Atomic processes in ultra-intense fields

Alfred Maquet, Carsten Szymanowski, Richard Taieb, and Valerie Veniard

Laboratoire de Chimie Physique-Matiere et Rayonnement
(UMR 7614 du CNRS)
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
11, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE

The advent of ultra-high intensity (table-top) laser sources, makes possible the observation of highly non-linear effects, some of them involving relativity, in atom-laser interactions. The dominant effects originate from the fact that an atomic electron in the presence of an ultra-strong laser field can experience a significant mass shift and can acquire relativistic velocities as its ponderomotive (quiver-) energy can become comparable to its rest mass.

Moreover, when an isolated atom is exposed to an ultra intense pulse of an infrared laser, it is admitted that the outer shells of the atom will be at once ionized. Under such extreme circumstances, it is expected that the response of a low density sample of atoms will be dominated by the relativistic dynamics of the electrons within the laser field. It appears however that the dynamics of atomic ionization affects significantly the spatial distribution of the ejected photoelectrons. We shall comment several issues related to this question as well as to other topics such as the radiative processes experienced by electrons in the presence of the laser field.

Present address: Rochester Theory Center for Optical Sciences and Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester. Rochester, NY 14627 USA.

Extreme Fields