series of known genomes of microorganisms the comparative computer researches are conducted. Method, algorithm and computer program, developed on their basis, allow the following:

To simulate "walksöf pi-electron exaltation of a molecula DNA, previous to usual reading anyone, genetic information, written down on it;
To find working vacancies as place of strongly linked atoms and ions of trace substances with nucleotides. As a rule, the vacancies are placed in a narrow or in wide groove DNA in regions öf defect of masses änd are a combination 9 nucleotides.
To forecaste probability and number of pieces of a gene, which can be used during a transcription;
To find main gene-corrector, which to control shift of a framework of reading in a genome.
The developed method and algorithm are based on calculation of the quantum biochemical characteristic of conditions of an activation DNA, during reading and realization of the genetic information agrees with the data of the genetical dictionary. The method allows, to calculate all working vacancies in microadmixtures, and also main gene-corrector a gene. The conducted computer experiments on an example of a tox-gene of a cholera has shown, that main gene-corrector of a genome of a cholera, is posed in ënvironmenttwo potential mutagenic vacancys for microelements and has such sequence as 5 ' - GGGtTTaCCGATA - 3 ' and begins with 23 nucleotides. Thus in connection with an opportunity of a frameshift on 100 Let's emphasize also, that the offered program allows to distinguish ßilentranges in a gene (like Pribnov's box) for fastening enzymes with the subsequent scission of strands DNA, transcription and translation.

Katja Bettenbrock - bettenbrock@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de

Analysis of catabolite repression in Escherichia coli K-12

Katja Bettenbrock, Andreas Kremling und E.D. Gilles

Max-Planck-Insitute for the Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Leipziger Str. 44, 39120 Magdeburg

For E. coli the mechanisms underlying catabolite repression (CR) provoked by the substrates of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems are well known. Central in this regulation are the PTS-protein Crr and the cAMP.CRP complex. Interestingly in addition to PTS-substrates some non-PTS-substrates like glucose 6-phosphate and gluconate provoke CR by a so far unidentified mechanism. To elucidate the regulatory actions underlying CR by non-PTS-substrates we performed growth experiments with glucose and glucose 6-phosphate in the medium. In these experiments glucose is not preferred towards glucose and both substrates are used concomitantly. To characterize this growth behavior additional variables like cAMP-concentration, Crr-phosphorylation state and induction state of ptsG were monitored.

Previously we had set up a mathematical model able to reflect diauxic growth of E. coli on glucose and lactose. This model was used to find hypotheses for the mechanism of CR by glucose 6-phosphate. We present further experiments that we carried out in order to investigate these hyphotheses.

Nils Blüthgen - nils.bluethgen@itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de

Modeling of intracellular signaling cascades

Nils Blüthgen and Hanspeter Herzel

Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie, HU Berlin, Germany

Intracellular signaling transduction pathways are known to be important for controlling cell behavior such as proliferation and apoptosis. Modelling the dynamics of protein interactions can help to understand the main features of these cascades and effects of cross-talk between cascades.

We focus on the MAPK-Cascade, which is conserved from yeast to human and which has already been modelled by Bhalla and Iyengar [1] and Huang and Ferrell [2].

We analyse in both models signal amplification and the generation of switch-like behavior. Moreover, we study the induction of oscillations via a negative feedback loop. Finally, we discuss the effect of cross-talk to other pathways.

[1] Science 283, 381-387
[2] PNAS 93, 10078-10083


Uwe Börner - boerner@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de

Rippling patterns in myxobacterial aggregation
arise from cell-cell collisions

U. Börner, A. Deutsch, M. Bär

Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

Standing wave patterns (ripples) appear during the aggregation of Myxobacteria. Based on recent experimental work we present a cellular automaton model of rippling pattern formation describing migration and interaction of cells. Collisions between cells moving in opposite direction initiate reversal. The basic hypothesis is the existence of a non-exitable phase after reversal. Furthermore we perform a mean-field analysis of the discrete model.

Macroscopic pattern and single cell behavior are reproduced. The duration of this refractory phase determines wavelength and period of the ripples as well as the reversal frequency of single cells. Simulation and mean-field results agree very well.

Rippling is shown to be based on the interplay of directed migration, orien-tation-dependent contact interaction and time delay (refractory phase) instead of a reaction-diffusion mechanism.


Andreas Bohn - andreas.bohn@physik.tu-darmstadt.de

Models of interacting circadian clocks in a crassulacean acid metabolism plant

Andreas Bohn and Friedemann Kaiser

Institute of Applied Physics
Darmstadt University of Technology
Hochschulstr. 4a, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany

The last decade has brought considerable progress concerning the molecular dissection of circadian clocks in a wide spectrum of organisms. At the same time there is increasing evidence that many properties of overt circadian rhythms can only be understood as the collective output of an entire population of circadian clocks.
The crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant Kalanchoë daigremontiana is a thoroughly investigated organism exhibiting a circadian rhythm of total leaf uptake. Recently, two interesting phenomena concerning the interaction of circadian clocks have been experimentally observed: i) the overt rhythm of whole-leaf uptake does not emerge from homogeneous leaf activity, but is correlated to the spatio-temporal dynamics of patches of metabolic activity in the leaf tissue, and ii) the circadian rhythm in the expression of a kinase involved in fixation can be overridden by metabolism.
The present work features quantitative models designed with the given experimental background of circadian CAM rhythmicity. Hypotheses on circadian clock interaction on various levels are tested and discussed, considering i) the interaction of a multitude of coupled oscillating cells in leaf tissue, and ii) the interaction of intracellular systems of master-slave oscillators, i.e. of oscillating cytoplasmic metabolite accumulation with rhythmic gene expression.


Markus Brede - brede@itp.uni-leipzig.de

Architecture of idiotypic networks: percolation and scaling behavior

Markus Brede and Ulrich Behn

Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Leipzig
Augustusplatz 10
D-04109 Leipzig, Germany

We investigate a model where idiotypes (characterizing B-lymphocytes and antibodies of an immune system) and anti-idiotypes are represented by com- plementary bitstrings of a given length d allowing for a number of mismatches (matching rules). In this model, the vertices of the hypercube in dimension d represent the potential repertoire of idiotypes. A random set of (with proba- bility p) occupied vertices corresponds to the expressed repertoire of idiotypes at a given moment. Vertices of this set linked by the above matching rules build random clusters. We give a structural and statistical characterization of these clusters or in other words of the architecture of the idiotypic network. Increasing the probability p one finds at a critical p a percolation transition where for the first time a large connected graph occures with prob- ability one. Increasing p further, there is a second transition above which the repertoire is complete in the sense that any newly introduced idiotype finds a complementary anti-idiotype. We introduce structural characteristics such as the mass distributions and the fragmentation rate for random clusters, and determine the scaling behaviour of the cluster size distribution near the percolation transition, including finite size corrections. We find that slightly above the percolation transition the large connected cluster (the central part of the idiotypic network) consists typically of one highly connected part and a number of weakly connected constituents and coexists with a number of small, isolated clusters. This is in accordance with the picture of a central and a peripheral part of the idiotypic network and gives some support to ide- alized architectures of the central part used in recent dynamical mean field models.

Till Bretschneider - bretschn@biochem.mpg.de

Modelling mechanosensing in tissue formation

Till Bretschneider

Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried

The formation and integrity of a tissue requires sophisticated mechanical interaction of many cells. Flexible substrate techniques allow to quantify forces of single cells transmitted to the substrate and indirect mechanical stimulation by pulling on the substrate can stimulate directed cell motion. However, mechanical interaction of many cells is difficult to study in experiments.

To investigate co-operative effects of mechanical interactions between many cells I therefore propse a mathematical model which considers cells as discrete entities moving on a two-dimensional continuous visco-elastic substrate.

Assuming that mechanosensing is based on reinforcement of cytoskeleton-matrix bonds in response to stress in the extra-cellular matrix the model predicts attraction of pairs of cells. The goal is to develop a framework which allows to study different assumptions about mechanosensing and intracellular force-generation to test their implications in tissue formation.

Milan Brumen - milan.brumen@uni-mb.si

Cytosoliccalcium oscillations insimplifiedmulti-storemodels

Milan Brumen, Alevs Fajmut, Marko Marhl

University of Maribor, Faculty of Education, Department of Physics
Korovska cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Josef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

In the last few years we worked out different electrochemical models of cytosolic calcium oscillations . Our models take into account either two or three calcium stores ; these are endoplasmic reticulum and calcium binding proteins, and additionally mitochondria, respectively. A redistribution of calcium across the ER membrane is performed by an ATP dependent uptake of calcium from the cytosol into the ER, the calcium release from the lumen of the ER through channels following CICR mechanism, and electric potential dependent leak from the ER into the cytosol. The essential features of the models are the electroneutrality condition of the cytosol and the stores as well as the equilibrium distribution of highly permeate monovalent electrolyte ions. Consequently, oscillations of the transmembrane potential emerge from the redistribution of calcium ions across the ER membrane . Calcium binding to cytosolic proteins considers two types of cytosolic proteins with distinct calcium binding kinetics, fast calcium binding processes referring to signalling proteins and slow binding kinetics referring to buffering proteins, respectively . Implementation of mitochondria as the third type of calcium stores into the model, assuming simple rate laws for calcium uptake and release, shows mitochondria as an important factor in the maintenance of constant amplitudes of cytosolic calcium oscillations . Furthermore, the interplay among the three calcium stores can lead to complex calcium oscillations such as bursting and chaos .

In the present study the redistribution of calcium ions across the ER membrane is analyzed in terms of different calcium net fluxes as well as in terms of separate contributions of calcium uptake by different calcium stores. For easier study as well as for better clearness we have omitted some properties of the existing models which are supposed to be of minor importance. The emphasis is given to implementation of different types of calcium stores into the model and to study the interplay between the stores. On the basis of study of calcium fluxes we can show that the mitochondria participate in uptake of major part of redistributed calcium, buffering cytosolic proteins bind the minor part of redistributed calcium whereas almost negligible amount of calcium refers to changes of free cytosolic calcium concentration. The importance of mitochondria can be also demonstrated by enhanced redistribution of calcium between the ER and the cytosol compared to the predictions of the model in which the mitochondria are not taken into consideration. In this way we can demonstrate the significance of diffrent calcium stores. The models will be compared and the model predictions will be discussed in view of the most recent experimental observations.


M. Marhl, S. Schuster, M. Brumen, R. Heinrich, Modelling the interrelations between calcium oscillations and ER membrane potential oscillations, Biophys. Chem., 63:221-239, 1997

M. Marhl, S. Schuster, M. Brumen, R. Heinrich, Modelling oscillations of calcium and ER transmembrane potential. Role of the signalling and buffering proteins and of the size of Casequestering ER subcompartments, Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg., 46:79-90, 1998

M. Marhl, S. Schuster, M. Brumen, Mitochondria as an important factor in the maintenance of constant amplitudes of cytosolic calcium oscillations, Biophys. Chem., 71:125-132, 1998.

M. Marhl, T. Haberichter, M. Brumen, R. Heinrich, Complex calcium oscillations and the role of mitochondria and cytosolic proteins, Biosystems., 57, 75-86, 2000

Nigel Burroughs - njb@maths.warwick.ac.uk

The immunological synapse: molecular segregation
in a cell-cell contact

Nigel Burroughs and Christoph Wulfing

1) Mathematics institute, University of Warwick, UK
2) Center for Immunology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA

Recent molecular tagging techniques using green flourescent protein have revealed a dynamic reorganisation and patterning of the various molecular species in the cell:cell contact interface between a T-cell and an antigen presenting cell. With a reaction diffusion model incorporating thermodynamics, elasticity, and reaction kinetics we examine the hypothesis that differing bond lengths is the driving force behind molecular segregation. We derive two key conditions necessary for segregation: a thermodynamic criterion on the in situ bond elasticity and a condition for efficient seeding of domains through either lipid rafts or thermal excitation of the membrane.

Ming Chen - chen@iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de

A workable approach for modeling and simulation of biochemical processes with a hybrid Petri nets system

Ming Chen, Ralf Hofestädt, Andreas Freier

Bioinformatics/Medical Informatics
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems
Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg
P.O. Box 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany

A method to exploit hybrid Petri nets (HPN) for modeling and simulation biochemical processes is introduced. With discrete and continuous elements, the HPN can easily handle biochemical factors such as metabolites concentration and kinetic behaviors as transition can be represented by reaction rates. It is possible to translate bioprocesses flowsheet and biological kinetics into HPN in a natural manner. As an example, a fed-batch penicillin production bioprocess is modeled to illustrate the concepts of the methodology. Results of the dynamic of production parameters in the bioprocess were simulated and observed by implementing Visual Object Net ++, one HPN tool available from TU-Ilmenau via http://www.systemtechnik.tu-ilmenau.de/ drath/visual.htm.

The case study presented in this paper shows that the application of hybrid system is very useful for gaining insights into the behavior of bioprocess. It is feasible to extend this methodology to any bioprocess system as there is no special restriction of the models. The proposed HPN model possesses visualization, generality and accuracy. Our approach may be considered as an attempt at workable explication of this idea. The advantages of the hybrid Petri nets applying to model and simulate bioprocesses are summarized as followings: 1. With the discrete and continuous events, the HPN can easily handle biochemical process properties. Kinetic behaviors such as substrate consumption, biomass growth and product formation as well as procedure flow can be represented and well modeled. Based on the mathematics functions, kinetic behaviors of bioprocesses show high consistency simulation result with other models. 2. HPN Model has a user-friendly graphical interface which allows an easy design, simulation and visualization. Synchronization and visualization of PN model enables to determine, check and fault detect within the whole model structure at any step. Using VON++ we can also get the simulation results in a graphic form. 3. It is suitable to model a complex bioprocess as considering all other operation and connection among different operation units. A large complex bioprocess (e.g. a complete bioprocess of Penicillin production) can be handled with the same set of structural and behavioral properties. In addition, hierarchical concept makes it possible to develop a generalized variant of Petri nets at a global level. 4. In the hybrid Petri net model of the bioprocess, one can examine the change of variables such as operation parameters and other variables. The Petri nets simulation results are likely to be effected by the change so that an optimal operation condition is reachable. With such a model, it is easy to control and visualize the bioprocess procedures and behaviors.

The methodology of hybrid Petri nets demonstrates the use of quantitative methods as useful analysis and control tools for bioprocesses. However, quantitative evaluation can be confined to the fact that the reaction rates (differential equations are based on the experiment investigation). The optimization is done by changing parameters manually and the reaction kinetic patterns are set according the exiting functions which must be obtain before the modeling. How to cope with unknown parameter values is still under consideration.

Esma Gul Civelekoglu - gulc@dpmail.epfl.ch

The endothelial cell's cytoskeletal reorganization in response to hemodynamic forces

Civelekoglu G. , Mogilner A. , Meister J.-J.

Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Department of Mathematics, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA

Hemodynamic forces play a critical role in vascular pathology. For example, areas of disturbed flow in bifurcations in arterial tree are atherogenic, while areas of laminar flow are atheroresistant. These observations led researchers to investigate the relationship between the vectorial forces such as shear stress created by frictional forces of blood flow or the circumferencial tension (hoop stretch) caused by periodic vessel expansion and the alterations in morphology and function of arterial cells. Situated at the interface between the flowing blood and the vessel wall, endothelial cells (EC) are directly exposed to these forces. Previous studies report that they respond to these stimuli by adapting their morphology in relation to the characteristics of the applied flow in a precise and predictable manner and this morphological adaptation is concomitant with a drastic reorganization at the cytoskeletal level [1]. How these external physical stimuli are converted into intracellular signals, how the cells detect cues such as the direction of stretch or flow, the flow pattern or its intensity still remains largely unknown.

Cytoskeletal actin filaments and transmembrane proteins providing the link between these filaments and the extracellular milieu are of particular interest in this intracellular reorganization process as a response to applied mechanical stresses. Several biochemical and molecular events take place in EC's following the onset of pulsatile flow. Many studies have been devoted to identify them, and certain stress activated ion channels, signaling pathways, and cascades of gene activation and protein synthesis have been identified so far [2]. However for the elucidation of the primary mechanosensor(s) or the key switch(es) controlling how mechanical stresses applied on the cells mediate cytoskeletal reorganization, it is necessary to consider and evaluate the mechanical effect of these forces hand in hand with biochemical processes at cellular level in a single framework. We develop a theoretical model of cytoskeletal dynamics relating the quantitative features of the physical stimuli at microscopic scale (stress applied on cell surface molecules) to cytoskeletal modifications at macroscopic scale (mechanical properties and kinetics of cytoskeletal filaments and alignment).

Steve Coombes - S.Coombes@lboro.ac.uk

Dynamics of neural dendrites with active spines

Stephen Coombes

Loughborough University, Mathematical Sciences
LE11 3TU, Leicestershire, UK

The trains of action potentials that travel over single neuron dendritic trees with active spines are discussed in terms of both continuum and lattice models. In contrast to continuum models, waves in models with physically separated spines are shown to travel with a non-constant profile. The properties of these waves (speed, dispersion curve, ...) are obtained numerically for detailed single neuron models with active spines and analytically for integrate-and-fire spine-head dynamics. A kinematic formulation of the continuum models, in which ßpike trainscapture the underlying biological process, allows the analytical discussion of irregular waves. Making use of the properties of the previously calculated dispersion curves we predict the existence of period doubling wave bifurcations and the existence of non-periodic waves with a smooth connection between interspike intervals of differing period. We confirm these predictions with numerical simulations.

Gianaurelio Cuniberti - cunibert@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de

Damage spreading and shape space strategies in the immune system

Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Max-Planck-System for Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

A model describing possible mechanisms with which antibody producing cells cope with a mutating pathogen has been developed. The two species involved are, namely, concentrations of antigen (species ) and immune system cells involved in the recognition and elimination process (species ). The coevolution of this two competing species is embedded in a space accounting for the possible geometrical and physico-chemical properties involved in the recognition and eliminations of pathogens [1]. Pathogen mutations, which correspond to movement in this space, activate movements of the ``-cell population via a finite range recognition length. The possible elimination of the pathogen is triggered by another finite range, elimination range. The fact that the antigen is allowed to proliferate, mutate and be eliminated within a non vanishing elimination range implements the idea that fuzzy matching effectively intervenes in the elimination of the antigen, avoiding a rapid growth of newly appearing mutants. Depending on the virus mutation and replication rates the virus can be completely eliminated or take over and persist in the system.

