Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme

International Workshop on 
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics
May 10-14, 2000 

    Statistical Properties of Species Assembly
    Ugo Bastolla, Michael Lässig, Susanna C. Manrubia, and 
Angelo Valleriani
            We study evolution in `insular' ecosystems, viewed as an example of ecological networks 
            governed by immigration and extinction. A number of quantitative relationships can be 
            inferred from this dynamical picture. In particular we find power-law distributions for 
            species abundance and lifetime, and power-law species-area relationships. In a more 
            general context, the relavance of evolving ecological networks in macroevolutionary 
            processes is discussed.

 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
 Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany
 Tel.: +49-351-871-2105 Fax: +49-351-871-2199