Dynamical complexity and synchronization in the brain of drug-addicted rat/mice

Chittaranjan Hens

Council of Scientific and Industrial Reasearch, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, India

Chittaranjan Hens1, Tuhin Suvro Banerjee2, Sumantra Das2, Syamal Kumar Dana1

1Central Instrumentation, Indian Institute of chemical Biology (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Kolkata 700032, India
2Department of Neurobiology, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), Kolkata 700032, India

Studies on changing synchronization in rat/mice brain are made via EEG measurements under narcotic addiction. The multi-channel EEG measurements are done using radio-telemetric probes. Each of the animal models is monitored as control and under drug-induced conditions. Synchrony is investigated using simultaneous EEG time series probed at two different locations of the brain. Changes in complexity are also studied during narcotic addiction and its withdrawal time using attractor reconstruction and lyapunov exponent estimations.