A. S. Perelson and G. F. Oster, J. Theor. Biol. 81, 645 (1979).

Babette Dellen - bd@thp.uni-koeln.de

CA-oscillations in a pump driven dynamical model

B. K. Dellen,     M. J. Barber,     M. L. Ristig,     J. Hescheler

1) Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln, D-50937 Köln, Germany
2) Institut für Neurophysiologie, Universität zu Köln, D-50931 Köln, Germany

Oscillatory changes of cytosolic -concentration occur in various cell types spontaneously or in response to agonist stimulation. Most models dealing with -oscillations take the source for this widespread phenomenon to be the dynamics of the -release process, e.g., the interplay between the -concentration inside the cytosol and the -channels, which are assumed to have very special, -dependent receptor kinetics. In contrast to this approach, we have constructed a model based on the dynamics of a hypothetic -pump that is independent of the concrete structure of the -release process. In our model, the pump-process is described both by the -ATPase itself and by an ATP-generating mechanism, leading to a system that controls the -concentration inside the cytosol more precisely than the -ATPase alone. The resulting system of differential equations shows a rich behaviour, ranging from simple periodic oscillations to more complex patterns such as bursting and spiking, which is investigated by means of stability analysis and bifurcation diagrams.

Marileen Dogterom - dogterom@amolf.nl

Dynamics of single microtubules under load

Marileen Dogterom

FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF)
Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The assembly and disassembly of cytoskeletal filaments such as actin and microtubules can generate forces that contribute to various forms of (intra-)cellular motility. Experiments will be presented that allow for the quantitative study of forces generated by single growing microtubules as well as the effect of an applied load on the polymerization dynamics of these microtubules. So-called force-velocity curves were measured at different initial growth velocities in vitro, which will be compared to theoretical predictions. Data suggesting that the catastrophe rate of microtubules is greatly enhanced near the stall force will also be presented.

Sabine Dormann - sabine@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de

Selforganised avascular solid tumour growth
based on local cell dynamics

S. Dormann, A. Deutsch

1) Forschungsschwerp. Mathematisierung, Universität Bielefeld
Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld

2) Max-Planck-System for Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

Most mathematical models of avascular solid tumour growth are formulated as appropriately constructed (integro-)differential equations, which incorporate concepts of apoptosis, necrosis, growth (inhibitor) factors or pressure inside the tumour (e.g. [Adam],[Greenspan]). These models are in particular based on the assumptions (i) that the tumour is spherically symmetric at all times and (ii) that the tumour sphere has a multi-layered structure, as for example a central core of necrotic cells, surrounded by an outer ring of proliferating cells. The growth of the tumour is modelled by the growth of the outer radii of these layers.

Here, we present a two-dimensional hybrid-cellular automaton model, formulated in terms of lattice-gas terminology [Dormann]. Based purely on local cell dynamics the selforganised formation of a two-dimensional (multi-layered) tumour can be observed. All cells follow the same migration and interaction rules. Each cell can proliferate, be quiescent or die due to apoptosis or necrosis. These processes are influenced by nutrient and/or growth factor concentrations, which satisfy deterministic reaction-diffusion equations.

Other cellular automaton models of avascular tumour growth include also non-local rules (e.g. [Kansal], [Qi]). Furthermore, not all of them are capable of developing a multi-layered tumour structure (e.g. [Qi]).

John A. Adam and Nicola Bellomo.
A Survey of Models for Tumor-Immune System Dynamics.
Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997.

Sabine Dormann.
Pattern Formation in Cellular Automaton Models - Characterisation, Examples and Analysis.
Dissertation, Universität Osnabrück (Germany), Applied Systems Science, (http://www.usf.uos.de/sabine/), 2000.

H. P. Greenspan.
Models for the growth of a solid tumor by diffusion.
Stud. Appl. Math., 51:317-340, 1972.

Ah-Shen Qi, Xiang Zheng, Chan-Ying Du, and Boa-Sheng An.
A cellular automaton model of cancerous growth.
J. theor. Biol., 161:1-12, 1993.

A. R. Kansal, S. Torquato, G. R. Harsh, E. A. Chiocca, and T. S. Deisboeck.
Simulated brain tumor growth dynamics using a three-dimensional cellular automaton.
J. theor. Biol., 203:367-382, 2000.

Genevieve Dupont - gdupont@ulb.ac.be

From sub- to supra-cellular organization of calcium signals: insights from theoretical models

Genevieve Dupont

Université Libre de Bruxelles Faculté des Sciences
CP231 Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

The proper working of many cells depends on the fine tuning of their level of cytosolic , which acts as a widespread second messenger. Many of these signals are mediated by a rise in the level of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate which itself activates the release of from the endoplasmic reticulum. It is now well-known that in most cell types, the resulting increase in cytosolic is organized at the temporal and spatial level (oscillations and waves). Spontaneous organization alos holds on a larger (mm) and smaller () length-scale. Waves or/and oscillations can indeed also be observed in cell cultures, or even in entire organs. Finally, short-lived subcellular increases associated with the coordinated opening of a few channels have also been reported. Given the non-linear character of the regulations involved in the generation of such processes and the variety of time and length scales necessary to describe those phenomena, theoretical models have been largely used to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of intracellular . Here, we focus on some aspects of these dynamics for which the dual point of view provided by experiments and modeling can be particularly fruitful.

Pavel Dyma - pvdyma@mail.ru

New method of targets search in genes sequences for influence on them by antisemantic oligonucleotides

Alekseenko V.V., Belov Y.A., Brit I.S., Buchatsky L.P., Viscnyakova A.V., Dyma P.K.

Faculty of Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
Glushcov prospect 2, 01327 Kiev, Ukraine

The method and computing algorithm of targets search in genomes is developed with the purpose of study of influence on these targets by antisemantic oligonucleotides. With the purpose of approbation of a prospective new precision method of targets search for series of known genomes of microorganisms the comparative computer researches are conducted. Method, algorithm and computer program, developed on their basis, allow the following:

To simulate "walksöf pi-electron exaltation of a molecula DNA, previous to usual reading anyone, genetic information, written down on it;
To find working vacancies as place of strongly linked atoms and ions of trace substances with nucleotides. As a rule, the vacancies are placed in a narrow or in wide groove DNA in regions öf defect of masses änd are a combination 9 nucleotides.
To forecaste probability and number of pieces of a gene, which can be used during a transcription;
To find main gene-corrector, which to control shift of a framework of reading in a genome.
The developed method and algorithm are based on calculation of the quantum biochemical characteristic of conditions of an activation DNA, during reading and realization of the genetic information agrees with the data of the genetical dictionary. The method allows, to calculate all working vacancies in microadmixtures, and also main gene-corrector a gene. The conducted computer experiments on an example of a tox-gene of a cholera has shown, that main gene-corrector of a genome of a cholera, is posed in ënvironmenttwo potential mutagenic vacancys for microelements and has such sequence as 5 ' - GGGtTTaCCGATA - 3 ' and begins with 23 nucleotides. Thus in connection with an opportunity of a frameshift on 100 Let's emphasize also, that the offered program allows to distinguish ßilentranges in a gene (like Pribnov's box) for fastening enzymes with the subsequent scission of strands DNA, transcription and translation.

Oliver Ebenhöh - oliver.ebenhoeh@rz.hu-berlin.de

Reconstruction of the stoichiometry of ATP and NADH producing systems using evolutionary algorithms

Oliver Ebenhöh and Reinhart Heinrich

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie/Theoretische Biophysik
Invalidenstraße 42, 10115 Berlin, Germany

The structural design of ATP and NADH producing pathways such as glycolysis and the citric acid (TCA) cycle is investigated using optimisation principles. It is assumed that these pathways, combined with oxidative phosphorylation, have reached, during their evolution, a high efficiency with respect to ATP production rates. On the basis of kinetic and thermodynamic principles conclusions are derived concerning the optimal stoichiometry of such pathways. Extending previous investigations, both the concentrations of adenine nucleotides as well as nicotinamid adenine dinucleotides are considered variable quantities. This implies the consideration of the interaction of an ATP and NADH producing system, an ATP consuming system, a system coupling NADH consumption with ATP production, and a system consuming NADH decoupled from ATP production. It is examined in what respect real metabolic pathways can be considered optimal by studying a large number of alternative pathways. The kinetics of the individual reactions are described by linear or bilinear functions of reactant concentrations. In this manner, the steady state ATP production rate can be calculated for any possible ATP and NADH producing pathway. It is shown that most of the possible pathways result in a very low ATP production rate and that the very efficient pathways share common structural properties. Optimisation with respect to the ATP production rate is performed by an evolutionary algorithm. The following results of our analysis are in close correspondence to the real design of glycolysis and the TCA cycle: (i) In all efficient pathways the ATP consuming reactions are located near the beginning. (ii) In all efficient pathways NADH producing reactions as well as ATP producing reactions are located near the end. (iii) The number of NADH molecules produced by the consumption of one energy-rich molecule (glucose) amounts to four in all efficient pathways.

The analysis of more complex metabolic systems with a branched network structure neccesitates the development of new methods and computational tools. The branching in network structures is represented by chemical reactions that split or recombine molecules with different numbers of carbon atoms. In order to apply optimisation principles on such pathways a method has been developed to construct alternative network structures. Presently a systematic approach is being followed to elucidate the design of possible alternative pathways. Statistical analyses have been performed on the stoichiometric properties of these networks. The frequency of networks able to perform certain conversions between molecules with a different number of carbon atoms is investigated as well as the statistical occurence of conservation rules.

Frido Erler - erler@theory.phy.tu-dresden.de

Tetanus-induced Presynaptic Calcium Dynamics in Single Neurons

F. Erler and M. Meyer-Hermann

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany

A model is presented, which describes the presynaptic calcium influx in single neurons due to a tetanus. The model consists of a system of coupled differential equations, based on existing models of reaction-diffusion systems. Induced by high or low frequency stimulation via presynaptic incoming action potentials, specific voltage dependent calcium channels in the presynaptic cell membrane open. The resulting calcium influx now opens specific intracellular calcium channels, whereby there is a further calcium influx into the cell. The calcium surplus is pumped out up to the initial concentration with the aid of specific calcium pumps and exchangers.
The presynaptic and postsynaptic calcium dynamics is involved in the formation of synaptic plasticity. Thus it is directly related to the neural basis of the memory of mammals.

Wolfgang Feneberg - feneberg@ph.tum.de

Strain Field Mapping of the Cell Membrane of Endothelial Cells

Wolfgang Feneberg and Erich Sackmann

Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Straße, 85748 Garching

We applied a recently developed magnetic bead micro-rheometer (Magnetic Tweezers) to investigate the influence of actin on the properties of the cell membrane of endothelial cells (HUVEC). Superparamagnetic beads of a diameter of 4.5m are coated with different integrin-binding proteins (e.g. fibronectin, collagen IV, invasin) and thus linked to the actin cortex. Via an external magnetic coil we can apply forces of up to 5 nN to these beads. The displacement is measured in real time by a single particle trecking algorithm. To characterize the properties of the actin cortex we additionally analyzed the strain field, which we visualize by non-magnetic beads attached to the cell membrane and by fluorescence staining of the mitochondria inside the cell.

Alisdair Fernie - fernie@mpimp-golm.mpg.de

Metabolic profiling of transgenic potato tubers using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Ute Roessner, Cornelia Wagner, Alexander Lüdemann, Lothar Willmitzer, Alisdair R. Fernie

Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Am Mühlenberg 1, Golm, Germany

The central interest of our laboratory is to increase our understanding of carbohydrate metabolism within the potato tuber. To achieve this we have previously created numerous transgenic plants characterised by either antisense inhibition or ectopic overexpression of proteins mediating the major pathways of carbon metabolism. Whilst these plants have provided direct evidence of the regulation of these pathways they have also yielded new insights into both the flexibility of plant metabolism and the complexity of the regulatory circuits and signalling mechanisms within the plant cell (Trethewey et al., 1998). We therefore decided to broaden the scope of our studies by developing a method capable of simultaneously detecting a wide range of metabolites.

The method we developed is based on gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry and allows the detection of a total of 150 compounds, 78 of which we identified with respect to their chemical nature. Analysis of transgenic potato tubers cytosolically expressing either a yeast invertase (both in combination with and independently of a bacterial glucokinase), or a bacterial sucrose phosphorylase revealed large scale differences in metabolite content with respect to wild type. We are in the process of analysing these data using contemporary bioinformatic methods in the hope of better understanding regulation of carbon metabolism within the potato tuber.

Trethewey, R.N., Geigenberger, P., Riedel, K., Hajirezaei, M.-R., Sonnewald, U., Stitt, M., Riesmeier, J.W., Willmitzer, L. (1998) The Plant Journal (15), 199-118

Elisangela Ferretti Manffra - elis@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de

A model for affinity maturation in germinal centers

M. Or-Guil, E. Ferretti Manffra and H. Kantz

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

During the course of an immune response, the affinity of antibodies acting against the pathogen or toxin which invaded the organism increases. This phenomenon of affinity maturation of the humoral immune response is interesting but not completely understood. The process of affinity increase takes place intensively in germinal centers, whose structure and dynamics have been experimentally investigated [Liu], [Berek].

In the germinal centers, B cells able to produce antibodies undergo intense proliferation associated to a high mutation rate (hypermutation). Cells which produce antibodies with high affinity against the antigen are selected to survive. Some theoretical models have been proposed where the phenomenon is described as an optimized evolutionary process [Kepler]. Still however, there is no definitive answer related to the mechanisms of selection. The most common proposal is that a local competition for antigen takes place. Only recently, however this aspect has been explored theoretically in detail [Kesmir].

In this work, we assume that such a local competition mechanism exists and propose a simple model for a global clone selection of the locally successful cell clones. We assume that the probability of selection depends on the affinity of the cells and also on some global quantity that regulates the threshold for selection. We let this global quantity depend on the number of selected cells and show that under specific conditions, our model can reproduce affinity maturation. The model is investigated considering the existence of accumulation of mutations (``recycling'') or not, and the results for the two scenarios are discussed.

Y.L. Liu and J. Zhang and P.J.L. Lane and e Y.T. Chan and I.C.M. MacLennan, Eur. J. Immunol. 21, 2951 (1991).

C. Berek in Fundamental Immunology, Fourth Edition, Ed. W. E. Paul, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia (1999).

T.B. Kepler and A.S. Perelson, Immunology Today 14, 412 (1993).

C. Kesmir and R. J. de Boer, private communication

Marc Thilo Figge - figge@phys.rug.nl

A statistical model for receptor-ligand binding

Marc Thilo Figge

Institute for Theoretical Physics and Materials Science Center
University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands

Prior to any immune response is the binding of antibody to antigen or T-cell receptor to MHC molecule. The binding process requires that portions of the two binding structures have complementary shapes that can closely approach each other. A bound receptor-ligand complex will settle into a minimum (free) energy configuration, dissipating binding energy in the process, while the probability and permanence of the binding depends on whether the released binding energy exceeds some threshold energy. A common property of receptors is that they seem to interact with regions of about contact residues, as has been found experimentally and can be also understood theoretically.

We propose a statistical model that describes the receptor-ligand binding and takes into account that the local binding energy depends on the environement. This approach allows us to calculate analytically the probability distribution, , for the formation of a single binding region over contact residues as a function of both the threshold energy and the distribution of binding energies. Furthermore, we introduce a binding parameter to study the case where the binding process results into several seperate binding regions along the receptor-ligand overlap region. This enables us to compare receptor-ligand bindings that differ by the number of seperate binding regions and to draw conclusions from the underlying distribution of binding energies.

J.K. Percus, O.E. Percus, and A.S. Perelson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 1691 (1993).

Lenka Forstova - forstovl@tiger.vscht.cz

Effects of an applied electric field on aggregation
of Dictyostelium discoideum

Jivrí Lindner, Lenka Forvstová, Hana vSevvcíková

Department of Chemical Engineering and
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Systems
Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic

The aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum (DD) cells in the cell suspension is mediated by chemoattractant cyclic adenosin monophosphate (cAMP) which propagates from randomly organized centers in the form of spiral or circular pulses of increased cAMP concentration. DD cells feel the arriving cAMP and respond to it by both an autocatalytic production of cAMP and by the motion against the gradient of cAMP. The periodic emission of cAMP pulses from the centers enable DD cells to gather in these centers and create fruiting bodies. The propagation of cAMP pulses, resulting from the mutual interaction of both an autocatalytic production of cAMP in cells and the diffusive transport of cAMP through the intercellular space, can be altered by an externally applied electric field that can enhance the transport of negatively charged cAMP.

The presented poster will show the results of numerical studies of an applied electric field on the cAMP pulses propagating in the model, spatially 2 dimensional, layer of DD cells. In the model the Martiel-Goldbeter kinetic scheme is used to describe the production of cAMP and Nernst-Planck equation is used to describe the intercellular transport of cAMP both by diffusion and by electromigration. Depending on the strength and the orientation the electric fields of low intensities (up to 6V/cm) were found to i) change both the propagation velocity and the amplitude of the pulses, ii) to annihilate the propagating pulse, and iii) to induce the formation of new centers of cAMP pulses. The poster aims to present also the results of now undertaken experimental studies of electric field effects on some features of DD cells aggregation.

Subhendu Ghosh - subho@del3.vsnl.net.in

Cooperative Behavior of Membrane Channels:
Voltage-Clamp Studies on Gap Junctions

Paramita Ghosh and Subhendu Ghosh

Department of Biophysics
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi 110021, India

Gap junction provides low resistance pathways for cell-to-cell communication via passive diffusion of ions, metabolites, second messengers etc. upto 1200 daltons and thus, controls embryonic development and differentiation, and neuronal communication. It has been pointed out in our previous work that passive diffusion channels behave cooperatively which in turn depends on the structural parameters and also membrane potentials (Ghosh, 1993; Ghosh & Mukherjee, 1993;). In the present work, we demonstrate through bilayer electrophysiological experiments that the cooperative behavior of gap junction multi-channels depends on the clamping potentials across the bilayer lipid membrane. Further, we establish that the voltage dependence of the fraction of gap-junction channels open has a sigmoidal pattern and the relation follows tan hyperbolic expression. We predict that the cooperative behavior of membrane channels which has very significant consequences in cellular processes, especially in embryonic tissues and neuronal communication.

Jeroen Jeneson - jjeneson@bio.vu.nl

Metabolic Control Analysis of the ATPase network
in contracting muscle: regulation of contractile
function and ATP free energy potential

J.A.L. Jeneson, H.V. Westerhoff and M.J. Kushmerick

Department of Pediatrics, University Medical Center Utrecht, NL, Department of Molecular Cell Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL, Departments of Bioengineering, Physiology and Biophysics, and Radiology, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle WA, USA.

