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Dresden, Germany

International workshop and seminar on

Workshop: March 2 - March 6, 1998 Seminar: March 9 - April 9, 1998
Scientific Coordinator:
Günter Radons
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Kiel

The meeting aims at combining methods and knowledge from the field of disordered systems with recent approaches and advances in classical dynamical systems. The interplay between chaos and quenched randomness provides a challenge at the foundations of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and applies to extended nonlinear systems in condensed matter physics and other areas.
Topics: Disordered billiards and generic dynamical systems with disordered potentials, dynamical systems with random couplings, coupled map lattices and spatially continuous dynamical systems with quenched disorder, random walks in random environments and their dynamical realizations, products of random matrices, generalizations of Markov partitions, thermodynamic formalism for disordered systems, applications of replica calculations, dynamical mean-field theory, escape rate formalism, periodic orbit theory, realizations of billiards in heterostructures, chaotic transport, aging phenomena, microscopic approaches to non-equilbrium thermodynamics in the presence of disorder.
The meeting starts with a one-week workshop introducing fundamental concepts, methods, and recent developments. It continues as a seminar with more specialized talks, discussions, and informal working sessions.

Preliminary list of speakers:

H. van Beijeren (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
L. Bunimovich (Atlanta, USA)
E. G. D. Cohen (New York, USA)
B. Derrida (Paris, France)
A. Engel (Magdeburg, Germany)
J. Fritz (Budapest, Hungary)
P. Gaspard (Bruxelles, Belgium)
T. Geisel (Göttingen, Germany)
M. Gundlach (Bremen, Germany)
P. Hänggi (Augsburg, Germany)
H. Horner (Heidelberg, Germany)
K. W. Kehr (Jülich, Germany)
I. Kondor (Budapest, Hungary)
J. Krug (Essen, Germany)
J.-M. Luck (Saclay, France)
Ch. Newman (New York, USA)
H. Posch (Vienna, Austria)
I. Procaccia (Rehovot, Israel)
P. Rujan (Oldenburg, Germany)
H. Spohn (Munich, Germany)
D. Szasz (Budapest, Hungary)
T. Tel (Budapest, Hungary)
B. Toth (Budapest, Hungary)
G. Vattay (Budapest, Hungary)
A. Vulpiani (Roma, Italy)
D. Weiss (Regensburg, Germany)
W. Zimmermann (Jülich, Germany)

Applications for participation should be sent to the address below. Application forms are available upon request or on the conference web page. Registration fee is DM 150. Costs for accommodation and lunch will be covered by the MPI for Physics of Complex Systems. Upon request a limited funding is available to partially contribute towards travel expenses. Deadline for applications is December 31st, 1997

For further information please contact:
Guest Program, Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems,
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden
Tel: 0351-871-2103 Fax: 0351-871-1199
conference e-mail:

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DDS Workshop
Thu Jan 15 17:15:12 MET 1998