The free energy of ATP hydrolysis constitutes the chemical energy that drives muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle contractile activity is under external, neural control, and so is therefore its ATP metabolic activity. Yet, empirically, ATP free energy demand during contraction cannot outstrip supply on a sustained basis. The muscle fatigues instead of going into rigor. This homeostatic regulation of the ATP potential in muscle is the subject of investigation here. We tested whether a minimal network model of ATP metabolism in contracting muscle composed of myofibrillar actomyosin ATPase, sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase and mitochondrial ATP synthase, would be homeostatic with respect to the cellular ATP potential. We used the mathematical theorems of modular metabolic control analysis that provide tools for such a network analysis under steady-state conditions. The analysis was applied to a set of in vivo 31P NMR spectroscopy data on steady-state energetics from human muscle. We found that kinetic control of the network resides in the main ATPase demand module in the network, the actomyosin ATPase, over much of the range of sustainable work rates. But this kinetic control of metabolic flow in the ATPase network shifts towards the mitochondria (= supply of ATP potential) at high work rates. As a consequence, ATP free energy consumption cannot outstrip the intrinsic cellular capacity for ATP free energy supply on a sustained basis. These two control properties endow the ATPase network in muscle with both apt regulation of contractile function as well as homeostatic regulation of the cellular ATP free energy potential.

Supported in part by NIH grant AR36281 (to M.J. Kushmerick) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; to H.V. Westerhoff).

Björn Junker - junker@mpimp-golm.mpg.de

Kinetic resolution of system perturbation via chemically inducible gene expression

Björn H. Junker, Mohammad-Reza Hajirezaei, Uwe Sonnewald, Lothar Willmitzer, Alisdair R. Fernie

Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm, Germany
Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany

In the last 15 years, much research effort has been focussed on the consequences of constitutively altering the expression of genes encoding crucial metabolic enzymes. Whilst much knowledge has been obtained using this approach it has several clear limitations. Inducible promoter systems could overcome these problems as they allow a modification of enzyme activities in a precise and defined manner only during a specific point in plant development. An ethanol inducible gene switch has been used by Caddick and coworkers to manipulate carbon metabolism in transgenic tobacco plants1. They showed that upon rapid induction of a yeast cytosolic invertase, a marked phenotype appears in developing leaves that is absent from leaves that developed before induction or after return to basal state. In our project, we are currently establishing systems for enhanced expression (and relaxation of expression) of different heterologous enzymes introduced into the carbon metabolism in transgenic potato tubers. The transgenes are all regulated by the same ethanol inducible promoter system. We have chosen three enzymes all of which are well characterized concerning constitutive expression and the effect thereof on carbohydrate metabolism: a yeast cytosolic invertase and a bacterial sucrose phosphorylase (both cleaving sucrose and therefore contributing to the generation of momomers for starch production), as well as a bacterial pyrophosphatase (drawing away pyrophosphate from the UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase reaction, therefore producing a decrease in monomers required for starch production). The aim of the project is to follow the perturbation on the level of transcription, protein, enzyme activity, metabolite levels, and fluxes. Preliminary results will be presented.

Caddick MX, Greenland AJ, Jepson I, Krause KP, Qu N, Riddell KV, Salter MG, Schuch W, Sonnewald U, Tomsett AB (1998) An ethanol inducible gene switch for plants used to manipulate carbon metabolism.Nat. Biotech. 16: 177-180
Trethewey RN, Fernie AR, Bachmann A, Fleischer-Notter H, Geigenberger P, Willmitzer L (2001) Expression of a bacterial sucrose phosphorylase in potato tubers results in a glucose-independent induction of glycolysis.Plant Cell Environ. 24: 357-365
Farré EM, Bachmann A, Willmitzer L, Trethewey RN (2001) Sprouting of potato tubers is significantly accelerated by the expression of an alien pyrophosphatase. Nat. Biotech. 19: 268-272.

Joseph A. Kas - kas@chaos.ph.utexas.edu

Non-Brownian polymer dynamics induced
by molecular nanomachines

Josef A. Kas

Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, Physics Department
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Center for Nano and Molecular Science
Texas Materials Institute

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

All eukaryotic cells (any cell more advanced in evolution than a bacterium) depend in their internal structure, organization, and function on the cytoskeleton, a polymer mesh within the cell interior. Cells reversibly assemble protein filaments (actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubles) and accessory proteins into extensive, three-dimensional networks. Among these proteins, actin forms semiflexible polymers, which create stress fibers spanning the entire cell interior and a homogeneous network underlying the cell membrane, with unique physical properties. These properties enable cells to migrate and to respond to deforming stresses (including active feedback). The polymer dynamics of conventional polymer systems and the consequential viscoelastic properties are a result of the Brownian motions of the polymer chains. In the case of the actin cytoskeleton, actin-binding proteins behave as energy consuming nanomachines (e.g.. the molecular motor myosin), which control its polymer dynamics. These proteins impact on the resulting viscoelasticity cannot be described by existing polymer theories. To unravel the physics underlying the complex and highly dynamic features of actin networks, we synergetically apply soft condensed matter physics, nonlinear dynamics, nano-particles, laser physics, single molecule microscopy, and genetic techniques to study, in vivo, the actin cytoskeleton of cells as well as, in vitro, reconstituted elements of this cytoskeleton. Due to the central role of the actin cytoskeleton for cell function our newly gained knowledge in polymer physics directly results in novel strategies for the early detection of cancer cells and for quick nerve regeneration.

Bogdan Kazmierczak - bkazmier@ippt.gov.pl

Travelling waves in mutualist-competitive systems of equations

Bogdan Kazmierczak

Inst. for Fundamental Technological Research of PAN

Swiétokrzyska 21, 00-049 Warsaw, Poland

In the paper we prove the existence of travelling wave solutions

for systems of reaction-diffusion equations of the form:

where , , , .

We assume that the functions satisfy so called local monotonicity

conditions. To be more precise, we assume that for all

we have:

(1) for all satisfying ,

(2) for all satisfying .

The species corresponding to the variables

may be called mutually symbiotic, whereas the species

corresponding to may be called competitive.

Such systems may thus be called -symbiotic -competitive.

They may describe various kinds of biological phenomena,

e.g. the dynamics of mutualist macrophages in tumours.

Scott D. Kelly - kelly@entelos.com

A dynamical model for helper T cell differentiation following antigen presentation

Scott D. Kelly and Clement C. Leong

Entelos, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA

The proliferation of helper T cells following antigen presentation by dendritic cells is mediated by cytokines produced by both cell types, costimulatory interactions between the two, and physical parameters like cell crowding. We present a mathematical model which integrates these elements to reproduce certain fundamental dynamics of helper T cell population development. Our model, calibrated to both in vitro and in vivo data from the literature, accounts for the competition of naive and memory T cells for presented antigen, the expansion and interaction of naive, effector, and memory populations, and the activation-induced cell death, growth factor withdrawal apoptosis, and anergization of T cells under various conditions.

Variations in antigen concentration, costimulation, and intercellular adhesion have, in particular, been shown in the literature to influence the Th1/2 polarization of a naive immune response. Our model demonstrates that these factors can regulate Th1/2 polarization through population dynamics alone, without recourse to explicit cellular signalling. Emergent regulation of this sort may reinforce other mechanisms governing the Th1/2 differentiation of naive cells.

Jan T. Kim - kim@inb.mu-luebeck.de

A versatile and generic model for regulatory gene networks

Jan T. Kim

Institut für Neuro- und Bioinformatik
Seelandstraße 1a, 23569 Lübeck, Germany

Regulatory networks are systems that mediate a large array of central biological processes, such as cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Computer models simulating regulatory networks within the contexts of these processes are important tools for making progress in understanding the fundamental biological principles underlying the wide range of functions exerted by such networks. It is desirable to use a common framework for representing regulatory networks within such models. Providing such a framework is the motivation of transsys.

The transsys core is a computer language like formalism for describing regulatory networks. transsys network descriptions can readily be integrated into a variety of models of morphogenesis, development, pattern formation, differentiation etc. Currently, transsys has been built into Lindenmayer systems and lattice models. In the contribution, an outline of the theoretical basis of transsys and results obtained with the two modelling frameworks mentioned above will be presented.

Jan T. Kim - kim@inb.mu-luebeck.de

On the evolution of the transcription-Factor-binding-site-system and its influence on the information content

Jan T. Kim, Thomas Martinetz, Daniel Polani

Institut für Neuro- und Bioinformatik
Seelandstraße 1a, 23569 Lübeck, Germany

Transcription factors and their binding sites have become a focal point of bioinformatics research since it became clear that regulatory networks are a centerpiece of genetic information processing. Transcription factor binding sites are short sequence words. Knowledge about the location of these binding sites on the genome gives important information not only about the structure of the regulatory networks the transcription factor is involved in but also e.g. about the location of genes and other coding regimes on the genome. A number of recognition schemes have been developed in bioinformatics, however, finding these binding sites has turned out to be a difficult task which can only be solved with prior knowledge about the principle binding behavior of transcription factors.

A model for the basic probability distributions underlying the coevolution of the transcription factor and its binding sites within the genome is presented. Maximum entropy arguments give insight into the connection between the information content of these binding sites and the binding behavior of the transcription factor. This might be used as prior kowledge for improved recognition schemes. Further, it gives insight into an intriguing finding that still awaits a complete bioinformatic explanation, namely the observation that transcription factor binding sites seem to occur on the genome approximately with a frequency which corresponds to their information content. It is shown that this is not necessarily the case.

Rainer Klages - rklages@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de

A simple deterministic model of Brownian motors

R. Klages

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany

We analyse the diffusion of Brownian particles in a simple system of deterministically coupled maps. For certain values of its two control parameters this model is reminiscent of a simple random walk on the line, however, there is always an infinite memory in the particle dynamics. This enables to study whether microscopic dynamical correlations can play a role in Brownian motion. We first show that our model is a time-discrete version of the dynamics of Brownian particles in asymmetric periodic potentials under the influence of a periodic force. We then exactly calculate the drift and diffusion coefficients for our model. We find that there exist current reversals under parameter variation, as is well-known for Brownian motors. We argue that these current reversals are due to microscopic correlations in the particle dynamics. Such simple models might as well be used to study the correlated motion of cells on substrates.

Don Klinkenberg - d.klinkenberg@id.wag-ur.nl

Transmission experiments to investigate the effect of vaccines on the transmission of infectious diseases

D. Klinkenberg, M.C.M. de Jong

Wageningen University and Research Centre (Wageningen UR), Institute for Animal Science and Health, P.O. Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, The Netherlands

Vaccines are often designed to reduce morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases. However, to ban an infectious agent out of a population of hosts, its transmission between individual hosts should be reduced as well. In fact, it should be reduced to such an extent, that the average number of individuals infected by one infectious individual, i.e. the basic reproduction ratio , is smaller than 1.

In veterinary epidemiology, reduction of transmission is often an even more important goal than reduction of clinical signs, because of trade reasons (to maintain the status freedom of infection, for example foot-and-mouth disease) or because the infection is a zoonosis (bovine TB, Salmonella etc.). To test vaccine effectiveness for the reduction of transmission, transmission experiments are helpful tools. Transmission experiments are experiments in which some animals in a group of animals are infected with an infectious agent and transmission of the agent to the initially uninfected, susceptible animals is followed in time. By comparing experiments with and without vaccination of all animals and by estimating from experiments, vaccine effectiveness can be investigated.

This poster will present some statistical methods to deal with transmission experiments. These methods are based on a mathematical model for the spread of infectious diseases, the so-called S-I-R model (Susceptible - Infectious - Removed). Using an example experiment with classical swine fever virus it will be shown how to test vaccine effectiveness against a control group and how to estimate basic reproduction ratio . Advantages and pitfalls of this experimental approach will be discussed.

Edda Klipp - edda=klipp@biologie.hu-berlin.de

Modelling of temporal change in gene expression patterns in yeast due to osmotic stimulation of the HOG signalling pathway

Edda Klipp

Institute of Biology, Humboldt-University at Berlin
Invalidenstr. 42, 10115 Berlin, Germany

With the techniques of genome-wide transcriptional analysis the gene expression of yeast under several conditions can be measured (eg. [1,2]). These measurements confirm that cells are able to adjust the expression of genes to the environmental conditions and to the necessities of the cellular state. From the view point of metabolic modelling the regulated gene expression leads to two interesting questions: 1) Given be a state of a cell (or a limited metabolic network) characterized by metabolite concentrations, fluxes, presence of enzymes and activity of genes. If the cell is now faced with an environmental change (stress, supply of a new substrate), which would be the best way for the cell to react on this change? Which fluxes must be increased or decrease to balance the cellular metabolism, which enzymes must be generated to make use of the new substrate, which genes should be activated to produce the necessary enzymes, which genes must be repressed to take care of resources? A mathematical model is used to explain for a simple linear chain of metabolic reactions the optimal temporal pattern of enzyme concentration if an initial substrate has to be transformed into a vital product as soon as possible and under the condition of limited cellular resources. Extensions of this model include the optimal pattern of gene activity and mRNA formation to approach the favourable pattern of enzyme concentations [3,4]. 2) In many cases it is known in principle how the flow of information from an external signal like stress or supply of substrate via a signalling cascade to an altered gene expression and finally to an adjustment of the cellular metabolism proceeds. One can try to understand the dynamics of this process by describing the reactions with a set of differential equations,which in turn can be analysed with mathematical tools. For the answer of yeast cells to osmotic stress a model is developed which shall help to understand the dynamics in the signaling pathway and which may point out why the cells increase or decrease the expression of several genes the products of which play an important role in the energy metabolism of the cell and in the glycerol production. Metabolic control analysis is applied to detect pattern and strength of influence between the different subsystems which take part in the cellular response to the stress [5].

[1] DeRisi, J.L., Iyer, V.R. & Brown, P.O. 1997. Exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science, 278, 680-686.

[2] Rep, M., Krantz, M., Thevelein, J.M. & Hohmann, S. 2000. The transcriptional response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to osmotic shock. J. Biol. Chem., 275, 8290-8300.

[3] Klipp, E. and Heinrich, R., 1999, Competition for enzymes in metabolic pathways, BioSystems, 54, 1-14.

[4] Klipp, E., H.-G. Holzhütter and Heinrich, R., 2000, Reprogramming of metabolic systems by altering gene expression. In: Animating the Cellular Map (ed. Hofmeyr, J.H.S. et al., Proceedings of the 9th International Meeting on Biothermokinetics), Stellenbosch University Press, Stellenbosch.

[5] Hofmeyr, J.-H.S. & Westerhoff, H.V. 2001. Building the cellular puzzle. Control in multi-level reaction networks. J. Theor. Biol., 208, 261-285.

Loïc Le Goff - Loic.LeGoff@curie.fr

Tracer studies of thermally and non-thermally activated dynamics of semi-flexible actin filaments

Loïc Le Goff, Eric M. Furst, François Amblard

Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie, Institut Curie
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France

In this work, we present studies of actin filament dynamics, from single filaments to highly entangled solutions, including active systems in the presence of ATP and myosin S1 motor protein domains. Since the rheology of actin has classically been carried out in bulk and at thermal equilibrium, the interaction between actin and myosin represents a source of non-thermal excitation coupled to ATP hydrolysis. We investigate these non-thermal fluctuations by two approaches: tracer particle micro-rheology of semi-dilute F-actin solutions in the presence of the motor domain of skeletal muscle myosin is investigated by diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), and single filament dynamics are probed by video microscopy and image contour analysis. We find that microfilaments show enhanced dynamics and an anomalous tangent correlation function. These observations raise questions about the interplay between myosin activity and microfilament mechanics and dynamics.

In addition, we present a new method to probe the conformations of single actin filaments by fluorescence microscopy. By end-to-end annealing labelled and unlabelled filament fragments, we create long filaments whose ends are specifically tagged by fluorescent tracers. These end-tracers are tracked by image analysis to measure the radial distribution function and projected length fluctuations, showing good agreement with recent theoretical predictions [1-3]. This new tagging procedure offers the advantage that the majority of the filament does not need to be labelled and stabilized (i.e. with phalloidin derivatives) and greatly eases the image analysis to study filament conformation and position. An application to an automatic analysis of motility assays will be discussed.

1. Whilem J., Frey E. Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 2581 (1996)
2. Granek R. J. Phys. II 7, 1761 (1997)
3. Gittes F, MacKintosh F.C., Phys. Rev. E, 58, R1241, (1997)

Hans-Philipp Lerch - hans@fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Coherent dynamics in networks of single protein molecules

Hans-Philipp Lerch, Pedro Stange, Alexander S. Mikhailov and
Benno Hess

Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,
Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Physiologie,
Otto-Hahn-Str. 11, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
present address: Max-Planck-Institut für Medizinische Forschung,
Jahnstr. 29, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Enzymes are single-molecule catalysts representing chemical protein machines. We show that enzymic reactions in small spatial volumes, characteristic for a living biological cell, may proceed in a special kinetic regime of a molecular network. In this regime the enzymic population behaves like a network of communicating machines. When interactions between the machines are sufficiently intensive, strong correlations between intramolecular dynamics of individual machines in the network can emerge. Thus, mutual synchronization of enzymic turnover cycles develops. The theoretical analysis, which has been performed for allosteric product-activated and product-inhibited reactions, as well for the non-allosteric reactions with substrate loops, show that coherent intramolecular dynamics is a robust phenomenon, which persists even when significant intramolecular fluctuations are present. For allosteric enzymes composed of several subunits, both the synchronization of reaction cycles of the whole set of enzymes is possible in addition to synchronization of reaction cycles of subunits within enzymes.

Wolfram Liebermeister - wolfram.liebermeister@rz.hu-berlin.de

Independent component analysis of gene expression data

Wolfram Liebermeister

Theoretische Biophysik, Institut für Biologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Invalidenstraße 42, 10115 Berlin, Germany

Cells react to external stimuli and to their internal needs by the induction or repression of genes. The expression of each gene relies on the specific processing of a number of regulatory inputs, which are still unknown in most cases. Constructing large genetic networks in an unsupervised fashion, thus from expression data alone, suffers from two drawbacks: firstly, the observed expression values carry large errors, and secondly, a realistic network model would involve many quantities besides the concentrations of mRNA species. However, the coregulation of genes may be described assuming a small number of ``effective'' regulators, each acting on a large group of genes and varying between distinct biological situations. In contrast to clusterings, linear models rely on the idea of a combinatorial control, describing the expression levels of genes as linear functions of common hidden variables. Ideally, these variables might be related to distinct biological causes of variation in the data, like regulators of gene expression, cellular tasks, or responses to experimental treatments. We applied independent component analysis (ICA) to gene expression data, deriving a linear model whose hidden variables we term ``expression modes''. According to the ICA model, the linear influences of different modes show a minimal statistical dependence. Each mode defines a cluster of specifically up- and downregulated genes. The expression modes and their influences can be used to visualize the samples and genes in low-dimensional spaces. Studying cell cycle-related gene expression in yeast, we found that the dominant expression modes could be related to distinct regulatory processes, like phases of the cell cycle or the mating response. Cell-cycle behaviour was mainly manifested by three modes showing a periodic behaviour. The influences of the dominant modes showed distributions with large tails, indicating that they exert strong effects on specific groups of genes. A projection to these modes helps to define problem-relevant metrics highlighting particular biological functions, to denoise the data, and to compress them in a biologically sensible way. Reducing the number of data dimensions may be useful to lower the effort in further analysis, while the most relevant biological information is maintained. Identifying a small number of effective key variables may also be a first step towards simple dynamic models of gene regulation.

Fabio Luciani - fabio_luciani@yahoo.com

Stochastic processes in immunosenescence: stress as noise and
T lymphocyte population dynamics

Fabio Luciani

University of Bologna, Department of Physics
Via Irnerio 46, 40126 Bologna, Italy

We propose a stochastic dynamical system for the Virgin (CD8+CD95-) and Memory (CD8+CD95+) T lymphocytes evolution on the whole human life span. The changes occuring in the Immune System (IS) during life (Immunosenescence), can be envisaged as a consequence of a continuous remodeling of IS. The IS aging is not a simple involution of defensive functions in the elderly people but a profound reshaping of all mechanisms involved in the recognition and neutralization of damaging agents, called antigens. Describing the evolution of Virgin and Memory T cells in the peripheral system from new borns to centenarians we investigate the effect of an aspecific chronic stress impinging upon both populations over long time scale. The crucial phenomena in Immunosenescence such as the Shrinking of Immunological space (due to the competition between T memory clones), the conversion within the T cells compartments and the fluctuations of the environmental stress have been taken into account in the model, obtaining a nice agreement with the experimental data. The stochastic approach, with the hypothesis that the depletion of virgin CD8+ T cells can be considered a reliable biomarker of mortality, produces a survival curve capable of fitting demographic data whose rate of mortality is definitely different from the Gomperz exponential law.

Rengaswamy Maithreye - maithreye@yahoo.com

Modelling of Simple Biochemical Networks

R. Maithreye & Somdatta Sinha

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, India

Designing simple biochemical networks that can regulate temporal expression of multiple genes and their products can provide, among other applications, a theoretical framework for understanding regulation of gene expression in cells. We have modelled a simple three-step biochemical network which is negatively regulated in three distinct biologically realistic manner as observed in cellular systems. We have studied the dynamic behaviour of the three models for changes in parameters and the state variable. The robustness of the three networks varies considerably under perturbations.

Anna Marciniak - anna.marciniak@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

Developmental models with cell surface receptor densities defining morphological position

Anna Marciniak

Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 69 120 Heidelberg, Germany

The aim is to build a model for pattern formation in Hydra. Hydra, a fresh-water polyp, is one of the oldest and simplest multi-cellular organisms and plays an imporatant role as a prototype for morphogenetic patterning. This polyp is endowed with an amazing capacity to regenerate any lost body part. Old and damaged cells are unceasingly replaced by newly-generated ones. The location of cells determines their function, which can be shown by a very simple cutting experiment.

The concept of pattern generation is that cells are endowed with positional memory tightly linked to a gradient in the potential for head formation in the intact animal (positional value). The objective here is to build a receptor-based model without imposing any initial gradient. The model is based on the idea that epithelial cells secrete a regulatory biochemical, which diffuses locally within the interstitial space and binds to free receptors on the cell surface. Positional value is determined by the density of bound receptors.

The model is given in the form of three diffusion-type equations. It takes into consideration the density of free receptors, bound receptors and the ligands. It is shown when in such model patterns can evolve due to a diffusion-driven instability (Turing-type instability). Different nonlinear kinetics are considered and simulations are made to illustrate the analysis.

Hans Meinhardt - hans.meinhardt@tuebingen.mpg.de

Center finding in E. coli and somite formation:
the role of waves in pattern formation

Hans Meinhardt

Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie
Spemannstraße 35, D-72076 Tübingen

The usual way to generate patterns proceeds by forming first local signals that subsequently trigger the corresponding cell differentiation. However, several systems can be best described by assuming travelling waves. The use of travelling waves is a reasonable strategy if large fields have to become organized with molecules that have only a limited range. Early blood vessel formation, somite formation and the selection of a single cell to form a sensory bristle will be discussed under this point of view. In these examples the waves have very different functions. In somite formation, periodic waves cause the addition of pattern elements in a sequential fashion. This conversion of a periodic pattern in time into a periodic pattern space allows the generation of very regular patterns even in extended fields. In the formation of sensory bristles, first a larger patch of cells becomes competent. A subsequent wave-like OFF-reaction starting at the periphery of the patch causes a reliable selection of a single cell. The formation of complex net-like structures that contain preferentially closed loops such as the early blood vessel system can described by the assumption that first a plate is formed. A standard patterning system generates holes in this plate. These holes grow in a wave-like manner until only narrow bridges remain. This implies that the pattern forming mechanism does not specify where a particular structure is formed but where it is not formed and the spreading waves restrict the pattern further. It will be shown that this is very economic way to generate these complex patterns. As an example for a pattern forming process within a single cell, the mechanism that allows an E.coli-bacterium to find its center will be discussed. This is essential for the correct initiation of cell division. Travelling waves of a protein (MinE) remove another protein (MinC/D) from the membrane that blocks the assembly of the division apparatus. Waves of MinE function like a windshield wiper of a car to clear the membrane. This occurs more efficiently at the center. Thus, on time average, the concentration of the division inhibitor MinCD is lowest at the center, allowing a correct division of the cell.

Hans Meinhardt - hans.meinhardt@tuebingen.mpg.de

Models for pattern formation in Hydra and the invention of the bilateral body plan

Hans Meinhardt

Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie

Spemannstraße 35, D-72076 Tübingen

The freshwater polyp Hydra with its almost unrestricted capability for pattern regulation was a challenging system to test models of biological pattern formation. For a theory developed together with Alfred Gierer long time ago Hydra was, therefore, a primary testing ground. These theories have found fresh support by recent observations at the molecular-genetic level. Hydra patterning can be described under the following assumptions: (i) Pattern formation requires local autocatalysis and long-range inhibition. The region of a high activator concentration becomes the ``head'' of the Hydra, the opening of the gastric column. (ii) This pattern feeds back on the ability of the cells to generate this pattern. Thus, cells at a distance from the head become less competent to generate the head-forming signal. In this way, only a single head-forming signal can be maintained even in large animals. The body column obtains a polarity such that regeneration occurs with a predictable orientation without requiring a time-consuming symmetry break. (iii) The signal for foot formation is generated preferentially in cells that are less competent to form the head signal. Thus, as the rule, foot formation occurs opposite to the side of head formation. (iv) The head generates on long range the precondition for tentacle formation but inhibit tentacle formation locally. Thus, tentacle formation can only occur in a narrow zone next to the oral end of the animal.

Currently, patterning in Hydra became interesting from an evolutionary point of view since this radial-symmetric gastrula-like organism can be regarded as being close to the point where the bilateral body plan of higher organisms were invented. Possible scenarios for the transition from a radial to bilateral symmetry will be discussed and compared with recent molecular-genetic observations.

Michael Meyer-Hermann - meyer-hermann@physik.tu-dresden.de

Dynamical properties of germinal centers

Michael Meyer-Hermann

Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Dresden

Different aspects of the dynamical development of germinal centers in humoral immune response are presented. B-cells are activated by interaction with antigen fragments. These cells migrate to follicular dendritc cells and initiate (polyclonally) the germinal center reaction. These few B-cells encode antibodies with a specific phenotype and a given (but not optimal) affinity to the activating antigen. The very high proliferation and somatic hypermutation rates for centroblasts in germinal centers lead to a large number of cells in the germinal center and to a broadening of specifity in a phenotype space. On the other hand the highly specific selection process in the light zone of the germinal center allows an optimization of the affinity with respect to the antigen. The nonselected cells die through apoptosis, while apoptosis is inhibited in the case of a positive selection. The rescued cells further differentiate to plasma and memory cells which encode antibodies of high affinity to the antigen.

These dynamical properties are described with an appropriate set of differential equations with parameters which are exculsively fixed by experimental data. The influence of single quantities on the behavior of the germinal center as well as some characteristics of the whole reaction are examined. Criterions of how the germinal center reaction works optimally (number and quality of resulting plasma and memory cells) are discussed. Special attention is devoted to the recycling hypothesis that the optimization process may be an iterative one. A test is proposed in order to verify this hypothesis.

Alexandre Micoulet - alexandre.micoulet@chemie.uni-ulm.de

Mechanics, Stress Fiber Formation and Force Generation
of a Single GFP-Actin Fibroblast

Alexandre Micoulet, Joachim P. Spatz
Universität Heidelberg, Biophysikalische Chemie
Institut für Physikalische Chemie, INF 253, D-69120 Heidelberg

Albrecht Ott
Institut Curie, Paris

Differentiation and genetic expression of cells as well as development of first embryonic states are constantly regulated processes where biochemical and mechanical interactions between a cell and its environment play a major role. We want to stimulate a cell by defined biochemical receptors and controlled external mechanical stress. The chemical-physical properties of synthetic macromolecules and peptides have been used to modify surfaces on the molecular level. These surfaces were used to manipulate the adhesion and motility properties of GFP-actin fibroblast cells. The interaction of cells with such surfaces were studied by applying a uniaxial force to an individual cell. Conditions of constant stress or constant strain allowed the determination of the dynamic reaction of a cell to an external, mechanical stimulation. By using GFP-actin fibroblast cells, the dynamic development of actin filaments were monitored in-situ during defined external stimulation.

Nick Monk - n.monk@sheffield.ac.uk

A model for the role of Frizzled in epithelial planar polarity

Nick Monk

Division of Genomic Medicine, University of Sheffield, Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield, S10 2JF, U.K

During imaginal and pupal development in Drosophila, many epithelial cells become polarized within the plane of the epithelium. Genetic analyses have revealed the involvement of an intercellular signalling mechanism involving the transmembrane receptor Frizzled in this process. However, the role of Frizzled-dependent signalling in the generation and coordination of epithelial planar polarity remains unclear. Here, a model is investigated in which Frizzled operates in a local cell-cell (juxtacrine) interaction. The key assumption of the model is that each cell has the capacity to polarize its signalling activity in response to non-uniform receptor activation. This cellular polarization allows cells to both interpret and propagate polarity information. The model accounts well for the results of experiments in which Frizzled signalling is altered in small clones of cells, and provides a novel framework in which to study the phenotypes of planar polarity mutants.

Gertraud Müller - Gertraud.Mueller@po.uni-stuttgart.de

Computational Modeling of EGF Receptor-Induced
Signaling Cascades

B. Schoeberl, C. Eichler-Jonsson, E.D. Gilles, G. Müller

Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
D-39120 Magdeburg
Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, University of Stuttgart
D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

A new concept for computational modeling and simulation of signal transduction is described comprising an integrated quantitative, dynamic and topological resolution of intracellular signal networks based on known components of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signal pathways. The EGF receptor belongs to the family of tyrosine kinase receptors and is expressed in virtually all organs of mammals. EGF receptors play a complex role during embryonic and postnatal development and in the progression of tumors. The model provides new insights into signal response relationships and show a remarkable stability of regulation. Initial velocities of receptor activation are the critical parameter in determining signal efficacy. Experimental verification of the simulations at the ERK and target gene level indicate the high predictive potential of computational modeling. This optimized computerized model was used to test several hypotheses based on experimental data and to elucidate from this quantitative and kinetically resolved model to date unrecognized principles of EGF receptor signaling. Experiences gained with this computational modeling technique will facilitate the extraction of new interaction principles of more complicated signaling networks of tyrosine kinase receptors, comprising more hidden layers, and involving signal crosstalk emanating from related and unrelated membrane receptor families.

Stefan C. Müller - Stefan.Mueller@physik.uni-magdeburg.de

Dynamical diseases

S. C. Müller and T. Mair

Institut für Experimentelle Physik, Abteilung Biophysik
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Nearly all functions of the body exhibit nonlinear behaviour, a prominent example being the physiological rhythms that are autonomous in nature. Entrainment, as for example by light or temperature, leads to adaptation of the body rhythms to changes in the environment (e. g. time lag). Perturbations of such nonlinear functions represent serious diseases, which manifest themselves as typical dynamical changes, e. g. in the frequency domain. Well known examples are arrhythmic activity of the heart or brain, but also the endocrinological system. During the last twenty years, clinical practise has more and more recognized the fundamental meaning of rhythmicity for the therapy of diseases. For example, chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer is improved when there is a periodic instead of a linear dosage. Our own work is closely related to such dynamical diseases. We investigate three different systems for their nonlinear dynamics with respect to particular control mechanisms:
A) Spreading depression in the brain is a phenomenon of spatio-temporal disorders of neuronal activity. It has great similarity to the well known reaction-diffusion waves and is thought to contribute to the generation of the aura of classical migraine.
B) The re-entry phenomenon of electrical heart excitation is a serious cause of heart fibrillation and infarction. Controlled annihilation of spiral wave activity is a necessary prerequisite to prevent the death of patients. As a basis to find suitable methods for controlled movement of spiral wave activity, we investigate such processes in a chemical model system.
C) Diabetes is a disorder of the glucose household in the body, caused by perturbed secretion of the hormone insulin. In this context the glucose metabolism of insulin secreting cells plays a crucial role for the proper control of insulin secretion. Our work about oscillations and waves in glycolysis is directly related to this control.

Thorsten Müller - muellert@physik.uni-freiburg.de

Modeling the dynamical behaviour of a signaling pathway

Thorsten G. Müller, Ira Swameye, Olivier Sandra, Ursula Klingmüller and Jens Timmer

FDM, Freiburg Center for Data Analysis and Modeling, Eckerstr.1, 79104 Freiburg
MPI of Immunology, Stübeweg 51,79108 Freiburg, Germany

Considerable progress has been made identifying the molecular composition and interconnections of multiple signalling pathways. Although the qualitative understanding has increased strongly, quantitative descriptions of the dynamical behaviour of signalling pathways are still difficult to establish, in most cases due to the complexity of the networks. In the pursuit of finding a biochemically meaningful, yet simple mathematical model to describe the data, linking biochemical knowledge and measurements with data-driven mathematical approaches becomes more and more important. Starting from a specific biochemical system where some dynamical components can be measured, we will describe the process of modeling the data. We will focus on the most important steps necessary to find and rank mathematical models. This approach is exemplified by data gained from an experiment with a specific STAT5 signaling pathway and it is shown that this pathway can be described with a system of delay differential equations.

U. Klingmüller: The role of tyrosine phosphorylation in profileration and maturation of erythroids progenitor cells. Eur. J. Biochem. 249, 1997, 637-647

J. Timmer, T. Müller, W. Melzer: Numerical methods to determine calcium release flux from calcium transients in muscle cells. Biophys. J. 74 1998, 1694-1707

Bela Mulder - mulder@amolf.nl

A model for plant cell wall construction

B. M. Mulder and A. M. C. Emons

1) FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF)
Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2) Plant Cell Biology, Wageningen University
Arboretumlaan 4, 6703 BD Wageningen, The Netherlands

Plant cell walls are surprisingly regular fibre-laminate structures. The role of the fibres is played by cellulose microfibrils (CMFs). These fibres are deposited in an oriented fashion in layered textures. The origin of these textures has been the subject of much debate in the plant cell community. We present a dynamical mathematical model that aims to explain plant cell wall architecture. Based on a geometrical theory proposed earlier [1] the present model [2-3] describes the space-time evolution of the density of the so-called rosettes, the CMF synthesizing complexes. The motion of these rosettes in the plasma membrane is assumed to be governed by an optimal packing constraint on the CMFs plus adherent matrix material, that couples the direction of motion, and hence the orientation of the CMF being deposited, to the local density of rosettes. The rosettes are created inside the cell in the endoplasmatic reticulum and reach the cell-membrane via vesicles derived from Golgi-bodies. After being inserted into the plasma membrane they are assumed to be operative for a fixed, finite lifetime. The plasma membrane domains within which rosettes are activated are themselves also supposed to be mobile. We propose a feedback mechanism that precludes the density of rosettes to rise beyond a maximimum dictated by the geometry of the cell. The above ingredients lead to a quasi-linear first order PDE for the rosette-density. Using the method of characteristics this equation can be cast into a set of first order retarded ODEs. We discuss the analytic solutions of the model that give rise to helicoidal, crossed polylamellate, helical and axial textures, as all cell walls are composed of (or combinations of) these textures.

A. M. C. Emons: Plant, Cell and Environment 17 3-14 (1994)

A. M. C. Emons and B. M. Mulder: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95 7215-7219 (1998)

B. M. Mulder and A. M. C. Emons: J. Math. Biol. 42 261-289 (2001)

Bela Mulder - mulder@amolf.nl

Steps towards a model for tip growth in plant cells

B. M. Mulder, N. Kern and A. M. C. Emons

1) FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF)
Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2) Plant Cell Biology, Wageningen University
Arboretumlaan 4, 6703 BD Wageningen, The Netherlands

Tip growth occurs in organisms as diverse as fungal hyphae and root hairs of higher plants. The morphology of a tip growing cell, roughly speaking a cylinder of constant thickness capped by a more or less pointed apical tip at which the actual growth processes occur, is beguilingly simple. As such, tip growth is a beautiful example of morphogenesis and one for which the explicit mechanisms could possibly be elucidated. In the past a few groups [1,2] have proposed explicit mathematical models for tip-growth, mainly of a purely geometrical nature. We believe that a more unified theoretical picture of tip growth should include the physical aspects of the growth process i.e. the forces involved and the material properties of the nascent cell wall. On the basis of a discussion of the factors that influence tip growth in root hairs, we sketch a model of tip growth based on two assumptions: (1) the existence of a gradient in growth activity across the apical region linked to the regulation of exocytotic activity and (2) the existence of a plasticity gradient in the cell wall as one moves away from the tip due to progressive ''hardening'' of the wall material. The model thus aims to implement the ''soft spot'' hypothesis of Harold [3]. The result will be a model for tip growth, in which the tip morphology is self-regulated by the wall hardening process.

F. H. D. van Batenburg, R. Jonker, and J. W. Kijne: Physiol. Plant. 66 476 (1986)

S.Bartnicki-Garcia, F. Hergert, and G. Gierz: Protoplasma 153 46 (1989)

F. M. Harold: Protoplasma 197 137 (1997)

Christof Niehrs - Niehrs@dkfz-heidelberg.de

Mechanism of dickkopf1 action during vertebrate
embryonic head induction

Bingyu Mao, Wei Wu, Andrei Glinka, Dana Hoppe, Peter Stannek, Yan Li and Christof Niehrs

Division of Molecular Embryology
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Work in amphibians suggested that inhibition of WNT and BMP signals is essential for head development and that head induction by Spemann's organizer may be mediated by secreted WNT antagonists. Dickkopf1 (Dkk1) is member of a novel gene family encoding secreted, cystein-rich proteins which is expressed in the vertebrate organizer. Dkk1 acts as a Wnt inhibitor and is able, together with BMP inhibitors, to induce the formation of ectopic embryonic heads in Xenopus. However, the mechanism by which Dkk1 blocks Wnt signalling is unknown. We will present evidence from binding experiments in transfected cells that Dkk1 may not interact directly with either Wnt or Fz proteins but that Dkk1 function requires another extracellular protein involved in Wnt signalling.

Jens Nielsen - jens.nielsen@biocentrum.dtu.dk




In the central dogma of biology the focus on overall regulation is at the genetic and protein level. However, metabolites also play a very important role in overall regulation. Even though the metabolome is a function of the proteome, which again is a function of the transcriptome, there is a substantial feed-back in the system and the metabolome therefore also influences the transcriptome and the proteome. Thus, metabolites interact with proteins and hereby activate or inactive signal transduction pathways leading to altering gene expression or protein function. Furthermore, pathway intermediates interact with the individual enzymes of specific pathways, and hereby play an important role in controlling flux through the different branches of the metabolic network operating within the cell. Measurement of the metabolome is therefore extremely valuable, both in the context of evaluating flux control, but also as a tool for pathway identification. Since the metabolome is the result of many individual reactions interacting, it is essential to apply mathematical model to upgrade the information level of metabolome analysis. Thus, metabolome analysis consists of two elements: 1) mathematical models describing the metabolic network and 2) advanced measurement techniques that enable analysis of intracellular metabolites. In this presentation different experimental techniques will be presented for analysis of intracellular metabolites - both for identification of the pathway topology, for quantification of fluxes, and for evaluation of the role metabolite levels play in signal transduction. Furthermore, the construction and use of whole genome based metabolic models will be discussed. Application of the different techniques will be demonstrated for identification of the metabolic network operating in S. cerevisiae grown at different conditions, and for analysis of the mechanism of glucose repression in S. cerevisiae. In the presentation it will also be discussed how metabolome analysis may play a role in functional analysis, especially through combination with DNA chip analysis.

Björn Öbrink - bjorn.obrink@cmb.ki.se


Björn Öbrink (1), Gezhi Weng (2), Kristmundur Sigmundsson (1),
and Ravi Iyengar

(1) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
(2) Department of Pharmacology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

CEACAM1 is a signaling cell adhesion molecule abundantly expressed in epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and leukocytes. It regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis, T cell cytotoxicity, angiogenesis, and tumor growth. A puzzling finding is that CEACAM1 can have both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on cell proliferation. This may be related to the finding that the signaling isoform, CEACAM1-L, can bind both src-family kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases to the same tyrosine-phosphorylated motif in its cytoplasmic domain. The other major isoform, CEACAM1-S, that is co-expressed with CEACAM1-L in various ratios in different cell types and cellular states, does not bind kinases or phosphatases, but there is evidence that the S-isoform can regulate the activity of the L-isoform. In order to expand our understanding of the dual effects of CEACAM1 on signal transduction, we asked the simple question what the factors are, that decide if the L-domain will bind a src-kinase or a tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-1 or SHP-2). Based on available molecular, biochemical and functional data we constructed a reaction scheme for the intermolecular binding interactions between CEACAM1-L, CEACAM1-S, c-src, and SHP-1. This reaction scheme was analyzed in a kinetic model, in which all the reactions were described by ordinary, first order differential equations. Because binding of both c-src and SHP-1 to the tyrosine-phosphorylated CEACAM1 L-domain has been shown to activate these enzymes, we used the binding to CEACAM1-L as a measure of activity. We then determined the steady state ratios of bound c-src to bound SHP-1 at various concentrations of CEACAM1-L and CEACAM1-S, corresponding to different cellular states of epithelial cells in culture and in transfected tumor cells. We also varied the extent of cell-cell adhesion in the simulations. The results showed that the system can switch between predominant c-src activation and predominant SHP-1 activation. The most dramatic effects were obtained by varying the L:S expression ratios. Thus, in this model CEACAM1-S can clearly regulate the activity of CEACAM1-L. If we assume that the differential activation of c-src and SHP-1 reflects the influence of CEACAM1 on cell proliferation, this model can explain how CEACAM1 can act as both a co-stimulatory and a co-inhibitory system.

Lennart Olsson - lennart.olsson@ebc.uu.se

Cell migration, pattern formation and fate during head development in lungfishes and amphibians

Lennart Olsson

Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie mit Phyletischem Museum
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Erbertstr. 1, 07743 Jena, Germany

The skull and the cranial musculature have played prominent roles in many major adaptive transitions during vertebrate evolution. We study the migration, pattern formation and fate of the cells (neural crest and cranial mesoderm) which give rise to the skeleton and muscle of the head in organisms spanning the transition from water to land. Methods used include conventional histology, scanning electron microscopy and confocal light microscopy, as well as fate mapping using fluorescent markers such as DiI and GFP. Results sofar indicate that the early migration and pattern formation of neural crest cells in the head region is surprisingly conserved. Both the amphibians investigated and the Australian lungfish have the same number of migrating neural crest streams, and the identity of the streams is preserved. The major difference lies in the timing of migration, where there has been a heterochronic shift such that cell migration starts much later in the Australian lungfish than in the amphibians. This late onset of cranial neural crest cell migration explains the earlier reports in the literature which claim that there are no migrating cranial neural crest cells in the Australian lungfish. There are indeed such cells, but their migration starts very late.

Hans G. Othmer - othmer@math.umn.edu

Signal transduction and behavioral response in E. Coli:
a model system for understanding macroscopic patterns from microscopic rules

Hans G. Othmer

Department of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN

Chemotaxis in the bacterium E. coli is widely-studied because of its accessibility and because it incorporates processes that are important in the response of numerous sensory systems to stimuli: signal detection and transduction, excitation, adaptation, and a change in behavior. Quantitative data on the change in behavior is available for this system, and the major biochemical steps in the signal transduction/processing pathway have been identified. In this talk we will discuss a mathematical model of single cells that can reproduce many of the major features of signal transduction, adaptation and aggregation, and which incorporates the interaction of the chemotactic protein with the flagellar motor. We also address the problem of how to obtain macroscopic equations for population-level behavior that incorporate certain features of the microscopic model.

Albrecht Ott - Albrecht.Ott@uni-bayreuth.de

Mechanical Aspects of Cell Behavior and Motion

A. Ott, A. Micoulet, F. Gerbal, O. Thoumine, J. Spatz, V. Laurent, MF. Carlier, P. Chaikin, J. Prost

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bayreuth, EP1, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany, and Institut Curie, Physico-Chimie Curie, F-75005 Paris, France

on leave from Universität Heidelberg Institut für Physikalische Chemie, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
on leave from Princeton University, Dept. of Physics, Jadwin Hall, Princeton, NJ 085440, USA

We present recent experiments concerning cell motion and mechanical behavior. The bacterium Listeria monocytogene can be seen as a model system for force generation through actin polymerization. Such a mechanism is used very often in biological systems, for instance during cell motion. Our measurements by means of optical tweezers show that the response of the Listeria polymerized actin tail is elastic with respect to small deformations. The measured value of the elasticity is in good agreement with a crosslinked gel structure. This leads us to the suggestion that motion is dominated by friction caused by the deformation of the latter. We further present the recently developed microplate-technique, which we use to probe force generation of single eucaryotic cells. Cells are suspended between two ''microwalls''; forces and displacement of both surfaces can be cleanly measured. Values of the associated viscoelastic constants describe well the passive mechanical properties of these cells. Interestingly, results indicate short time behavior similar to what is observed for the Listeria tail. We show that the active response of the cell, its contractility, is a well-regulated answer to stimulation by exterior pulling forces.

Marcell Ott - marcell.ott@physik.uni-ulm.de

Control of cell adhesion through selective patterning with gold nanoclusters and passivation by polyethyleneglycol stars

M. Ott, R. Kemkemer, V. Chan*, T. Ameringer*, M. Möller*, J. Spatz

Biophysikalische Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, INF 253, 69120 Heidelberg
Organic Chemistry III, Universität Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11,89081 Ulm

Controlling adhesion is an important aspect in investigating cellular functions. Adhesion properties are studied in order to understand cell proliferation, shape, motility, signalling or rejection of biological implants. We want to examine the phenomena of cell adhesion on a molecular level - at the interface of materials science and life sciences. Grafting star shaped polyethyleneglycol derivates functionalized with isocyanate endgroups on silica or glass allows us to inhibit specific cell adhesion. Micellular deposition of Au nanoclusters from block copolymers and binding of an Arg-Gly-Asp peptide sequence (RGD) modified with an thiol endgroup to the gold leads to a surface which facilitates the specific binding of integrin. Combining both methods with lithography techniques enables us to pattern a surface with ligands promoting focal adhesion contacts, and to forestall specific adhesion on the remaining part of the sample. Since the cell is presented with a pattern whose characteristic size is comparable in order of magnitude to the receptors themselves these substrates allow focal adhesion to be investigated on the molecular level. Recognition of these chemically heterogeneous nanopatterns by green fluorescent protein (GFP) modified fibroblasts and osteoplasts and the replication of the patterning into the extracellular matrix is investigated by scanning fluorescence microscopy. Such interfaces are powerful tools to study and to actively manipulate cell adhesion, cell motility, and gene expression.

Markus Owen - M.R.Owen@lboro.ac.uk

Hypoxia and macrophages - a journey beyond the proliferating rim

Markus Owen

Loughborough University, Mathematical Sciences, LE11 3TU, Loughborough, UK

Many treatments for cancer, including radiotherapy and many chemotherapies, specifically target proliferating cells. The downside of this is that quiescent cells, normally resident in regions with depleted of vital nutrients, may begin dividing as the loss of the proliferating layer is accompanied by restored nutrient levels. Macrophages infiltrate hypoxic and necrotic regions of tissue, and can be 'armed' with therapeutic genes which are only transduced under hypoxia, enabling the efficient targeting of this therapy-resistant population of tumour cells. We have developed models for macrophage infiltration and hypoxia dependent tumour cell targeting, in order to determine where macrophages aggregate, their effect on tumour size, the role of chemotaxis, and how sub-populations of normal and 'armed' macrophages interact.

Andrea Parmeggiani - parmeggiani@hmi.de

Processivity of Molecular Motors

A. Parmeggiani, F. Jülicher, L. Peliti and J. Prost

Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Abteilung Theorie, Glienicker Str. 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany
Institut Curie, Physico-Chimie Curie, UMR 168 CNRS/IC
26 rue d'Ulm, F-75248 Paris Cedex 05, France
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche and Unità INFM, Università "Federico II Complesso Monte S. Angelo, I-80126 Napoli, Italy

We introduce a general framework to study the processivity of molecular motors moving along a polar filament and discuss the average time spent attached to the filament as a function of a tangentially applied load. Our study of specific models suggests that the attachment time of a motor decreases with increasing ATP concentration and that double-headed motors such as kinesins lose their processivity under forcing conditions while processive single-headed motors are less sensitive to tangential forcing.

Zbigniew Peradzynski - zperadz@ippt.gov.pl


Zbigniew Peradzynski

Depertment of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics

University of Warsaw

Banacha 2, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland

For a reaction-diffusion system we consider the problem of existence of travelling waves in a half space assuming the Dirichlet or other boundary conditions on .

We assume also that far from the boundary the wave approaches the plane wave solution with some prescribed propagation vector . Then we prove that waves of permanent shape, i.e such that

exist if and only if the following inequality is satisfied.

Here N is the exterior normal to the boundary . In the presence of convective terms the appropriate condition is more complicated. We discuss also some biological applications, e.g. the growth of tumour or propagation of travelling waves in myocardium in the presence of a boundary.

Erik Plahte - erik.plahte@imf.nlh.no

Travelling waves and pattern generation and propagation in discrete cellular lattices

Erik Plahte

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Agricultural University of Norway, Aas

Travelling waves seem to be a generic feature in lattices of discrete cells with closest neighbour interaction. However, proving the existence of travelling wave solutions and investigating their properties is hard, and only results of a very general nature have so far been obtained for very special systems. In particular the discrete Nagumo equation has been subject to intense investigations.

For the discrete Fisher equation the existence of travelling wave solutions was proved by Zinner et al. (1993). Using linear analysis I derive their existence condition and the dispersion relation between wave front steepness and wave speed, and show analytically that the actual wave speed seen in numerical simulations is the minimum possible wave speed.

Multicellular systems with more than one cell state variable may have stable states exhibiting periodic spatial patterns. Rather that bringing the system from one homogeneous state to another as in e.g. the Fisher equation, a travelling wavefront in such systems may generate a spatial periodic pattern in its wake. An example is the model for Delta-Notch lateral inhibition by Collier et al. (1996). Taking the existence of travelling wave solutions for granted and using linear approximations in the same way as for the Fisher equation, I show that the dominant alternating pattern of the system is the only pattern that can arise from a travelling, pattern generating wave. The calculated minimum wave speed agrees extremely well with numerical simulations.

Based on these results I argue that pattern propagation by a travelling wave is a possible mechanism for generating periodic patterns in discrete cell lattices. If the right pattern arises (perhaps by random perturbations) somewhere in the lattice, a travelling wave is initiated, propagating the pattern all over the lattice. Ahead of the wave front the cells occupy their initial state, behind it the periodic patterns is generated as the wave propagates. The mechanism is compared to the well-known Turing mechanism for pattern formation. The analysis indicates that in certain systems, travelling waves may be the pattern formation mechanism.

Antonio Politi - antonio.politi@rz.hu-berlin.de

Coordination of calcium signals in gap junctional coupled cells: effect of the cytosolic buffer composition

Antonio Politi, Thomas Höfer

Theoretical Biophysics, Institute of Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin
Invalidenstr. 42, D-10115 Berlin, Germany

A large number of cells respond to external stimuli with changes in cytosolic calcium concentration. The spatio-temporal patterns of the concentration changes can take the form of intracellular waves as well as repetitive spiking (calcium oscillations). Experiments on multicellular systems suggest that calcium signaling is not limited to intracellular transduction pathways but that it could serve as an intercellular communication route. Intercellular waves originating from local stimulation sites can spread over many cell layers. In globally stimulated cells coordinated changes of the through all the system are observed (e.g hepatocytes multiplets [Tordjmann97], blowfly salivary gland [Zimmermann99]). We analyze a possible route, mediated by calcium diffusion, for the intercellular communication of globally stimulated cells as hepatocytes multiplets. Former work ([Hoefer99]) has shown that cells with different intrinsic calcium oscillation frequency can oscillate synchronously if coupled through gap junctional calcium diffusion. The present mathematical model considers a chain of coupled cells. The calcium dynamics in each cell is described by partial and ordinary differential equations for the cytosolic and ER compartment, resulting in a reaction diffusion system. The reactions terms include terms for the InsP mediated calcium induced calcium release (CICR) and uptake into the ER and for the fluxes over the plasma membrane. Calcium diffuses in the cytosolic compartment. The effects of calcium buffers are included in the model via a rapid-equilibrium approximation. This yields effective reaction terms, cytosolic diffusion coefficients and gap junctional permeabilities. For cells exhibiting calcium oscillations we show that there exists a critical gap junctional calcium permeability over which the oscillations are synchronous, the value of strongly depends on the buffer composition and on the difference between the cells (see also [Hoefer01]). The model allows to make predictions about the effects of buffer injection, a putative experimental setup, on the intercellular communication.

Tordjmann, T. et al. (1997) EMBO Journal, 16, 5398-5407

Zimmermann, B. and Walz, B. (1999) EMBO Journal, 18, 3222-3231

Höfer, T. (1999) Biophysical Journal, 77, 1244-1256

Höfer, T. et al. (2001) Biophysical Journal, 80, 75-87

Wolfgang Pompe - pompe@tmfs.mpgfk.tu-dresden.de

The role of osteocalcin in the remodeling of biomimetic hydroxyapatite-collagen materials for bone replacement

Wolfgang Pompe

Institute of Materials Science, Technische Universität Dresden

Additionally to the main inorganic and organic components hydroxyapatite, and collagen I the extracellular matrix of bone contains a vast number of noncollagenous proteins. Those synthesized by bone cells, are believed to be closely connected with the crystallization process. Two mechanisms are assumed to be relevant: proteins could influence the nucleation processes, and they could have an inhibiting activity during crystal growth. The important group of acidic proteins of extracellular bone matrix contains osteocalcin, osteonectin, osteopontin, and bone sialoprotein. Among these proteins synthesized by osteoblasts, only osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein are believed to be specific to mineralized tissues

In the present study we have examined the influence of the bone specific protein osteocalcin on hydroxyapatite ( ) formation. Different functions in biomineralization are attributed to osteocalcin connected with its binding property, including binding but also inhibition of precipitation. To study nucleation process and crystal growth a model system with osteocalcin-controlled dissolution-reprecipitation of brushite ( ) to was investigated. Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) showed that reprecipitation had taken place only in osteocalcin-containing solution. Thin apatitelike crystals with hexagonal symmetry grew on the (010) brushite planes. Apatite (0001) planes were fully covered with osteocalcin molecules as revealed with SFM and fluorescence microscopy. Consequently osteocalcin has been found to regulate formation in two different ways: (i) it accelerates nucleation, and (ii) osteocalcin effects as a specific inhibitor of the apatite (0001) plane suppressing crystal growth perpendicular to this plane.

The impact of osteocalcin onto the interaction of bone cells with -collagen I-cements was studied in a cell culture system using the human osteosarcoma cell line SAOS-2. Results suggest, that osteocalcin influences the initial adherence of osteoblasts, whereas proliferation of the cells is not effected.

Udo Reichl - ureichl@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de

Cells as production systems:
vaccines, viral vectors and recombinant proteins

Udo Reichl

Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
Leipzigerstr. 44, D-39120 Magdeburg, Germany

With the increasing use of high-throughput analytical instruments, massive parallel sample analysis and data interpretation tools, the number of new drug targets and options for therapeutic interventions have clearly increased. Besides an improvement in prevention and control of infectious diseases which still account for some of annual deaths worldwide, new therapies for cancer or hereditary diseases seem possible. Many of the existing as well as potential new drugs are produced in eukaryotic cells which conduct RNA splicing as well as posttranslational protein modifications but show poor productivity compared to classical fermentation processes. To achieve the full potential with respect to yield or reproducibility not only highly developed cell culture technology and sophisticated downstream processing are required but also our understanding of the complex mechanisms underlying cell growth and product formation has to be improved considerably.

In terms of product numbers and social impact, vaccine production is one of the most challenging areas of cell culture. After a general overview of production methods used today, production limits with respect to cell growth and virus replication and the role of mathematical modeling for supervision and control of the respective processes are discussed. Finally, an outlook on recent progress in developing recombinant subunit and DNA vaccines is presented.

Ingo Röder - Roeder@imise.uni-leipzig.de

Mathematical modeling of hematopoietic stem cell development

Ingo Röder and Markus Löffler

Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology
University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

We present a new comprehensive model concept of hematopoietic stem cell development which consistently explains a large variety of experimentally and clinically observed phenomena including clonal regeneration and competition, kinetic heterogeneity or microenvironmental dependence. It permits to understand different kinds of in vitro and in vivo assays, genetic marker studies and is able to describe single cell as well as cell population behavior.

The model concept is based on the paradigm of micro-plasticity, a fundamentally new principle of stem cell organization. Within this paradigm individual cells may reversibly change their properties qualitatively and quantitatively depending on influences of the actual growth environment. In contrast to previous concepts, stemness is not treated as an explicit cell property but as a result of a dynamic self-organizing process.

Qualitatively different experimental settings have been simulated using a single cell based Monte-Carlo approach. Herein not only the cell system but also sampling and measuring techniques have been incorporated. Moreover a differential equation representation of the model is applied to investigate general system properties.

Potential applications of the simulation model are conceivable in designing clone tracking strategies in gene therapeutic settings and to optimize clinical trials in the treatment of clonal disorders.


Thimo Rohlf - rohlf@theo-physik.uni-kiel.de

Topological Self-Organization in Boolean Models of Genetic Regulatory Networks

Thimo Rohlf1 and Stefan Bornholdt

Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik
der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Leibnitzstraße 15, 24098 Kiel

Lately, statistical properties of genetic regulatory networks have become accessible to experimental research, as for example the average connectivity in the genome of E. Coli [1]. It is an open question, how mutation and selection can lead to self-organization of genetic networks with the observed properties in the course of biological evolution. Discrete logical (Boolean) networks have been discussed in Theoretical Biology as models of principal dynamical properties of genetic regulatory networks since about 30 years. In the framework of such models we discuss possible mechanisms of structural self-organization of genetic regulatory networks as a consequence of functional change at the single-gene level and selection [2]. Indeed one observes self-organization processes stabilizing the dynamics of model regulatory networks in a regime of non-chaotic dynamics. Its consequences, in principle, could be observable by modern experimental techniques as microarrays.

[1] Thieffry, D., Huerta, A.M., Perez-Rueda, E., Collado-Vides, J. (1998) Bioessays 20, p. 433 - 440

[2] Bornholdt,S. and Rohlf, T.: Topological Evolution of Dynamical Networks: Global Criticality from Local Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000), p. 6114 - 6117


Wouter Roos - wouter.roos@chemie.uni-ulm.de

Development of high resolution force sensor array for monitoring cell motility

Wouter Roos, Joachim P. Spatz

Heidelberg University, Biophysical Chemistry, Institute for Physical Chemistry
INF 253, D- 69120 Heidelberg

Fibroblast cells are animal and human extracellular matrix cells which are rather motile and participate in for instance the healing of small wounds. By displacing themselves the cells exert forces onto their focal adhesion contacts or cells adapt externally applied stresses. This poster discusses a method (i) to guide the location of focal adhesion contacts, (ii) to determine focal adhesion forces with 100 pN resolution and (iii) to apply external stresses. The method is based on Si(100) technology and colloidal probe technique. The fabrication envolves a combination of photolithographic techniques, gas plasma and wet etching processes. The array consists of regularly placed silicon pillars onto which the cells do attach selectively. While cells are moving forward the pillars bend. Analysis of the pillar displacement evaluates the exerted point forces.

Sergey Rudnev - rudnev@inm.ras.ru

Optimal Strategies in Immunology Revisited: Energetics
and Adaptation of the Immune Defence

S.G.Rudnev, A. A.Romanyukha

Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Gubkinstr. 8, 119991 Moscow, Russia

This work deals with investigation of general principles which regulate infection immunity depending on environmental factors. In contrast to the approach existed which utilized optimal control theory to study extremal properties of the immune response, a new approach is used to estimate effectiveness of the immune system function on the base of comparison of infection immunity long-term energy expenditures, including the periods of infections as well as of the healthy state.

An approach considered is based on the assumption that a correlation exists between the organism's fitness and energy expenditures on various functions. By the example of the mathematical model of pneumonia a quantitative energy cost estimates of the main processes of disease and of the health maintenance are compared. The problem of parameter's identification is formulated using the principle of minimal energy dissipation. Particular case of the problem is considered for which the dependence of optimal defense regimens from infection rate and microorganism's virulence is studied.

One of the actual problems of modern medicine is the elaboration and substantiation of the treatment methods of chronic bacterial infections. As is known, the conventional methods of acute bacterial infections therapy, such as application of antibiotics, are much less effective in case of chronic infections because of high risk of side effects, including immunosupression and drug resistance. As a result of numerical experiments, the point of view is formulated on the increasing rate of chronic infections not only as a consequence of immune status deviations, but also as a result of the immune system adaptation process which leads (in appropriate conditions) to energetically profitable state of more prolonged contacts with the pathogen. Also, the results obtained helped to explain theoretically one of the methods of chronic bacterial infections treatment, namely, immunostimulation, which consists of preventive measures against acute or exacerbation of chronic viral infections followed with application of bacterial antigens.

An introduction of general principles of the immune system structure and function makes it possible to get from studying essentially transitional processes of the immune response to particular antigen(s) to more common view of the immune system function as a complex dynamical process of its adaptation to environmental conditions. The approach used has a wide spectrum of possible applications, including analysis of host-pathogen relations on organismic and population levels, immunoepidemiology and immunotherapy.


M a r c h u k  G. I.  Mathematical models in immunology. Numerical methods and experiments. - Moscow: Nauka, 1991 (in Russian).

P e r e l s o n  A. S.  Optimal strategies for an immune response // Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences. - Providence: The American Mathematical Society, 1979. - V. 11. - P. 109-163.

R o m a n y u k h a  A. A.,  R u d n e v  S. G.  Mathematical modelling of immune-inflammatory processes in lungs. Searching for optimality (in Russian) // Proc. of the Jubilee Conference ``Numerical Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling'' dedicated to the 75-th birthday of Academician G.I.Marchuk and to the 20-th anniversary of the INM RAS. Vol. 2. - Moscow, 2000. - P. 212-233.

R o m a n y u k h a  A. A.,  R u d n e v  S. G.  On application of a variational principle for the problems of modelling infection immunity by the example of the mathematical model of pneumonia (in Russian) // Math. Modelling. - 2001 (accepted for publication).

R u d n e v  S. G.  Mathematical modelling of defensive immunophysiological reaction in pneumonia. - Abstract of PhD thesis (in Russian). Moscow, 2000. - 27 p.

R u d n e v  S. G.,  R o m a n y u k h a  A. A.  Mathematical modelling of immune-inflammatory reaction in acute pneumonia // J. Biol. Systems. - 1995. - V. 3, No. 2. - P. 429-439.

Peter Ruoff - peter.ruoff@tn.his.no

Temperature-Compensation and General Homeostasis in Physiological Clocks: Theory, Experiments and the Importance of Clock Protein Degradation

Peter Ruoff

School of Science and Technology, Stavanger University College
P. O. Box 2557 Ullandhaug, 4091 Stavanger, Norway

In order to function as physiological clocks, circadian (and certain ultradian) rhythms contain homeostatic mechanisms which compensate for external temperature variations and other environmental influences. In this talk a theory for temperature-compensation and general homeostasis for physiological clocks is presented. Implications of the theory are compared with experimental results from the model organisms Neurospora and Drosophila. We start with the assumption that all component processes of a physiological oscillator are (in principle) known together with the corresponding rate constants and the activation energies . It can then be shown that temperature-compensation is expected to occur whenever the -weighted sum of the period- sensitivities is zero, i.e.,


where is the function which describes how the period depends on the rate constants . Although there is an infinite number of activation energy combinations which will satisfy eq. [*], it seems that evolution has ``converged'' to definite {}-sets within organisms. Results obtained from different organisms indicate that circadian pacemakers are based on one or several negative feedback loops where protein products of certain clock genes are inhibitors of their own transcription. We have simulated the occurence of temperature-compensation by using a simple reaction-kinetic model (the so-called Goodwin oscillator) which mimicks the negative feedback loop of a circadian pacemaker. The comparison between simulation calculations and experiments from Neurospora and Drosophila clock mutants shows that both period length and temperature-compensation appear to be closely connected through the stability/degradation rate of clock proteins.

Marjan Rupnik - mrupnik@gwdg.de

Voltage dependent membrane capacitance changes in rat melanotrophs: exo/endocytosis or gating currents?

Marjan Rupnik

European Neuroscience Institute
Waldweg 33, 37073 Goettingen, Germany

Tetsuhiro Tsujimoto

Department of Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

Exo/endocytotic activity is reflected as the change in the cell membrane surface area, which is readily measured with patch-clamp membrane-capacitance measurements. This is a method of choice to assign the regulated exo/endocytotic activity of variety of neuronal and neuroendocrine cell preparations. dependent exo/endocytosis can be studied at high temporal resolution by dialysation experiments or caged calcium flash photolysis experiments. However, the exo/endocytosis based capacitance measurements during more physiological stimuli like membrane depolarization are hindered by the fact that the capacitance change can also have a voltage dependence as a result of the mobilization of charges in polarizable membrane proteins, e.g. gating charges of voltage-dependent channels. In the preparations with large ion channels densities this problem is particularly augmented. Cells in the acute tissue slices were reported to express ion channels at significantly lower densities. We used rat pituitary tissue slices as a model to test whether we can reliable measure exo/endocytosis based membrane capacitance changes also during depolarization pulses without contamination with the gating charge movements. As predicted from the smaller peak Na+ currents the gating current contribution to the voltage dependent capacitance change were below the sensitivity of our detection system and that we can assign the total measured capacitance changes to exo/endocytotic activity. Our results suggest that it is possible to continuously measure fast exo/endocytotic activity due to depolarizations and that we can modulate the dependent exo/endocytic activity with physiological agonist and antagonists.

Erich Sackmann - sackmann@ph.tum.de

Microrheometry of Actin-Networks and Cellular Scaffolds

M. Dichtl and E. Sackmann

Lehrstuhl für Biophysik E22, Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Strasse, D-85747 Garching, Germany

The central aim is to show that magnetic bead microrheology provides a valuable tool to measure local viscoelastic moduli of heterogeneous actin networks, cell envelope(s) and cytoskeletons and to measure local forces mediating intracellular trafficking.

In the first part, correlations between phenomenological viscoelastic properties and single chain dynamics are summarized which are determined by the subtle interplay of enthropic and enthalpic contributions to the elastic free energy of single filaments. One major purpose is to demonstrate that rheometry provides a valuable tool to explore the effects of actin regulation proteins on the single chain elasticity or dynamics and the structure of the networks. We then show that gradual cross-linking of entangled actin networks leads to a universal percolation transition into a microgel state (consisting of dense cross-linked clusters interconnected by few actin cables) which exhibit unique elastic and transport properties.

The last part deals with the application of magnetic bead microrheometry

Carlos Salazar - carlos_salazar99@yahoo.com

Conformational Switch Mechanism for NFAT Activation and Nuclear Translocation in T-Cells: A Mathematical Model

C. Salazar, T. Höfer

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Institute of Biology, Group of Theoretical Biophysics
Invalidenstr. 42, 10115 Berlin

Physiological engagement of the T cell antigen receptor initiates a complex series of intracellular signaling events that ultimately activate the expression of a panel of genes involved in both initiating and coordinating the immune response. The nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) constitute a family of transcription factors which play a pivotal role in the regulation of these events [Rao97]. NFAT proteins are present in an inactive, highly phosphorylated state in the cytoplasm of resting T-cells and other immune cells. As result of T-cell stimulation, they become activated and subsequent nuclear localized when dephosphorylated by the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin [Kiani00].

Recent experimental reports suggest a conformational switch mechanism to explain the NFAT activation and nuclear translocation [Okamura00]. According to this mechanism, the phosphorylation state of NFAT controls the switching between two alternative confomational states: an äctiveconformation (Nuclear Localization Sequence (NLS) exposed / Nuclear Export Sequence (NES) masked) and the reciprocal ïnactiveconformation (NLS masked / NES exposed) that are either nuclear import (active state) or export (inactive state) conducive. Both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated NFAT can assume both conformational states but with significantly different probabilities. The probability of the active state is low in the fully phosphorylated protein but progressively increased by dephosphorylation.

A mathematical model based on this conformational switch paradigm is presented here. In this model we consider that the multiple dephosphorylations of NFAT occur as ordered trantitions between dephosphorylated and phosphorylated forms. Both forms are present in the cytoplasm and in the nuclear compartment but with asymmetry in the values of the transition rate constants. Besides, it is assumed that the equilibrium constants of the conformational transitions depend on the phosphorylation state. Taking also phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and the conformational transitions to be much faster than nuclear translocation of NFAT, we could reduce the differential equation system governing the NFAT states to a first order scalar differential equation. From its solution, the dynamical behavior of all possible NFAT conformations in both compartments is obtained. The steady states, characteristic time and time course of different NFAT forms are analyzed for different stimuli (calcineurin concentrations). Moreover our proposed model is compared with other variants where the dephosphorylation of NFAT takes place only in the cytosol or where there is symmetry in the kinetic constants at both sides of the nuclear membrane. Our theoretical results suggest that a complex mechanism of NFAT regulation involving cooperative and multiple dephosphorylations can create a threshold for transcriptional activation.

Rao A et al. (1997). Transcription factors of the NFAT family: regulation and function. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 15, 707-47

Kiani A et al. (2000). Manipulating immune response with immunesuppresive agents that target NFAT. Immunity 12, 359-72.

Okamura H et al. (2000). Concerted dephosphorylation of the transcription factor NFAT1 induces a conformational switch that regulates transcriptional activity. Mol. Cell 6, 539-50

Michael Sanderson - Michael.Sanderson@umassmed.edu

Multiple mechanisms of Intercellular signaling

Michael J. Sanderson

Medical School, Department of Physiology
University of Massachusetts
Worcester, MA 01655, USA

The propagation of intercellular waves occurs in a wide variety cells. waves can propagate between cells of the same type as well as between cells of different types. The functional significance of waves is thought to be a mechanism for coordinating cooperative activity. However, the mechanism underlying wave propagation has been controversial. The original idea was that local waves, induced by mechanical stimulation, propagated by the diffusion of IP3 through gap junctions. However, waves in other cells appear to utilize the movement of through gap junctions. Other mobilizing messengers may also move between cells. More recently, evidence has been found for an extracellular messenger, probably ATP, in the propagation of waves. The source of the ATP is unclear but may this may be related to the presence of gap junction hemichannels. Although these multiple mechanism of wave propagation appear to be in conflict, each relies on the signaling mechanisms of the individual cell. As a result, a unifying hypothesis can be presented that encompasses each mechanism. The conclusion of this hypothesis is that waves in different cells can be propagated by different but related mechanisms and that it is likely that individual cells uses these multiple mechanisms of propagation simultaneously.

Razvan Satnoianu - razvansa@maths.ox.ac.uk

Reading Chemotaxis in Bacteria: Experimental and Mathematical Modelling of Response to Uniform Temporal Signals

Main author: Razvan Satnoianu,
Co-authors: Helen Packer, Judy Armitage, Philip Maini

Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute and Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3LB, UK.

The response of Rhodobacter spheroides cells to change in nutrient concentration is analysed when the cells where tethered by their flagella and subjected to temporal uniform and stepwise changes in concentration signals. Using motion analysis, changes in flagellar motor rotation speed of individual cells were measured. They were used to model mathematically bacterial spatio-temporal response. Based on the individual cell behaviour a stochastic approach at cellular level leads to the macroscopic Fokker-Plank partial-differential equation, which describes the population behaviour. This accounts for both the random motility of the cells and the drift behaviour related to chemotaxis in such chemical cues. It contains both diffusion and convection terms. The Fokker-Plank equation has two macroscopic parameters, which have a nonlinear dependence on the nutrient concentration and were obtained by fitting the experimental results. The drift coefficient measures the chemotaxis sensitivity. It is the first time that this coefficient is derived based on experimental observations. Our result shows that it has a sigmoidal, single peaked form. Our model predictions indicate the optimum range of taxis response as well as showing that taxis is eventually destroyed at very large concentrations. The same behaviour is uncovered in the motility (diffusion) coeffient as the strength of the cue increases. However, we show that taxis is stronger than diffusion (motility). We analyse the PDE Fokker-Plank analytically and numerically and obtain prediction of the spatio-temporal behaviour (distance and speed of the spreadings). Our results map the response to the full nutrient range and therefore are applicable to any full detail models. This is the first time modelling of the chemotaxis response in temporal gradients is based on experimental data akin to a physiological context as opposed to previous studies that were based on heuristic assumptions. Our theoretical approach is not restricted to only analysing responses to flat gradients and can be used to understand the response to non-linear gradients as well. This will be presented elsewhere.


Thomas Sauter - sauter@isr.uni-stuttgart.de

Measurements and Modeling of the Dynamic Sucrose Response of Escherichia coli

T. Sauter and E.D. Gilles

Institut für Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik, Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany

The dynamic responses of E. coli LJ210 (scr+) to a sucrose-puls and stop feeding in a continous fermentation have been measured. There are measurements available for different glycolysis-metabolites and a component of the phosphotransferase system (PTS). A detailed model of the PTS and the glycolysis describes well the experimental data. Further implications for the signal transduction via the PTS within the functional unit 'quest of food' are discussed based on simulation studies.

Christoph F. Schmidt - cfs@nat.vu.nl

Micromechanics of the ncd motor protein

Christoph F. Schmidt

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dept. Biophysics and Physics of Complex Systems

We use single-molecule techniques, optical tweezers and laser interferometry, to study the dynamics of biological motor proteins. Motor proteins are nanometer-sized mechanical engines converting chemical energy into mechanical work to drive a large variety of dynamic processes in cells. They do this in a watery environment at room temperature. That means that apart from the stochastic nature of the chemical reaction driving the process, the motors have to deal with or can maybe harness the thermal energy of their environment. A multitude of simplified physical models have been proposed describing these motors as ''thermal ratchets''.

High-resolution optical techniques have allowed us to detect intramolecular motions on the nanometer scale. I will report on recent experimental results on a motors of the kinesin protein family, namely the ncd motor. This motor is non-processive and we could detect power strokes. This behavior is similar to that of myosin, but differs in an important aspect. The power strokes occur at the end of attachment periods, which excludes certain classes of thermal ratchet models.

Hans-J. Schnittler - hans.schnittler@mailbox.tu-dresden.de

Quantification of shear stress-induced cell migration
in endothelial cultures

Peter Dieterich, Jochen Seebach, Roland Preuss, and Hans-J. Schnittler

Physiologisches Institut, Technische Universität Dresden
Centre for Interdisciplinary Plasma Science, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Garching, Germany

Cell migration within confluent cultures is a complex phenomenon requiring a subtle dynamical regulation of intercellular and basal junctions. In addition, shear stress induces a broad variety of molecular processes modifying migratory activity. We apply experimental and theoretical techniques to detect and quantify these effects. Confluent endothelial cells are observed by phase contrast microscopy. Defining characteristic parameters to capture the dynamics of individual cells and the cell ensemble, we find a typical phase-like response to the onset of shear stress with the following time-course: Resting conditions (phase I), change of motility (phase II), onset of alignment (phase III), and finally cell elongation. In addition, impedance spectroscopy delivers information about the transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) calculated on the basis of a mathematical model. Bayesian data analysis is employed in the determination of the model parameters in order to incorporate all information provided by the experiment. Continous application of shear stress caused an initial, transient, reversible and shear stress-dependent increase in TER between 2 to 15% within 10 to 20 minutes followed by a decrease up to 20% under control levels. After that time period TER increases over control levels within hours. Alterations in TER correlate with changes in cell motility and orientation. Finally, these results are related to biological activities as time-dependent tyrosin phosphorylation and actin (de-)polymerisation of the cytoskeleton.

Birgit Schöberl - schoeberl@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de


B. Schöberl , C. Eichler , G. Müller and E. D. Gilles

Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
Leipziger Str. 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany

Institute for Cell Biology and Immunology, University of Stuttgart
Allmandring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Cell division of human cells is regulated by cytokines in particular by growth factors. Numerous cases of tumor development are based on malfunction of growth signaling cascades triggered by cytokines. In our work we compare the two cytokines TNF and EGF with respect to their ability to activate ERK via the MAP Kinase cascade. The mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases transduce proliferative or differentiation signals to the nucleus. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a pleitropic cytokine capable of inducing, depending on the cell type, very different cellular reactions like proliferation or apoptosis. Epidermal Growth Factor plays a complex role during embryonic and postnatal development. Increased expression of EGF receptor was found in human carcinomas suggesting a role for EGF receptor in tumor progression.

While the interacting molecules of the MAP kinase cascade are structurally and biochemically well characterized, the kinetics of the network of parallel and consecutive processes comprising positive and negative regulatory control are difficult to anticipate. This complexity of biological signaling, however may be approached by computational methods, particularly in quantitative terms.

In this work we compare the mechanisms and features of the TNF-R1 and EGF-R induced ERK activation. We will discuss e. g. the influence of the receptor number, cytokine concentration or the overexpression of certain signalling molecules on ERK activation. The mathematical models are based on kinetic data and observations retained from literature and own experimental data. The experimental verfication of hypotheses and of predictions indicate that mathematical modelling can serve as a tool to gain a hoilistic understanding of complex biological systems.

Jonathan Scholey - jmscholey@ucdavis.edu

Mitotic Motors, Microtubule Flux and the Mechanism of Mitosis

Jonathan M. Scholey

Section of Molecular and Cellular Biology

University of California at Davis

Mitosis, the process by which identical copies of the replicated genome are distributed to the daughter products of each nuclear division, depend upon the action of the mitotic spindle, a bipolar machine made of microtubules and microtubule-based motor proteins (1). We are studying the mechanics of spindle action using early Drosophila embryos as a model system. We are studying mitotic motors in order to learn how multiple microtubule-dependent motors contribute to spindle morphogenesis and chromatid segregation in Drosophila syncitial blastoderm-stage embryos. These embryos are amenable to biochemical, genetic and cytological analysis of mitotic mechanisms, and previous work showed how three mitotic motors, a bipolar kinesin, KLP61F (2,3), a C-terminal kinesin, Ncd and cortical dynein, function in a coordinated pathway that serves to precisely position spindle poles during spindle assembly, maintenance and elongation (4-6). Unpublished work shows that a fourth mitotic motor, KLP3A, also contributes to the balance of forces that positions spindle poles during mitosis (Kwon et al, 2001; in preparation). In collaboration with Dr Alex Mogilner (UCD department of Mathematics) we have recently initiated mathematical modeling studies that are aimed at producing quantitative descriptions of how multiple motor proteins might contribute to the positioning of spindle poles. Finally, we have been studying the relative roles of microtubule flux and kinetochore motors on anaphase chromosome-to-pole motion in Drosophila embryos. Our data suggest that flux is too slow to account for the rates of chromatid-to-pole motion that we observe, and we favour the hypothesis that dynein localized on the kinetochore plays an important role in transporting chromatids to opposite spindle poles during anaphase A (7).

1. Sharp et al (2000) Nature, 407; 41-47.
2. Cole et al (1994) J. Biol. Chem, 269; 22913-22916.
3. Kashina et al (1996) Nature, 379; 270-272.
4. Sharp et al (1999) J. Cell Biol., 144; 125-138.
5. Sharp et al (1999) Nature Cell Biol. 1; 51-54.
6. Sharp et al (2000) Mol Biol. Cell., 11; 241-253.
7. Sharp et al (2000) Nature Cell Biol., 2; 922-930.

Udo Seifert - useifert@mpikg-golm.mpg.de

Dynamics of Binding and Unbinding of Membranes and Molecules

Udo Seifert

Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung
14424 Potsdam, Germany

Binding and unbinding of lipid membranes or of specific receptor/ ligand pairs are ubiquitous phenomena in biophysics. Model systems for studying these problems include vesicles interacting with substrates and, on a more local scale, dynamical force spectroscopy of such receptor/ligand pairs using AFMs or membrane force probes.

In both cases, not only equilibrium quantities like adhesion or binding energy contribute but also dynamical, i.e., non-equilibrium aspects. Specifically, a recent experiment has shown that bound vesicles can undergo a dynamically induced unbinding transition in shear flow. A theoretical analysis of this phenomenon based on low Reynolds number hydrodynamics yields the critical shear rate as a function of the equilibrium adhesion energy and the geometry of the vesicle [1,2].

For the unbinding of adhesion patches involving several specific molecule pairs, a simple model is introduced. Based on known properties of the unbinding of a single pair, predictions are made how the critical force required to rupture several parallel bonds depends on both the number of bonds initially present and the dynamical loading rate [3]. In particular, we show how the continuum limit is reached for quasi-static pulling when rebinding events are included [4].

[1] U. Seifert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 876 (1999)

[2] S. Sukumaran and U. Seifert, Phys. Rev. E, in press

[3] U. Seifert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2750 (2000)

[4] U. Seifert, in preparation

Hana Sevcikova - Hana.Sevcikova@vscht.cz

Effects of an applied electric field on aggregation
of Dictyostelium discoideum

Jiri Lindner, Lenka Forstova, Hana Sevcikova;

Department of Chemical Engineering and
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Systems
Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic

The aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum (DD) cells in the cell suspension is mediated by chemoattractant cyclic adenosin monophosphate (cAMP) which propagates from randomly organized centers in the form of spiral or circular pulses of increased cAMP concentration. DD cells feel the arriving cAMP and respond to it by both an autocatalytic production of cAMP and by the motion against the gradient of cAMP. The periodic emission of cAMP pulses from the centers enable DD cells to gather in these centers and create fruiting bodies. The propagation of cAMP pulses, resulting from the mutual interaction of both an autocatalytic production of cAMP in cells and the diffusive transport of cAMP through the intercellular space, can be altered by an externally applied electric field that can enhance the transport of negatively charged cAMP.

The presented poster will show the results of numerical studies of an applied electric field on the cAMP pulses propagating in the model, spatially 2 dimensional, layer of DD cells. In the model the Martiel-Goldbeter kinetic scheme is used to describe the production of cAMP and Nernst-Planck equation is used to describe the intercellular transport of cAMP both by diffusion and by electromigration. Depending on the strength and the orientation the electric fields of low intensities (up to 6V/cm) were found to i) change both the propagation velocity and the amplitude of the pulses, ii) to annihilate the propagating pulse, and iii) to induce the formation of new centers of cAMP pulses. The poster aims to present also the results of now undertaken experimental studies of electric field effects on some features of DD cells aggregation.

Tatsuo Shibata - shibata@fhi-berlin.mpg.de

Collective Motions in a Network of Chaotic Elements

Tatsuo Shibata

Department of Physical Chemistry
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany

In a network of chaotic elements when the strength of the interaction among elements is small enough, motion of elements seems to be independent each other. Accordingly, the system is in a high-dimensional chaotic state. However, a certain macroscopic quantity shows some dynamical property, rather than fluctuations, ranging from low dimensional torus to high-dimensional chaos. This has been called collective motion in a network of chaotic elements. In this presentation, we will study the effect of external fluctuations or the effect of external forcing on such collective motions.

[1] Tatsuo Shibata and Kunihiko Kaneko, ``Tongue-Like Bifurcation Structures of the Mean-Field Dynamics in a Network of Chaotic Elements'', Physica 124D, (1998) 177-200.

[2] Tatsuo Shibata and Kunihiko Kaneko, ``Collective Chaos'', Physical Review Letters 81, (1998) 4116-4119.

[3] Tatsuo Shibata, Tsuyoshi Chawanya and Kunihiko Kaneko, ``Noiseless Collective Motion out of Noisy Chaos'', Physical Review Letters 82, (1999)4424.

Somdatta Sinha - SINHA@wiko-berlin.de

Modelling of Simple Biochemical Networks

R. Maithreye & Somdatta Sinha

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, India

Designing simple biochemical networks that can regulate temporal expression of multiple genes and their products can provide, among other applications, a theoretical framework for understanding regulation of gene expression in cells. We have modelled a simple three-step biochemical network which is negatively regulated in three distinct biologically realistic manner as observed in cellular systems. We have studied the dynamic behaviour of the three models for changes in parameters and the state variable. The robustness of the three networks varies considerably under perturbations.

Preben Graae Sørensen - pgs@kiku.dk

Full-scale model of glycolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

F. Hynne, S. Danø and P. G. Sørensen

Department of Chemistry
Center for Chaos and Turbulence Studies (CATS)
H. C. Ørsted Institute
University of Copenhagen

We present a powerful, general method of fitting a model of a biochemical pathway to experimental metabolite concentrations and dynamical properties measured at a stationary state, when the mechanism is largely known but kinetic parameters are lacking. Rate constants and maximum velocities are calculated from the experimental data by simple algebra without numerical integration of the kinetic equations. Using this direct approach, we fit a comprehensive model of glycolysis and glycolytic oscillations in intact yeast cells to data measured on a suspension of living cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae near a Hopf bifurcation and to a large set of stationary concentrations and other data estimated from comparable batch experiments. The resulting model agrees with almost all experimentally known stationary concentrations, with the frequence of oscillation, and with the majority of other experimentally known kinetic and dynamic variables. From the fittet parameters we have calculated the parameters of the corresponding set of coupled Stuart-Landau equations describing the behavior of the yeast cell population. This system of equations have been used to get new information on the mechanism of synchonization of glycolytic oscillations in yeast cells.

Albert Sorribas - albert.sorribas@cmb.udl.es

Building mathematical models from steady-state measurements on intact biochemical systems: On the usefulness of power-law models

Albert Sorribas, Benito Hernández-Bermejo

Departament de Ciències Mèdiques Bàsiques, Universitat de Lleida
Av. Rovira Roure 44, 25198-Lleida, Spain.

Service de Physique Théorique et Mathématique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences, CP 231 Boulevard du Triomphe, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Mathematical models based on experimental data obtained on the intact system are fundamental for characterizing the system behavior in situ. Modeling strategy are usually based on classical enzyme kinetics rate-laws derived from in vitro experiments. Besides leading to complicated models that are difficult to analyze, the convenience of using in vitro derived rate-laws must be careful evaluated. In general, there is no guaranty that these in vitro rate-laws represent the enzyme kinetics in situ. Characterization in isolation does not assure a realistic identification of interactions and regulatory influences. Furthermore, in vitro experiments operate far from the actual conditions within the cell. To overcome these problems, we should focus on methods that can provide a valid description for the whole system investigated in situ. Different methods based on sensitivity analysis have been suggested to fit this goal. Among others, Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) and Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA) provide practical approximations for complex pathways. If we are interested in numerical simulations and steady-state analysis, models based on the power-law formalism provide a useful approach. These models are the fundaments of BST and they are especially suited for investigating design principles in metabolic pathways and for critically evaluating large models. Although these models have produced an important amount of useful results, the problem of model building from data on the intact system is still not fully solved. As a contribution towards a systematic way of building an useful model from steady-state experimental data, we present the use of power-law models based on least-square estimation of the required parameters.

The power-law formalism was initially derived as a Taylor series approximation in logarithmic space for kinetic rate-laws. The resulting models, either as Generalized Mass Action (GMA) or as S-systems models, allow to characterize the target system and to simulate its dynamical behavior in response to external perturbations and parameter changes. While this definition is appropriate from a theoretical point of view, its application to measured data may lead to some practical problems. Particularly, experimental data covering a given operational range may conflict with the single operating point used in the Taylor approach. Without leaving the general formalism, we recently proposed to derive the power-law representation in an alternative way that uses least-squares (LS) minimization instead of the traditional derivation based on Taylor series [1, 2]. Besides providing an alternative to the classical Taylor power-law, that can be considered a particular case when the operating interval is reduced to a single point, the LS power-law so defined is more consistent with the results that can be obtained by fitting experimental data points. The resulting power-law is unique within the considered operating range in contrast with the different Taylor power-laws that could be derived considering different operating points in this range. In that sense, the kinetic orders are constant for a given operating range. According to its averaging nature, LS power-law models are indicated for simulating the system's behavior within the studied range. This is particularly advantageous when the system variables fluctuates as a response to some forcing function. We shall present some examples and discuss the implications of the LS strategy for modeling a metabolic pathway. Simulation experiments will show the utility of this approach on building-up a mathematical model of a pathway from steady-state experimental data [3].


[1] Hernández-Bermejo, B.; Fairén, V.; Sorribas, A. Power-law modeling based on least-squares minimization criteria. Math. Biosc. (1999) 161:83-94

[2] Hernández-Bermejo, B.; Fairén, V.; Sorribas, A. Power-law modeling based on least-squares criteria: Consequences for system analysis and simulation. Math. Biosc. (2000) 167:87-107

[3] Sorribas, A.; Hernández-Bermejo, B. Modeling a metabolic pathway from steady-state measurements on the intact system: on the usefulness of least-squares derived power-law models. (2001) Biochem.J. (submitted)

Joachim P. Spatz - Joachim.Spatz@urz.uni-heidelberg.de

Stimulating, Manipulating, and Probing the Mechanical Behaviour of Fibroblast and Melanocyte Cells on Nanostructured Surfaces

Joachim P. Spatz, Ralf Kemkemer, Alexandre Micoulet, Marcell Ott,
Wouter Roos

Heidelberg University, Biophysikalische Chemie, Institut für Physikalische Chemie
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

The response of cells to topography of substratum was one of the first phenomena observed in tissue culture and several studies have shown that surface topography is an important factor in controlling the shape and function of cells. The chemical-physical properties of synthetic macromolecules and peptides have been used to modify surfaces on the molecular level. These surfaces were used to manipulate the adhesion and motility properties of GFP-actin fibroblast cells based on single receptors allowing the cells to be probed with a pattern made of single receptors. We investigated the regulation of cell shape of cultured human melanocytes grown on surfaces with different topography and biochemical pattern. The cellular morphology of melanocytes is a measurable indicator for cell reaction to the cellular environment. The characteristic cellular shape of different cell cultures was quantified by different shape parameters like the number and length of dendrites. A mathematical model describes the adjustment of the cell shape parameters by a set-point and additive intrinsic noise. A decreased signal-to-noise ratio was found for melanocyte cells concerning the number of dendrites and orientation of dendrites if cultured on biochemically and topographically structured substrates.

Thomas Surrey - surrey@embl-heidelberg.de


Thomas Surrey, Francois Nédélec, Stanislas Leibler, Eric Karsenti

European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cell Biology and Biophysics
Meyerhofstr. 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Motor proteins and microtubules are of crucial importance for self-organization of the intracellular architecture. Here, we study the morphogenetic properties of mixtures of two oligomeric motor proteins with opposite directionality. In in vitro systems consisting of purified proteins, we observe how motor/microtubule networks organize themselves into specific patterns. We also use numerical computer simulations to reproduce these observations and to study the influence of individual kinetic parameters on pattern formation. We find that mixtures of oligomeric motors with opposite directionality are capable of organizing microtubules into a variety of structures like asters, vortices or mixtures of these patterns. Under certain conditions, interconnected microtubule networks consisting of spindle-like structures arise. Which type of pattern forms, depends on the two motors' kinetic properties and their concentrations. While some parameters influence only the 'intensity' of self-organization of a given type of pattern, others are identified to be crucial for determining the 'type' of the generated pattern itself. These results demonstrate the combinatorial power of mixtures of motors with different kinetic properties and emphasize the structural role of kinetic parameters in self-organizing motor/microtubule networks.

Ira Swameye - swameye@immunbio.mpg.de

Cycling as an essential building principle of a signalling pathway identified by data driven dynamic modeling

I. Swameye, T. Müller, J. Timmer, O. Sandra, U. Klingmüller

MPI of Immunbiology, Stübeweg 51, 79108 Freiburg, Germany
Center for Data Analysis and Modeling, Eckerstr.1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany

Considerable progress has been made identifying the molecular composition of complex signalling networks controlling cell proliferation, differentiation and survival. However, to discover general building principles and quantitatively predict the behavior of signalling networks it is essential to develop data driven dynamic mathematical models describing experimental observations. Here we report a dynamical model of the core module of the JAK-STAT signalling pathway based on experimental data. The parameters of the four coupled differential equations were estimated from time resolved measurements of the receptor activation and tyrosine phosphorylated STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription)-5. In contrast to the widely accepted assumption of a linear entity terminated by nuclear export, we demonstrate that effective signal transmission requires multiple successive STAT-5 activation-inactivation cycles. Based on the fitted model we can determine the quantitative behavior of STAT-5 populations not accessible to experimental measurements and reveal that under conditions used STAT-5 resides in the nucleus for approximately 6 minutes. Unexpectedly our studies identify nuclear shuttling as the step most sensitive for perturbations of the system. Thus, quantitative dynamic modeling of signalling pathways can promote functional understanding and identification of targets for medical intervention.

Julie Theriot - theriot@cmgm.stanford.edu

Actin polymerization dynamics, force generation and large-scale symmetry-breaking in cell motility

Julie Theriot

Departments of Biochemistry and of Microbiology & Immunology, Beckman Center
Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA 94305-5307, USA

Polymerizing networks of actin filaments are capable of exerting significant mechanical forces, used by many eukaryotic cells to change shape or to move. Certain intracellular bacterial pathogens, including Listeria monocytogenes, have developed the ability to induce the polymerization of host cell actin filaments on their surface and to harness the resulting force for efficient intra- and intercellular spread. For L. monocytogenes, nucleation of host cell actin filaments is indirectly catalyzed by the bacterial surface protein ActA. ActA is expressed asymmetrically on the bacterial surface, enabling unidirectional movement. Polystyrene microspheres uniformly coated with ActA are, under certain conditions, able to spontaneously break symmetry and initiate unidirectional actin-based movement. The ability to break symmetry is influenced by particle size, ActA protein density, and actin concentration. We have developed a simple stochastic model where each actin filament is modeled as an elastic Brownian ratchet that quantitatively accounts for the observed symmetry-breaking behavior. The presence of the bead effectively couples the polymerization of different filament tips, such that small stochastic fluctuations to be amplified and symmetry-breaking can readily occur for the system as a whole. Once particles start moving, speeds vary considerably among apparently identical individuals, and fluctuate significantly over time. We are currently attempting to expand our stochastic model to account for these speed variations.

Julia Timofeeva - I.Timofeeva@lboro.ac.uk

Solitary pulses and periodic travelling waves in the fire-diffuse-fire model of Ca release

Julia A. Timofeeva

Loughborough University, Department of Mathematical Sciences
72 Abberton Way, LE11 4WG, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK

We study mathematically the fire-diffuse-fire model of Ca release in the both the continuum limit and the limit in which calcium stores are arranged on a regular lattice. The speed and waveform of solitary pulses is explicitly calculated in terms of physiologically significant system parameters. A linear stability analysis shows that it is the faster of the two possible solutions that is stable. The original FDF model is shown to be inadequate for the description of periodic travelling waves. With the inclusion of a simple refractory process the FDF model is shown to sustain periodic waves of the type consistent with more detailed biophysical models. Moreover, a kinematic analysis of the continuum model predicts the existence of doubly periodic waves that bifurcate from those with a single period. Interestingly waves in the lattice FDF model are shown to travel with a non-constant (lurching) profile.

Stephen Turner - S.Turner@ma.hw.ac.uk

A discrete simulation of cancer invasion based on the Potts model

Stephen Turner

Centre for Theoretical Modelling in Medicine
Department of Mathematics
Heriot-Watt University
EH14 4AS Edinburgh, Scotland

We develop a discrete model of malignant invasion using a thermodynamic argument. An extension of the Potts model is used to simulate a population of malignant cells experiencing interactions due to both cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion while also secreting proteolytic enzymes and experiencing a haptotactic gradient. In this way we investigate the influence of changes in cell-cell adhesion on the invasion process. We demonstrate that the morphology of the invading front is influenced by changes in the adhesiveness parameters, and detail how the invasiveness of the tumour is related to adhesion. We show that cell-cell adhesion has less of an influence on invasion compared with cell-medium adhesion, and that increases in both proteolytic enzyme secretion rate and the coefficient of haptotaxis act in synergy to promote invasion. We extend the simulation by including proliferation, and, following experimental evidence, develop an algorithm for cell division in which the mitotic rate is explicitly related to changes in the relative magnitudes of cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesiveness. We show that although an increased proliferation rate usually results in an increased depth of invasion into the extracellular matrix, it does not invariably do so, and may, indeed, cause invasiveness to be reduced.

Andrej Vilfan - av242@phy.cam.ac.uk

Collective oscillations of molecular motors

Andrej Vilfan

Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory, TCM Group
Madingley Road, CB3 0HE, Cambridge, UK

We study a three-state model for myosin-like molecular motors and show that a hysteresis in the force-displacement (as well as in the force-velocity) relation can occur. If the stiffness of the elastic element coupled to the motor is considered as an external parameter, the system passes through a bifurcation and can generate oscillations above the bifurcation. We determine the frequency, amplitude and shape of these oscillations.

We apply the results to the model for auditory hair-cells found in non-mammalian vertebrates. There a system of mechanically activated transduction-channels and myosin motors provides a self-tuned Hopf-bifurcation which can amplify weak input signals and detect a broad range of amplitudes.

Eberhard Voit - voiteo@musc.edu

Functional Integration of Genomic and Metabolic Data

Eberhard O. Voit

Department of Biometry and Epidemiology
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC 29425, U.S.A.

Modern methods of genomics are producing an unprecedented amount of raw data. The interpretation and explanation of these data constitute a major, well-recognized challenge. The standard approach of analysis is clustering either by the degree of expression in a given cell line, by experimental conditions across cell lines, or by both simultaneously. This approach provides an excellent tool for searching genes with yet unknown function. However, clustering does not tell the whole story. For instance, we analyzed expression profiles in yeast following heat shock and found that even within the same pathway (glycolysis), genes coding for subsequent catalytic steps show very different levels of expression. The presentation briefly reviews a static model of the heat shock scenario [1], which we formulated as an S-system within the framework of Biochemical Systems Theory (BST) [2, 3] and analyzed with the freeware PLAS(c) [4]. Insights from this model offer some explanations of the differences in expression. They also indicate that dynamical features must be considered for a fuller understanding. The presentation discusses some preliminary findings concerning these critical dynamical features.

[1] Voit, E.O., and T. Radivoyevitch: Biochemical systems analysis of genome-wide expression data, Bioinformatics 16(11), 1023-1037, 2000
[2] Savageau, M.A.: Biochemical Systems Analysis. J. Theor. Biol. 25, 365-369 & 370-379, 1969
[3] Voit, E.O.: Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems. A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, xii + 530 pp., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000
[4] PLAS(c): http://correio.cc.fc.ul.pt/ aenf/plas.html (António E. N. Ferreira)

Evgenii Volkov - volkov@lpi.ru

Noise-induced abnormal enhancement of interspike variability in the ring of inhibitorily coupled relaxation oscillators

E.I. Volkov and D.V. Volkov

Department Theoretical Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute
Leninskii 53, Moscow, Russia

The deterministic and the noise-dependent dynamics of a ring of three ohmically coupled electronic relaxation oscillators are considered by means of numerical simulations. Each isolated oscillator is described by a set of two ordinary differential equations with very different characteristic times. The emergence of the limit cycle via the Hopf bifurcation results from the N-shaped current-versus-voltage characteristic of the nonlinear resistor. The phase diagram for a ring of three such oscillators was calculated in the presence of a small detuning. Special attention is focused on two parameter areas, one near a transition to the homogeneous and the other to the inhomogeneous stable steady state. Along with other nontrivial limit cycles, essentially asymmetrical limit cycles, termed dynamic traps, may arise in these two areas. The dynamic trap is the regime in which one or two oscillators do not perform full-amplitude oscillations and, correspondingly, do not generate spikes. The interspike interval distributions in the presence of noise were calculated as a function the coupling strength in both areas of the parameter plane. The distributions proved extremely polymodal near the homogeneous steady state even if the in-phase limit cycle was dominating. The origins of this abnormal enhancement of ISI variability are discussed in detail. Similar analysis showed that nontrivial periodic attractors were observable in the vicinity of the inhomogeneous stable steady states only if the level of noise was relatively low. In this case, the dominance of the in-phase limit cycle basin resulted in an almost unimodal distribution of interspike intervals.

George von Dassow - dassow@u.washington.edu

Conspiracy Theory: Using Models to Explore How Dynamic Networks Animate Cells

George von Dassow, Eli Meir, Ed Munro, and Garrett Odell

University of Washington, Dept. of Zoology and
Friday Harbor Labs, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250, USA

Our group pursues several studies in which we think dynamical models, reconstituted from known facts in the way biochemists reconstitute metabolic processes from purified components, will help us understand how simple rules governing myriad interactors lead to complex behavior. I'll mention two such projects briefly, and one, modeling gene networks, in more detail. Some years ago we became interested in the idea that developmental mechanisms consist of modules, where modulemeans a group of tightly interconnected genes and gene products that together exhibit some intrinsic behavior. We've explored this idea using dynamical models in which we represent a gene network as a system of coupled ordinary differential equations. We've concocted models of two modules: the segment polarity and neurogenic networks, characterized first in Drosophila. Both are ancient, and both play diverse roles in development in flies and diverse animals. We wanted to know, is there something about these networks that causes them to be conserved through deep evolutionary time, and that causes them to be re-deployed in so many developmental contexts? Or is it just evolutionary conservatism? We found that even minimal models of both networks are astonishingly robust to changes in parameters (i.e., the rate constants and coefficients that govern biochemical interactions) and initial conditions, and even architecture. I'll describe where we think this kind of robustness comes from, mechanistically and teleologically: the former, in these two cases at least, has partly to do with cooperativity,äs anticipated by the biochemists who first described the phenomenon of allostery, and the latter, we suspect, may have partly to do with evolutionary pressure to tolerate the presence of multiple alleles in sexually reproducing populations.

Eric von Lieres - eric@von-lieres.de

Metabolic modeling:

principles, tools and current problems

Eric von Lieres and Wolfgang Wiechert

Universität Siegen, Fachbereich Maschinentechnik, Institut Mechanik und Regelungstechnik, Abteilung Simulationstechnik, Paul-Bonatz-Strasse 9-11, 57068 Siegen, Germany

In recent years modeling and simulation of metabolic processes in vivo has become an important tool, particularly with regard to the quantity of data being generated and stored in huge databases. Aims are the evaluation of metabolic experiments, an understanding of metabolic regulation and the prediction of effects induced by genetic manipulations.

The metabolism of microbial, plant and animal cells is build of thousands of elementary reaction steps. The structure of the stationary chemical reaction network is in general described by:

Here, denotes the vector of reaction-kinetic parameters, the vector of extracellular substrate concentrations, the vector of enzyme concentrations and the vector of metabolite concentrations. denotes the stoichiometric matrix, describing the networks topology induced by mass conservation. In many aspects metabolic networks are similar to networks used for instance in chemical, electrical and hydraulic engineering.

In contrast to classical reaction networks the reaction kinetics in metabolic models originate in biochemistry. The cells complex regulatory structure leads to specific problems in modeling and simulation, since enzymatically catalyzed reactions in general depend on a multitude of factors. In particular, the study of enzymes in vivo is possible quite recently. Due to the system being to be examined as a whole, enzyme functionality is measurable only indirectly.

An enzymes specific activity is proportional to its actual amount in the living cell. It depends on the systems metabolic state, which is regulated on the genetic scale. This regulation has to be modeled in order to predict the effect of genetic manipulations. To identify the many parameters of complex models various data sources have to be exploited simultaneously: enzyme and metabolite concentrations, intracellular fluxes and kinetic parameters estimated by in vitro experiments.

Validating and discriminating complex model approaches is the current problem in modeling metabolic networks. Here the aim is a selection of meaningful models that additionally allows an experimental validation. With respect to simulation technologies most of the questions arising in this context have not yet been examined for systems of a whole cells complexity. Moreover, simulation tools for the study of model validation and discrimination are widely missing. This contribution gives an overview to the questions which is currently worked on.

Thomas Walther - walther@ilb.mw.tu-dresden.de

Analysis and Modelling of Pattern Formation During Growth of Yeast Colonies

T. Walther and T. Bley

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Lebensmittel- und Bioverfahrenstechnik
Bergstr. 120, 01069 Dresden

When microorganisms invade a new environment under stringent, i.e. nutrient limiting, conditions, the formation of branched colony patterns can be observed. This mode of growth allows for the capture of a maximum of the surrounding area in the search for new nutrient resources at a minimum expense of biomass and energy. Even single cell organisms, such as bacteria and yeasts are able to form complex fractal structures. This process requires a coordinated growth of the cells that form the colony. Therefore, although the growth pattern is built up of separated cells, on a higher scale the colony can be rather regarded as a single organism that adopts its structure to the environmental conditions in order to ensure the survival of the population. Whereas pattern formation of bacterial colonies was extensively studied throughout the recent years, the growth of yeast colonies has not been in the focus of research yet. However, yeasts represent an ideal model to study the invasion of low nutrient environments by higher fungi that bears ecological and technical relevance. Therefore, we here present the first results of a study of the growth of yeast colonies under nutrient limiting conditions. The model organism used was Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This simple fungus is a well characterized food yeast that cannot form true hyphae and is easily susceptible to genetic manipulations. Transport of nutrients and information within the mycelium can be neglected which simplifies the system that we intend to describe mathematically. The labeling of key genes in the metabolism of the yeast with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) enables us to monitor metabolic activity and cell status on a single cell level by simple fluorescence microscopy. In our studies, S. cerevisiae was cultivated on agar plates and exposed to either nitrogen or carbon limitation. Nitrogen limitation induced the differentiation of the cells to the elongated pseudohyphal growth form. In contrast, cells exposed to carbon limitation remained round-shaped. The differentiation on the single cell scale lead to the formation of essentially different patterns on the colony scale. Whereas nitrogen limited populations of S. cerevisiae formed branched structures similar to colonies of higher fungi, carbon limited populations formed patterns similar to structures formed by immobile bacteria under nutrient limitation. The major challenge in the mathematical simulation of the colony growth is the verification of simulated data and model assumptions by experimental results. In this context, the identification of stationary cells within the pattern represents a crucial problem to compare data acquired from simulations and experiments. As a part of the general stress response, the gene HSP26 is expressed in S. cerevisiae during entry into stationary phase. The labeling of the promotor of HSP26 with GFP leads to an intensive fluorescence of stationary cells and makes it easy to identify them within the pattern. In our contribution we describe the pattern evolution of S. cerevisiae colonies depending on nutrient supply and the use of molecular biological techniques in the monitoring of the growth process during pattern formation.

Cornelis Weijer - c.j.weijer@dundee.ac.uk

The control of cell movement during Dictyostelium morphogenesis

Cornelis J. Weijer

School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee
Wellcome Trust Biocentre, Dundee, DD1 5EH, UK

Starvation results in the chemotactic aggregation of single cells of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum to form a fruiting body. Morphogenesis results from the coordinated movement of differentiating cells. We study the dynamics and geometry signals controlling cell movement during all stages of development. Cell movement is controlled by propagating waves of the chemo-attractant cyclic MP (cAMP). During aggregation these waves have the form of target patterns or simple spirals. In the mound and slug stage of development the waves have more complex geometry's, such as multi-armed scroll waves. We can visualise the dynamics of cAMP signaltransduction in individual cells in the multicellular stages and are analysing the dynamics of cAMP signalling in all celltypes during development in a variety of signalling and motility and chemotaxis mutants. We correlate the signalling and movement response of individual cells and begin to understand how the geometry of the waves in conjunction with a celltype specific differential chemotactic movement results in the organism's characteristic morphogenesis. We have formalised these findings into both continuous and discrete mathematical models that can describe the aggregation, mound and slug stages of Dictyostelium development.
Dormann, D., Vasiev, B. & Weijer, C. J. (2000) Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B 355, 983-991.
Patel, H., Guo, K. D., Parent, C., Gross, J., Devreotes, P. N. & Weijer, C. J. (2000) Embo J.l 19, 2247-2256.

Matthias Weiss - mweiss@embl-heidelberg.de

An in silico approach to protein sorting in the Golgi apparatus

Matthias Weiss

EMBL Heidelberg, Nilsson lab, Cell Biology and Biophysics Programme
Meyerhofstr. 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

The Golgi apparatus of eukaryotic cells is of crucial importance for the modification of newly synthesized proteins ('cargo'). This organelle is located in a juxtanuclear position and consists of a polarized stack of distinct flattened compartments ('cisternae'). Cargo enters the stack at the cis face and leaves it via the trans cisterna. Golgi-resident enzymes exhibit peaked steady-state distributions across the stack, i.e. some locate to the cis face while others are most abundant in medial or trans cisternae. This steady state is interesting since all cisternae are subject to a default cis to trans movement ('maturation'), i.e. the trans-most cisterna disassembles while a new cisterna is assembled at the cis face de novo. Thus, cargo never needs to leave the cisternae while being processed. To accomplish the observed steady state distributions of Golgi-resident proteins, however, this default anterograde flux needs to be compensated by retrograde transport via coated vesicles, which contain only little amounts of cargo molecules. In this contribution it is shown that a simple triggered sorting mechanism can account for the experimentally observed robust steady state distributions. Furthermore, a more detailed model is proposed how Golgi-resident enzymes are distinguished from cargo while forming the retrograde vesicles. This model is in well agreement with experimental observations.

Hans V. Westerhoff - hw@bio.vu.nl

The genome alive: intelligent functioning of the living cell

Hans V. Westerhoff

BioCentrum Amsterdam

With the sequencing of entire genomes, the inventory of autonomously living cells has become complete. However, the parts list of a Boeing 747 gives little insight in how the plane flies and neither does the inventory of yeast explain why it lives. Dominant aspects of living cells extend beyond the information that is contained in the linear sequence of its DNA. The former include (i) hysteresis, i.e. that living systems only arise as extensions of preexisting living systems, (ii) biocomplexity, i.e. that many functional properties arise in the nonlinear interactions between molecular processes, (iii) limited self organization controlled by prespecification, and (iv) the requirement to be removed from equilibrium yet robust. Simple organisms have eight times more genes than essential. More evolutionary time has been spent in optimizing already successful life (phase II) than in generating it (phase I). Of course we shall need to identify the structure and molecular activity of most gene products to understand phase I, and I shall illustrate a new and FANCY method that may help to do so. However, it will be even more important to come to grips with phase II. Here sophisticated analysis of the Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems will require Experiments and Models to go hand in hand. I will briefly describe the corresponding Silicon Cell initiative of the BioCentrum Amsterdam. I will illutrate it by discussing experiments and models that support the thesis that the essence of as 'simple' a cell as E. coli resides more in its macromolecular neural network than in its individual molecules.